The Fat God System

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Invader

Marshal was a student in Hugh's class. He was not a big part of the social ladder as he was just a normal kid. He was not that strong nor not that weak. He was just average.

He belonged to a loose group of friends in the class that was almost ignored by everyone in the class. They were the underachievers of the school, the invisible classmates.

He was the sort of person that would just watch as things passed by him. He had watched Hugh get beat up by Aric, he also saw Hugh beat up Aric's circle of friends all by himself.

In truth, Marshal had a crush on the prettiest girl in the class, Serena. Of course, he was not the only one as most guys in the class arbiter some kind of feelings for her.

Even though he was lining for her, he would never do anything about it. Even if he tried, it would just be social suicide. He would get embarrassed into death.

As of now, Marshal was walking through the shook campus all by himself. He had just wanted to get some air after feeling a little bit down in the dumps.

However, unbeknownst to his knowledge, something was lurking in the shadows. It seemed to track Marshal's every movement like a cheetah on the hunt for its prey.

Marshal did not notice this, and he just walked on by the bush like a normal occurrence. He did not know this, but he would unknowingly change his mundane life.

As Marshal passed by the bush on the side, there was a sudden blur that lunged at him. Marshal had just woken up, so he was not prepared at all to dodge the sudden impact.

It was too fast to even see it, and all he could see was a purplish blur. The blur suddenly attached itself onto his neck and did not let go.

Marshal felt a sucking force on his neck, so he tried to pull the thing out of his neck. He struggled and struggled, but it was of no use. He only seemed to make things worse for him.

Marshal flailed around the bushes as he tried to resist the feeling of being powerless. It was as if something was taking control of him, and it was pushing him out.

As he was feeling the wet grass on his face, he realized that the thing on his neck was starting to sink right into his skin. Any more, and he would never be able to take it out.

As the thing sunk deeper and deeper into his neck, he felt a numbing pain all over his body. He was starting to lose control of his movements, and it was a scary feeling to experience.

Marshal reached up in the sky as he tried to ask for help for the last time. He was losing it, and he had hoped for someone to come by the corner to help him, but no one came.

The thing sunk completely into his skin, only leaving behind dark violet veins on his neck, which was completely hidden away by his collar.

Marshal fell unconscious right near the bush.


Hugh walked back to class early in the morning. He had just finished his daily missions, and as usual, nothing had happened to him.

If Hugh was not so busy right now, he would have wanted to return to the dungeon so that he could get the missions that would improve his powers.

Hugh was not even sure that the student council would allow him back to the dungeon now that things were so hectic.

Right now, Hugh had to stay in place and make sure that nothing happens to him. Through the days following the days after he killed Aric, he had experienced weird events.

He would lose minutes or even hours that he could not remember. It would not have been a good idea for him to go to a dangerous place such as the dungeon right now.

He finally reached the end of the hallway and was about to open the door to the classroom when he heard a slight commotion.

The class seemed to be completely in disarray as shouts and jeers were thrown out easily. Hugh did not know what was going on with the class, so he opened the door to satiate his curiosity.

As soon as the door slid open, the commotion did not seem to stop. Hugh guessed that something must have been happening since the class would usually become quiet as soon as the door opened.

Hugh realized that everyone was looking towards a corner of the classroom. They were all completely enamored by the scene that was happening.

Hugh navigated towards the clunks of students to see what all the fuss was about. Then, he saw a normal-looking guy staring down Serena, the queen bee of the classroom.

"Come on, why don't you try me?"

The man seemed to be confident and arrogant, a complete contrast to his average-looking face. Hugh remembered that this guy was his classmate, but he did not remember his name.

"I don't even know your name."

Serena as usual had her ice-cold exterior to fend off the men that were courting her daily.

"Me? I'm your classmate, Marshal."

Marshal seemed to be a completely different person than what Hugh remembered him to be. Hugh did not feel that a complete overhaul of his personality was bad, so he decided to ignore the current scene.

He did not care about Marshal or his other classmates, so he turned back and headed towards his chair. However, as he turned his head, he suddenly felt a cold air breeze through his neck.

All his hairs stood on end, eh I made him feel anxious. There seemed to be something in the classroom that alerted his instincts.

However, Hugh did not know where it came from. The classroom was the way it was before, and everyone else was accounted for, so he did not know where the threat came from.

As he was trying to figure it out, he suddenly heard an alert from inside his head.



• Defeat the invader.


Hugh suddenly got an alert from his system. He had never experienced this before, so he was caught off guard. He did not know what an invader was, or did he know where it was.

Hugh looked around the room, but he could not see anything that was different. His first immediate thought was that Aric had come back, but Aric was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, she said no."

Chad seemed to be completely pissed off about this new guy, Marshal. He was a friend of Aric, and Serena was Aric's possession, so he would not let others steal her away from Aric.

Chad knew that no one in the classroom could stand up to him, except for Hugh, so he was a little bit aggressive in dealing with Marshal.

Chad pushed Marshal off Serena's desk, and he stumbled his way a little bit down the floor. He seemed to be completely enraged at Chad's actions.

However, for the students that were watching them, it was a funny situation. They relished the fact that somebody was put back right in their place.

"Who the f*** are you?!"

Marshal shouted towards Chad, with his blood rushing through his neck. Everyone stopped laughing and they looked towards Chad with shock.

They did not even know that Marshal could get angry like that. Even Chad was thrown off by the sudden aggression by an average-looking guy.

Chad stood up without any problem and started to walk towards Chad with an angry eye. The students avoided him as he made his way since they were now afraid of what he might do.

Right now, Marshal was like a volatile bomb. They did not know when or how Marshal would explode, and they did not want to get caught in the crossfire.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Then, suddenly stopped Marshal right in his tracks. This person put his hand on Marshal's shoulder and seemed to genuinely want to stop Marshal from embarrassing himself.

This person was Jenkins, a friend of Marshal. Jenkins knew that Marshal was not a strong guy, so a confrontation with Chad would be detrimental to Marshal's health.

However, Marshal did not stop. Instead, he turned around and faced Jenkins. Marshal reached out to the hand that was touching him, and he suddenly twisted it until Jenkins' wrist got dislocated.


Jenkins shouted in pain as he held his mangled arm in his hands. Everyone was in complete disbelief as they did not think that Marshal would be this brutal.josei

Marshal did not seem to recognize Jenkins as a friend, so there was no familiarity in his eyes. If Jenkins had kept his hands on Marshal's shoulders a little bit longer, he would have lost his whole hand.

As Marshal looked around the students watching him, he suddenly stopped and looked directly at Hugh. It was at this moment that Hugh realized that this person was the invader.

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