The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: One Half, One Half, One Half (2/2)

The phantom responded, and after a moment of silence, the two talked about their experiences over the years.

First floor, in the training ground.

Clark held Mike’s hand, staring with a pair of blue eyes, curiously surveyed everything around.

“Yo, little man!”

A man with bulging muscles and a strong build greeted Clark and said, “Do you like boxing?”

With that, he clenched his hands into fists and gave two quick blows in front of him.

Clark nodded his head and said, “I love it!”

Mike stroked Clark’s head and smiled faintly.


The boxer suddenly laughed contemptuously and said, “Well, you’ve got a lot of work to do, boy! Don’t look like your father, look like a girl!”

At these words, Mike’s eyes went cold.

In front of the child to say bad things about the child’s parents, such people are the most annoying.

But without waiting for him to say anything, Clark used his own childish voice and said loudly, “My dad is handsome, you’re the one who’s like a girl, I can knock you over with one hand!”

Hearing Clark’s words he was handsome, Mike nodded in satisfaction.

“Haha!” The burly man stepped forward, pointed to his face, and said, “Come on, little guy, give me a try, let you see what a man is!”

Clark looked up at Mike and said, “Dad, can I hit him?”

Mike strictly forbade him to hit anyone for fear of killing them.


Mike laughed lightly, picked up Clark and whispered in his ear, “Don’t use your full strength, just use half and half and half.”

With the strength that Clark can now lift a car, hit the man’s face and blasted the opponent’s head.

Walking toward the boxer, in the other party’s provocative gaze at Mike, Clark held his own fleshy little white hand and pounded his little fist in the other party’s face.


A clear sound rang.

The man’s face violently deformed, two teeth mixed with blood spurted out of the mouth at the same time, the body leaned back and flew backwards.

Mike froze, but Clark let out a cheer.

The man on the ground passed out straight away, while the others who were on the training ground saw the commotion over here and all looked over curiously.

Mike hugged Clark and shouted, “Come on, someone, see what’s going on with this guy? How come he suddenly flew out?”

Everyone came with weird faces, and they didn’t think about the weak father and son and the boxer lying on the ground.

Mike sighed in relief and turned away with Clark in his arms, while whispering, “Didn’t I tell you to be less forceful?”

Clark said aggressively, “I just used half of half of half of half of half, like Dad said.”josei

Mike looked odd and said, “You’ve grown in strength again lately?”

Clark nodded and said, “I guess so, and I accidentally crushed my toy.”

Thinking of Captain America who was crushed by himself, Clark’s eyes were red. Thinking about his toys that were ‘lost’ in the sea of ​​fire, he was even sadder. With a small mouth, tears began to roll in his eyes.

Mike coughed lightly and said, “I don’t blame you, Clark.”

“It was the man who deserved it, he made you fight.”

“I will take you to buy toys.”

Clark’s tears disappeared instantly and he nodded happily.

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