The Fat God System

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Lair

Hugh looked down to his hands and saw that he was cupping a certain delicate part of Serena. Hugh was no stranger to breasts since he had man breasts as a fat person.

However, it was a different feeling with touching the most popular girl's breasts. It was more meaningful, but also dreadful. He just realized that he was touching the most popular girl's breasts.

Hugh quickly took away his hands before Serena could even complain. The worst part of it was that many people had witnessed this little event.

For extra precaution, Hugh stepped back a few steps away from Serena as he tried to judge her reaction. However, all he could see was this deadpan expression on her face.

Hugh did not know if she was angry or just really really angry. At this point, Hugh would be glad for Serena to show just a bit of emotion.

Seeing her like this made her look even more terrifying. To remedy this situation, his mind went into overdrive as he tried to come up with an excuse.

"Don't worry! I did not feel anything!"

Hugh had never been in this kind of situation before, so he fumbled his words. He had thought that those words would be comforting, but judging from the cringing he saw from the spectators, he guessed that he had said the wrong thing.

"I only meant that your boobs were nice-I meant your boobs are...are...nice."

Hugh was at a loss for words as he tried to talk his way out of it, but it turned out that he kept burying himself with his own words.

Serena's face was hidden by her disheveled bangs. It was as if there was a shadow cast upon her face that made it impossible for anyone to know what she was currently seeing.

Suddenly, Serena stood up. Hugh could not help but flinch at her sudden actions. He knew that Serena only looked like an innocent woman, but she was a beast.

Without any warning, Hugh suddenly felt all his hairs standing up. This could only mean one thing, there was a current threat coming towards him.

Underneath Serena's feet, pink smoke started to come out. Everyone spectating could feel the temperature in the air drop a few degrees.

The pink smoke started to envelop all around her body as if there was a gravitational pull around her body. Then, it started to absorb in her skin.

There was a substantial change in Serena that shocked everyone that was idolizing her. Everyone thought of her as this angelic pure flower, but her current physique contradicted it.

Serena's slender figure started to change into a more masculine body. Her muscles started to inflate like she ingested kilos of protein a day.

She started to get taller and taller until she was barely recognizable. The only thing that was the same about her was the blonde locks on her hair.

Hugh gulped as he looked up at her. Her face was still hidden in her bangs, so Hugh could not see what her current mental state was right now.


Even Serena's footsteps sounded ginormous. The pavement started to crumble under the weight of her ginormous muscles.

Her actions were slow, but Hugh could feel tremendous power hiding under her fists. She started to walk towards Hugh with unknown intentions, but everyone guessed it to be retribution.

Serena raised her fist and did not hide her intention to punch Hugh. He could also predict what she was going to do, but Hugh did not want to avoid it.

Hugh felt that Serena would not feel peace until her revenge was given to her. He decided to let her hit him for one time so that his transgressions would be excused.

Hugh could see the world as if it were in slow motion. He could see the shocked but delighted faces of everyone watching Serena punch him.

He could see the visible nerves in Serena's huge forearms, the tears on her clothes as they got stretched until their limits.

He could see the giant fist that was coming right towards him. He had all the time in the world to dodge, but he did not. He took the punch like a man.


Serena's large fist landed right on Hugh's cheekbones and threw him a few meters away from everyone. The spectators avoided Hugh's body like the plague and let him hit the cold hard floor.

Hugh could feel an immense amount of pain in his cheeks and he had to massage it to try and ease it. Hugh touched his cheeks, but he did not feel that his bones were broken.

Hugh was relieved. If his cheekbones were broken right now, he would have a severe disadvantage against fighting Marshal.

Hugh quickly stood up and looked for the invader. However, he could barely see anyone since there were tens of students surrounding him with interest in their eyes. They saw him as a piece of entertainment.

Hugh realized the predicament he was in now that the invader was gone. The invader would become more careful since he now knew that Hugh was searching for him.

Hugh stomped on the ground as he realized that things got a lot harder to deal with. Hugh closed his eyes as he tried to concentrate on the matter at hand.

The invader was on the loose, and he could go anywhere right now. Hugh just had to think which place could the invader go.

Then, he remembered something that Jane had said to him. Jane had said that the invader will look for a lair in which he could spawn thousands of his comrades.

A lair was not something that could be easily hidden. Another thing was that there was only a limited amount of spaces in the school campus where one could hide a lair.

Hugh just had to search those places and he would be more likely to find Marshal. He concentrated on large private places and eliminated those that were accessible to the public.

The invader would want to protect its lair since it would spawn thousands of its comrades.

For a second, Hugh thought that the invader had rented a place in the central area, but he rejected that thought. It was expensive to rent in the central area for a day, imagine how much more would it cost for a longer lease.

Another thought that came into his head was that the invader dug deep underground and used it for its lair. It was a discreet way to do things, and there was an unlimited amount of space down. It was the perfect place to put a lair.

Hugh then set out to find a place that Marshal had dug. He realized that it would be really hard to find the dig spot in thousands of square footage of land, but it would be better to start right now.josei

Hugh started to run away from the crowd as he looked at the ground for any clues. With his eyes on the ground, he could not see that someone was right in front of him.

He was busy running when he saw pink shoes right in front of him. He realized that he would be making the same mistake, so he quickly tried to stop himself.

However, he did not expect that the ground was a little bit slippery. His feet started to slide to the ground as he tried to stop himself.

Hugh looked up and realized that he was in a crash collision with another familiar face. This time, it was Jane, who had books on both of her hands.

Both of them were completely absorbed in their problems that they stopped themselves too late from colliding with each other.

The two of them collided like two stars in the galaxy. The next moment that Hugh opened his eyes, he saw that he was up close and personal with Jane.

Their noses were touching, and their lips quivered as they almost made contact. Both of them held their breaths as they realized the peculiar situation they were both under.

He also realized that both of their hands were somehow intertwined with each other. They looked like they were dancing in this kind of position.

Hugh was under while Jane was at the top. After a few seconds of awkward staring contest, both of them pulled away from each other in silence.

"Sorry. I wasn't looking."

Hugh was the first to apologize as he did not want another violent outburst like Serena had just had. Contrary to his expectations, Jane did not seem all that mad.

"No, I'm sorry. I was too busy reading."

For a brief second, both of them looked at each other's eyes. They remembered the special moment they had when both of them were very close to each other. Then, they both took away their glances.

Hugh remembered his current mission, and it sobered him up completely. He started to run away as he once again tried to find out where the lair was.

However, he remembered something and it stopped him in his tracks.

"Do you know where a potential lair could be here in this school?"

"Have you tried the host's house?"

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