The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 764 - Assassination

Chapter 764 - Assassination

Although I had previously mentioned the idea that light and darkness were actually the same Concept, this wasn’t a result that I arrived at due to my theories or research data.

“This is more like a philosophy… no, superstition, such as performing a ritual before trying to summon an SSR, or wanting to wash yourself completely before starting a new construction project. Since there’s far too many unknowns, this is basically half analysis and half guessing.”

As for this foundational way of thinking, my original world’s eastern concept of Yin and Yang could probably be counted as well, or how the western concept of the elements was always about the fundamental four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind. And for the various creation myths, the east focused on Yin and Yang, while the west focused more on light and darkness. Maybe the western and eastern concepts of creation in my original world seemed like they were quite different, but they were actually quite similar in that it was always foundationally about contradictory powers that clashed with each other while also working together to create everything.

Although this sounded rather ridiculous, what made this seem more realistic was the fact that only when the Goddess of Order and Goddess of Chaos combined their powers would they have the power of Creation. Of course, I had already proved through experimenting that light and darkness, Order and Chaos combined together was indeed capable of creating life.

“Even the most ridiculous sounding theory on how things work can be treated as factual once there’s experimental data that proves it.”

And so, I abandoned all known logic and theories in this world and only analyzed pure facts. I proved that both light and darkness were both embodiments of Order and Chaos, and that it was fundamentally possible to transform one into the other.

“With a successful transformation, no matter if it’s light born from darkness or darkness born from light, it will be an incredibly high-level energy. This is probably the highest possible level of elemental power.”

However, I had constantly failed in managing to transform light or darkness into the other. I even wondered if I had gotten my theory wrong. Yet, I didn’t even know where I might have been wrong since there were far too many unknowns…

“Now, it seems like that random theory I came up with in my free time wasn’t wrong at all. It’s just that completing the transformation from light to darkness requires a far too ridiculous amount of accumulated energy.”

How much Holy Light could the Pillar of Holy Light in Hell accumulate? As Hell was a complete and independent world of its own, the Pillar of Holy Light should have limitless power within Hell.

Just what was the upper limit of Dawn’s strength? Dawn had used three of the highest-level God Equipment as resources in its construction. Even by now, I had yet to find any resources which could have possibly surpassed the Sun God’s mirror, Karolan’s spear, and the Holy Knights’ hammer of inheritance.

What was my personal limit in being able to wield Holy Light? My ancient Order War Angel bloodline was already fully activated. Thanks to this bloodline’s buff, my affinity for Order had already exceeded that of any so-called Order God. I was likely just slightly lower in Order affinity than the Goddess of Order herself. My Double Diamond bloodline physical body was also strong enough that I wouldn’t explode from trying to wield so much power of Order.

My Dawn sword was a part of my body, which meant that Dawn’s ability to gather light would become truly fearsome.

“Praise the Holy Light.”

Although I was praising the Holy Light, I was still astonished by what I witnessed.

After I charged power for half an hour, my entire personal Hell was illuminated, with no darkness to be found anywhere.

After I charged power for four hours, Dawn’s blade of light had become physical in an incredibly solid and stable state, just like a real sword’s blade.

After I charged power for six hours, the light began to turn to darkness.

At first, there was only a shadowy speck, but as time passed, more and more darkness swirled around the blade of light. Inconceivably, this newborn darkness didn’t clash with the light at all. Instead, they mixed together peacefully.

After I charged power for seven hours, Dawn was now half light and half dark. This seemed like a random mixture, but the energy faintly contained within had far exceeded the strength of any so-called forbidden spell, making me wonder just what exactly would happen if this exploded.

After I charged power for eight hours, I finally reached my own limit. Dawn had become completely clear, just like the void itself. This was neither light nor darkness. This was pure silence, just like the most primordial chaos…

“Holy Light, this enemy is worthy of a fight!”

From a certain standpoint, Sarwenstan was rather lucky, as he hadn’t come out of Shupnus’s palace when I had Dawn fully charged, as I was unable to maintain the maximum power charged state for very long. However, he was also unlucky, as I had already charged Dawn for seven hours and thirty minutes currently…

Should I shout out the name of my attack? It wasn’t like I was Saber, but since this was the usual trope…

“Anti-shoe slash (anti-evil slash)!” [TL note: untranslatable joke. “Shoe” and “evil” are homonyms in Chinese.”

Anti-evil slash was one of the most basic techniques for all Holy Knights. All that this technique required was to gather Holy Light on one’s sword before swinging with all your might. As the Holy Knight cultivated and improved in power level, this really simple technique would transform into a nightmare for all evil creatures of Chaos.

This was a sword technique that I had practiced countless times already. Charging power for it and attacking was as easy as breathing to me. It would be impossible for me to miss at such a close distance.

Yet, the moment that I swung my sword, the blade immediately collapsed.

Chaos transformed into light and darkness. The light took over the entire world. Even the undead’s dark sky of death magic was unable to keep out the sun. The dark night transformed into a bright morning as the entire world was illuminated.

“The sky has brightened…”

Even undead from several dozen kilometers away could see the arrival of the bright morning.

Everyone who was at a closer distance was completely blinded. It was impossible to see even with an Undead Emperor’s soul vision.

From outside Asolivis, it was seen that a beam of light penetrated through the entire city after originating from the center. This beam of light destroyed the skeleton soldiers’ camp, ghosts’ camp, and bone dragons’ camp. The beam covered half the city before directly bursting out of the city and continuing to destroy everything in its path until it destroyed the mountains behind Asolivis.

“Did I succeed?”

I was panting heavily. I had no energy or mana remaining. Even I, the user of such a technique, had been blinded. Perhaps this was another side effect of this technique.josei

Strangely, even though the technique had nothing at all to do with sound, I was currently deaf. No, not only that, I couldn’t feel my physical body at all, as if I didn’t even exist. This could only mean that all of my five senses had been blocked off.

No, that still wasn’t all. I could no longer sense my connection with my magical pet, Harloys. This meant that either she was dead, or that the so-called sixth sense of the heart had also been blocked off.

I knew that no matter what the result had been, I no longer had any combat strength. Every single second was time that I could use to escape with my life.

However, it would seem far too uncool to directly run away like this… Since my enemy had also lost their vision, then I would act according to my plan.

I opened up a dimensional crack which transported me right back into my personal Hell world. My enemies would probably never expect that I had yet to leave this location.

I rested on the ground of my personal Hell for 10 full minutes before my senses of hearing and then pain were gradually restored. It took more than 30 minutes for my vision to recover… It seemed that I would need to invent sunglasses in this world before trying to use this technique again.

“How was the result?”

Only now did I ask Harloys this question. She probably reported the result to me already, but our soul connection was temporarily cut off back then. This technique was truly abnormal to have managed to accomplish this.

Harloys showed me an image without saying anything.

The powerful Sarwenstan was missing half of his body. His main human head on the middle and fire element dragon head on the right were missing. Only his ice element dragon head on the left was still connected to his neck. His skin was torn and injured all over. He appeared scorched black everywhere, as if he was a burnt fried chicken leg. A strange golden glow was flowing on his injuries, apparently preventing him from recovering.

I inhaled a cold breath at the sight. Was this really the Lord of Tyranny, a Chaos Main God who was one of the strongest existences in the world? He looked more like a leftover chicken leg… cough cough, I should be more respectful.

Since it was impossible for me to miss at such a close distance, it appeared that Sarwenstan had taken the entire brunt of the attack. Yet, he still managed to survive, even if this was likely the most pitiful he had ever been in his life.

Harloys showed me another image right after this – a skeleton which was being bathed in thunder and flames. His pale white soulfire seemed like it was about to go out at any moment, yet still contained such powerful hatred which almost seemed like a physical curse.


“Yeah. He used Sarwenstan as a shield and managed to survive. Apart from them two, everything else here was completely annihilated, including one Devil Lord and one Dimensional Door.”

Harloys then showed me a bird’s eye view image of Asolivis. It appeared as if someone had taken an eraser and wiped horizontally through the city. A large patch of ground had been transformed into pure whiteness in an utmost unscientific manner. The beam of light had directly destroyed a Dimensional Door before penetrating through several mountains in the distance.

“Is this still a sword? Isn’t this more like a map-wide cannon barrage?”

[There are so many swords these days that are being used as cannons. Don’t you see how swordsmen are leveling up to cannoneer job classes in certain video games? There are even seven or eight characters with nearly identical portraits. Those who only know how to slice are so outdated already.]

I decided to ignore this mysterious comment. Still, it seemed like my System was in a rather good mood.

[Now that you have this technique, you’ll finally be able to beat up your younger brother. This will mean that my teaching ability isn’t any worse than my younger sister’s.]

Her words were rather confusing, but I was finally able to understand what she meant. I never thought that she was still brooding on such a subject.

[Ridiculous, of course I’d worry over this. You and your younger brother are twins, yet you’ve always been so much weaker than him. Isn’t it normal for me to start doubting things? I wouldn’t have been worried for so many years if only you were slightly more reliable. Still, this time… you’re finally at the same level as him.]

My System’s voice started out with dissatisfaction, but then finished with calmness that was filled with exclamations, as if, as if…

[As if I’m a mother who finally watched her son succeed? In a way, I really am your mother.]

I was instantly rendered speechless. In a way? In a way, she was also the mother of all life in this world! Please, don’t just claim to be someone else’s mother so casually!

[I really am your mother…]

I wisely abandoned this topic and directly ignored my System who was still laughing at me in my mind. My brain would likely explode if I continued this topic, so I decided instead to focus on what was before me.

Sarwenstan still wasn’t dead? This was actually within my expectations from the very beginning. Chaos Main Gods would have countless lifesaving techniques. Even if I had struck Sarwenstan with my technique at maximum power, an energy level strong enough to threaten even a Chaos Main God, he still likely would have managed to use a technique to live.

Being able to accomplish so much was already quite a pleasant surprise. As for what came after… I would have to wait for the news headlines. My enemies were a Chaos Main God and an Undead Emperor, after all. They would definitely have plenty of lifesaving techniques as well as techniques to drag their enemies into death with them if they died. It would be far too foolish if I tried to attack and finish them off right now.

“This means that I’m going to run away right after acting pretentiously… er, I mean that it’s time for a strategic repositioning after a victory.”

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