The Famous Millionaire

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

“Got it. I’ll take care of it, so don’t worry too much,” said Daebong.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t call you to let you know about this,” the director slurred the end of his sentence and hung up the phone.

After the call, Daebong’s eyes sparked sharply.

No matter how good Hyunwoo’s intention are, they are bad if done the wrong way. Moreover, the money he spent was company money not his own. If he really did do it without reporting it to me, it’s embezzlement.

When Daebong thought more and more about it, he got upset. No matter how hard he tried to control it, he found his heart pounding hard out of anger.

What a disgraceful guy! How can he use company money like its his even though I duly recognize his outstanding performance? How can I properly reprimand him?

Daebong was in a brief pensive mood as he held back his anger. Then, he picked up the phone to call Youngsu Park, the manager of the purchasing team.

“Yes, Mr. President.”

“Come over here right away with Hyunwoo.”

Daebong’s voice sounded like an angry cow breathing. With such a direction, Daebong put down the phone abruptly, “Come on, man. I’m ready to punish you as soon as you get here.’

Clenching and unclenching his fists, he waited for Youngsu and Hyunwoo.

In the meantime, Youngsu was astonished at the president’s unusually loud voice and looked at the receiver as if it was his face, “What happened? Why is he so upset?”

He thought if he had done anything recently that could have upset the president, but he came up with nothing. Instead, he came up with things that should have made the president happy.

Then, he looked at Hyunwoo because the president directed him to bring Hyunwoo with him.

“Hey, Assistant Manager Jang,” Youngsu called. Springing to his feet, Hyunwoo walked to Youngsu, “Did you do anything recently that might have upset the president?”

“What? What do you mean?” Hyunwoo asked with wide eyes.

That was a real surprise to Hyunwoo. Why did would Youngsu suddenly mention the president and ask if he had done anything that might have rubbed him the wrong way.

After a moment’s confusion, he replied confidently, “Nothing.”

Youngsu saw eye to eye with him, but the president was really upset.

“Let’s go to the president’s office anyway. If we take too long, he might scold us.”

“Scold us?”

They headed to the president’s office quickly since Youngsu felt the intensity of the president’s anger.

Knock! Knock!

He knocked on the door cautiously and heard the president’s harsh voice, “Come in!”

Even outside the office Youngsu and Hyunwoo could feel his anger. Youngsu opened the door with a nervous look on his face. Hyunwoo didn’t flinch, but there was something strange about the president’s behavior. He stared sharply at Hyunwoo rather than Youngsu whom he called.

What the heck is this? What did I do wrong? Hyunwoo thought.

Both of them stood before him. Then, the president asked Hyunwoo in an icy tone, “Did you embezzle company money?”

At that moment, Hyunwoo felt as if his heart was torn out. Embezzle company money? The thought was too shocking to Hyunwoo.

“What? Embezzle company?” asked Hyunwoo.

“Don’t try to hide what you did. I know it already.”

What the heck did he know? Hyunwoo was so dumbfounded that he was at a loss for words with his jaw dropped in shock.

Youngsu was as much dumbfounded. He looked between the president and Hyunwoo trying to figure out what exactly happened. He knew the president was not the type of person who blamed his men without any reason.

“What the heck did you do?” Youngsu asked.

“Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Embezzle company money? I’ve never done anything like that.”

Daebong was about to speak about what he heard from the director of the House of Happiness, but he didn’t because that would give the impression that the director told on Hyunwoo to him. Instead, he talked around it slightly, “Then, what about the latest computer model and the expensive program installed on it? Did you buy them with your own money?”

Hyunwoo suddenly felt as if he could suddenly breathe again after being almost suffocated as he understood what the president was talking about.

However, he felt something weird about it.

He secretly visited the orphanage a month ago. How did the president know about it, and why did he bring up the topic now?

However, he couldn’t keep thinking about it because the president pressed on harshly, “Why can’t you answer? As I hear, you spent more than five million won. Where did you get the money? I don’t think you spent the money out of your own pocket, right?”

Scratching his head, Hyunwoo began explaining, “Actually, I did.”

Daebong was about to scold him harshly, but stopped at his reply, “What? You spent your own money?”

Hyunwoo continued, “I didn’t use any company money. I purchased the computer stuff with my own money.”

Daebong was speechless for a moment as he couldn’t understand Hyunwoo, and then barely opened his mouth, “With your own money? Not with company funds?”

“Yes, it’s my own money.”

At that moment, Daebong felt as if he had swollen cold ice. He never thought Hyunwoo would spend more than 5 million won out of his own pocket to help the orphanage.

Suddenly, Daebong felt ashamed of himself because he was not better than an ordinary employee of his company even though he was the president of the company.

Hyunwoo tilted his head and asked, “By the way, how did you find out about it? I thought nobody would know because I visited on a weekend without telling anyone.”

“I talked to the director of the orphanage a moment ago. He thought that I donated the computer and the program.”

“Oh, I see...”

Hyunwoo understood the situation and why Daebong misunderstood it as well, but Daebong could not understand Hyunwoo’s behavior due to his financial situation. As far as he knew, Hyunwoo’s family lived in extreme poverty, so Hyunwoo had to work as a chauffeur after working at the company during the day. Daebong had seen Hyunwoo driving the very old and outdated van.

Hyunwoo had gotten a newer car, but it was only slightly newer than the previous van.

As Daebong was aware of Hyunwoo’s financial situation, he used Hyunwoo’s family shop to provide breakfast for his employees to help his family financially.

Despite his financial difficulties, Hyunwoo said he donated more than 5 million won worth of equipment to the orphanage. He also hired a teacher for the kids whose salary was paid out of his own pocket as well.

Daebong understood Hyunwoo’s warm feelings toward them but could not understand his donation given his current financial situation.

When Park thought that far, he knitted his brow and asked, “Is it really true that you paid with your own money?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I understand that your family’s financial situation is not strong enough for such a donation.”

Hyunwoo felt a sting in his heart. If it came out that his financial situation had gotten better, his association with N&C Korea could also be revealed.

Of course, it was not something Hyunwoo would feel guilty about because he never caused any harm to Aurum by being affiliated with N&C Korea. It would all be revealed some day, but he wanted to postpone it as long as possible.

Aside from that, Hyunwoo’s perception of donation was different from Daebong’s. In fact, Hyunwoo had been giving donations for a very long time. He simply limited his donation to those in his neighborhood that he knew well.

It was not a matter of money. It was a matter of one’s peace of mind, and whether or not one could feel happy through such donation.In that respect, Hyunwoo’s peace of mind was more than enough.

“Well, I think it depends on how you think about it, sir. I think I can afford to donate.”

“Depending on how you think about it?” asked Daebong.

“Well, even without that six million won I have no problem making a living, but it’s a different story for the kids at the orphanage. Their dreams and futures can change depending on whether the orphanage has money or not.”

“Strictly speaking, it doesn’t have anything to do with you, right?” josei

“It does, sir, and that’s why I’m making money, too.”

“A reason for making money?” Daebong shook his head as if he couldn’t understand him.

“Everybody makes money to be happy,” Hyunwoo said, “And how to be happy varies from one to another. It could be delicious food for someone, or travel or jewellery for others.”

Daebong nodded.

“It’s the same for me. Some of my happiness comes from me watching the kids grow thanks to my help.”

At that moment, Daebong felt a shudder as if he had been struck by lightning. It was a whole new world that he had never experienced. He seemed to have found great enlightenment in Hyunwoo’s words.

On the one hand, Daebong felt ashamed of himself. Wasn’t he much older and his social status much higher than Hyunwoo, yet he felt he was far behind Hyunwoo in terms of the depth of thinking and broad-mindedness?

Hyunwoo was a man of a bigger perspective than he thought, and perhaps many times bigger than Daebong himself.

Daebong nodded his head as if he found great enlightenment and said, “I didn’t know you had such a deep considerations. I misunderstood you a lot. Let me apologize to you. I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to, sir. I’m sorry I didn’t brief you in advance.”

“Why should you feel sorry about it? It should be on me to support the orphanage. Let me tell the general affairs department to deposit the money in your account tomorrow.”

“No, sir. I donated because I wanted to. It’s got nothing to do with Aurum or you, sir,” Hyunwoo said, shaking his head with a stern look.

“If you insist, let me pay for the teacher’s salary, then. I think it’s going to be a big financial burden for you.”

“I’d like to pay it by myself, sir. I have made the decision because I felt I could afford to do so.”

“Got it. Just go ahead as you wish then. You can leave now.”

Hyunwoo and Youngsu left the president’s office.

Daebong was surprised. Obviously, Hyunwoo was a man with a bigger mind than he first thought. He felt that society would be a more just place if someone like Hyunwoo achieved success. Suddenly, he wanted to help Hyunwoo.

How can I help him? Is there a way for me to help him?

He could not give Hyunwoo preferential treatment in terms of his work or promotion. It wouldn’t be fair, and Hyunwoo would not want it either. Most likely, he would reject it even if he was offered preferential treatment.

He had to help him some other way.

All of a sudden a good idea came to him, and Park took out his cell phone and began calling his acquaintances.

“Hey, President Han? This is Daebong Park. How are you?”

“How are you, Brother Park?”

“I’m alright. Let me ask you something.”

“Yes, please.”

“How many employees do you have?”

“Around 150, I think.”

“I see. How about their breakfast? Do you provide it?”

“No, it’s too big of a financial burden for me.”

“Then, can I tip you off about one way to offer breakfast for less?”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, I know one very good method. My company has already taken the steps for several months now. It costs less than three million won per month for 120 employees in my case.”

“What a big news! Please, tell me more.”

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