The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: Have a Hard Time at the End of the Year

Chapter 199: Have a Hard Time at the End of the Year

"According to the description of the people in the Department of Health and Welfare, it is very likely that the murderer threw the body by using the carriage, but because it has just snowed heavily, it is difficult to find clues at the scene of the body."

"The wine spilled on the body is the most common Fenjiu in the tavern. Now it is New Year's Day. I don't know how much of this wine is sold in a day, so I can't find out."

"But I found something strange on the body."

Lao Xu, the corpse examiner, said as he tore open their clothes covered in ice, exposing the two arms of the deceased, and then gave way to the side, saying, "Please have a look, Lord."

Sun Shaozong came forward and looked at it carefully. Qiu Yunfei also put his head up, but he only saw the same edema in the two arms and didn't see any difference.

At this moment, Sun Shaozong murmured, "The subcutaneous hemorrhage in the right arm is obviously more than that in the left arm..."

Subcutaneous hemorrhage?

What is that?

When Qiu Yunfei was wondering, he saw Sun Shaozong stretching his hands on the two arms, kneading them each, and pulling up the legs of the deceased's trousers, rubbing them for a while at the swelling area.

After touching the first body, Sun Shaozong quietly went to the second body, stripped off his clothes, and did the same thing. Then he frowned and began to meditate.

Qiu Yunfei was puzzled, so he went up and poked Lao Xu in the waist. He asked in a low voice, "What is subcutaneous hemorrhage? What do you want him to see?"

"Look carefully."

Lao Xu pointed to the two unicorn arms and explained, "The right arm of these two corpses are obviously more swollen than the left arm and legs, and the blood red spots exuded from the skin are also more than the latter..."

Qiu Yunfei was more and more confused when he heard it. He stamped his feet hastily and said, "Just tell me what's going on!"

Lao Xu then concluded, "I suspect that the right arm of the deceased should have been hit many times by a blunt instrument rather than simply breaking the bone like other parts."

Qiu Yunfei finally understood this but then fell into a bigger puzzle. He scratched his head and asked subconsciously, "What's the purpose of the murderer?"

He then suddenly heard Sun Shaozong saying, "You should ask what the killer did for him to kill them."

Just after Sun Shaozong slapped him, Qiu Yunfei would not give him a good attitude. He sneered and said proudly, "Isn't it all the same!"

"Of course not."

Sun Shaozong pointed to the right arm of another corpse and said, "Other parts are only fractures, but the right arm has multiple comminuted fractures. If the actual effect is considered, there is not much difference between the two in a short time."

"So what the killer wants to do is not have an effect but to meet a certain purpose."


Qiu Yunfei looked confused and seemed to forget the lesson he had earlier, and he said, "So you should have guessed the murderer's purpose?"

Sun Shaozong shook his head and said, "I'm not sure yet."


Qiu Yunfei smiled triumphantly and was thinking of taking the opportunity to disparage Sun Shaozong when he saw Sun Shaozong put up two fingers to say, "At the moment, I can only make roughly two inferences."

"First, the murderer was motivated by revenge. For example, the two men once attacked the murderer with their right hand, which caused a deathly injury or psychological effect on the murderer. Therefore, the murderer specifically targeted the right arm of the two men."

"Second, the killer had a problem with his right arm, which was likely to be disabled. So he hated a person with an intact right arm, so he deliberately targeted the right arm of the two victims during his violence."

"If it is the second case, the murderer has at least one accomplice, because a person with a disability in his right arm can hardly complete the process of throwing the body alone." josei

When Qiu Yunfei heard what he said, he didn’t dare to make any fuss again.

When Zhao Wuwei heard this, he was already very happy and couldn't help saying, "Lord, if we find out the identities of the two dead people and then find their enemies or people with disabilities, won't this case be solved?"

With that, he was eager to try.

At the end of this year, there were two homicides, which naturally needed to be solved quickly.

Qiu Yunfei said in a sour tone, "It's easy for you to say! These men are dead. If someone reported the loss, it's all right. If no one claims it, where can you check their identity?"

"Report to Lord Qiu."

Zhao Wuwei bowed and said, "I'm not a talented person, but I can see some ways. Judging from their dress and physique, as well as the calluses on their hands and shoulders, they should be two laborers who live in the human market. If I take their portraits to inquire around the human market, we should be able to find out."

The f*ck, this little constable has more eyesight than himself!


The title of "Lord Qiu" was not bad. It was more pleasant than any small official.

For the sake of the sound of "Lord Qiu," Qiu Yunfei decided not to take him into account for showing off his wit in front of himself, but it was still necessary to show his official authority.

So he yelled, "Now that you have seen the doorway, what are you still doing here? Why don't you hurry to investigate the case?"

"Yes sir!"

Zhao Wuwei bowed and shouted to obey, but his eyes kept an eye on Sun Shaozong's expression. If the judge showed slight displeasure, he couldn’t care less about continuing to please the small government officials.

But Sun Shaozong just said three words calmly, "You go too."

Although he didn't call his name, there was an inspector and a corpse examiner in this room. The former was more suitable for investigating the case.

Qiu Yunfei was a little reluctant. It wasn't that he didn't want to investigate the case. In fact, he was eager.

This so-called reluctance was mainly due to the fact that he didn’t want to be ordered by Sun Shaozong.

Sun Shaozong saw through the thought at the bottom of his heart and added, "If you don't want to go, stay and help examiner Xu cut the right arm of the two corpses, and see if you can judge the murder weapon from the wound."

"Go! Who said I wouldn’t go!"

Qiu Yunfei rushed out of the door like a single arrow and then turned back and said, "Zhao Wuwei [He pronounced it in the wrong tone], what are you doing? Why don't you hurry with me to investigate the case?"

Zhao Wuwei hurriedly stepped up and carefully said, "Your honor, my name is Wuwei [The correct pronunciation]."

"What are you talking about? Hurry up!"

Seeing that the two of them hurried off to investigate, Sun Shaozong looked back at the body on the bed, but there was still some dignity between his eyebrows.

"Your Excellency."

Lao Xu wondered, "Do you think there is anything strange about this case?"

"I hope I'm being suspicious, but..."

Sun Shaozong sighed as if to answer Lao Xu's question, as if saying to himself, "If the murderer and these two people have no hatred for each other, we may have a bad year."

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