The Ex Husbands Revenge

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 879

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 879

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 879

Chapter 879

“Thud! Thud!”

Just as Walter was pondering this, a series of footsteps echoed from outside, and a few moments later, Theodore entered the room.

“Grandpa, the Northern King, Harold Lowe wishes to see you. He has something important he wants to discuss with you,” Theodore declared.

“Harold Lowe? What on earth docs he want?” Walter was a little shocked to hear this. Everyone knew t hat the Lowes and Leon never got along, and now that Harold came to him at this time, Walter could ea sily guess that he had come to seek help about Leon and Cynthia’s engagement!

“Theodore, send him in,” he instructed.

“Yes, Grandpa,” Theodore replied and was about to leave when a burst of laughter echoed from outside.

“There’s no need for that, Walter, I’m already here!” Harold cackled as he strode into the room.

“Your Majesty the Northern King, please sit! What can I help you with?” Walter gestured for Harold to sit and sent Theodore out of the room.

“Walter, I’ll just be straightforward with you. I know that Leon Wolf is both the Lowes and the Fields‘ co mmon enemy! Now that he’s about to get engaged to Cynthia Shear, we have to find a way to stop this! Once he becomes the Shears‘ son –in– law, it will be harder for us to get rid of him in the future!” Harold said solemnly as a glint of menace flas hed through his eyes.

“I know that, and I’m the last person who would want to see this marriage happen! However, Leon Wolf is no easy target, and apart from the Shears, he has the Southern King and the Wicks behind his back. I’m afraid that just the Lowes and the Fields alone will not be able to carry this out!” Walter sighed. He a lready sent Morgan and the rest to kill Leon once and for all, but his plan failed and instead led Benedic t and the Southern King, Vincent to take revenge on him.

After that incident, Walter no longer dared to touch even a hair on Leon’s head, not unless he was certa in he would succeed!

“Don’t worry, Mister Fields, I already have a perfect plan. I intend to also ask the Youngs and the Collin s to join our forces! With the four of us, not only will we be able to sabotage Leon and Cynthia’s engage ment, we will even be able to get rid of him once and for all, ruining the Shears entirely!” Harold sneere d. The reason he came to see Walter was to ask him to join their alliance against Leon and the Shears.

It would be better if, during this process, they managed to kill Leon and even defeat the Shears once an

“That sounds like a great idea, but do you think the Youngs and the Collins will agree to join forces?” Wa

Walter still remembered all of this, so now, when Harold brought up the idea of forming an alliance, he w

“Don’t worry about the Youngs. I’ve already talked to them and gotten their word. The only people we ha will pose a huge threat to most of the major families in

Springfield City, and I’m sure the Collins will not want this to happen. If we manage to convince them, I’m


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