The Ex Husbands Revenge

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 922

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 922

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 922

Chapter 922

All the Shears needed to do was move a finger and Elegante Group would be


Leon felt conflicted that Cynthia destroyed his deal with Zerbe Pharmacy; he never

expected to find himself in such a situation with Cynthia despite not seeing her for a


“Cynthia, what are you doing?” Leon sighed.

“What do you think? Don’t you know what you’ve done?!” Cynthia spatted coldly as

she glared at Leon.

Leon called off the engagement a few days ago and she understood that he did so to

save Iris, and she did not blame him for it; however, he immediately got back together

with Iris and abandoned her even after Iris survived, and Cynthia could not forgive him

for doing so.

There was only a thin line between love and hate and all her love for Leon instantly

transformed into resentment, which was why she terminated the contract with

Elegante Group and came to stop Leon from finding another supplier.

“Cynthia, I know that I’ve broken your heart. I’m sorry,” Leon said apologetically.

“I don’t need your apology! I only have one question for you! Now that you’ve

managed to revive Iris, can you come back to me? We can get engaged like we

intended to. I’m begging you,” Cynthia bit on her lower lip and stared at Leon


She only came all the way to destroy Leon’s effort in finding a new supplier because

she wanted an excuse to see him once again.

She loved Leon with all her heart and she wanted to give him one last chance.

“What?!” Mister Zogg’s jaw dropped and widened his eyes in disbelief.

He thought that Leon or Elegante Group somehow crossed Cynthia and realized at

that very moment that Cynthia was only trying to win Leon over.

Cynthia Shear, the mighty lady of the Shears, was begging for a man to return to her

side and the sight made Mister Zogg question everything he knew about the world.

Since he was not a martial artist, he did not know who Leon truly was and did not

know that something even. more shocking happened a few days ago during what was

meant to be an engagement party for Cynthia and Leon.

“Leon, you can’t say yes to that,” Iris paled and panicked as she looked at Leon.

She knew that Leon was a man who valued the people he cared about and she was

concerned that he might agree to Cytnhia’s request, leaving Iris behind on her own.

“I’m sorry, Cynthia. I love Iris and I can’t wrong her, nor will I leave her,” Leon took a

deep breath and rejected Cynthia once again bitterly.

“So you’re still going to choose her!” Tears scrolled down Cynthia’s cheeks.

She knew all along that Leon was in love with Iris and that he would never return to

her, but being rejected by him once again still broke her heart.

“He rejected Miss Shear?!” Mister Zogg gaped in disbelief.

Cynthia was a powerful and beautiful woman and any man would be lucky to be loved

by her.


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