The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Shooting him (1/2)


Logan slammed once, and a paw had already pierced Victor’s chest and pressed it to the ground. Then when Victor’s claw was pinched to his head, his head slammed into Victor’s forehead forcefully.


A muffled sound sounded, Victor’s head smothered, blood flowing everywhere.

Logan roared in anger and kicked him out, crashing him in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass of the lab.


Crystal fragments in the early morning sunlight, such as panic flying scattered multi coloured streamers.

As Victor staggered slowly to his feet, Logan rushed out again, sharp claws in Victor’s chest, and in the crystal shards, the two fell straight down from the second floor.


Logan pinned Victor to the ground, looking at each other like bloodthirsty beasts, without a trace of blood sharp claws slowly withdrew, against Victor’s neck under.

“Why did you kill her? Why?”

Logan roared, like a bloodthirsty beast.

Victor stared at Logan, his originally taut body suddenly loosened, revealing a pleasant expression and said, “Yes, that’s the look, kill me! Jimmy!”

Logan stared at Victor, who hesitated.

“Logan, let him go.”

Stryker stood on the second floor, looking down at the two men with an indifferent but playful look.

Victor was good, it’s a shame to die like this.

Logan looked up mockingly and said, “You are afraid that your brain is not lost in the sewers.”

Victor smiled faintly and looked behind Logan.

A human figure slowly stepped out.

Logan’s eyes shrunk, his face was full of incredulity, his lips trembled: “Carla?”

“What the hell is going on here?”

Stryker expressionlessly uttered the cold hard truth.

Carla, the love of Logan’s life, and regarded as a treasure.

Logan had always thought that the gentle and beautiful Karla would be the place for him, but as Stryker told him, he realized that he didn’t understand the other side at all.

Karla is a mutant, called the Silver Fox, has the ability to control the minds of others through touch, and thus control the actions of others.

From the time the two met to Karla’s fake death and his revenge for his dead lover……

This was a trick from the beginning, a trick to get him to voluntarily inject Edelman alloy.

Carla, Victor, Stryker, they directed a play together, and he was played like a clown.

Listening to Stryker’s slow narrative, Logan was incomparably angry at first, but after Stryker finished speaking, he was strangely calm.

Turning his head to look at Karla, who did not say a word, Logan said indifferently: “So, I fell in love with you, also because of your ability?”

Karla remembered her imprisoned sister, her lips mumbled and her eyes dimmed.

Looking at the other party’s expression, pain flashed in Logan’s eyes, feeling like his heart was being cut by a dull knife incessantly.

Logan’s brain is confusion, the body unconsciously swayed down.

Just then, Victor grabbed Logan’s arm, and his sharp nails snapped tightly into Logan’s small arm, pinching Logan’s bones.


The intense pain brought Logan to his senses.josei


Karla couldn’t help but shriek and take a step forward.

Stryker took a step backward, and the gun hidden on the side of his waist pointed down at Kara implicitly.

Karla stopped in her tracks: “I’ve done what you told me to do, please let my sister go!”

Stryker face hung a chilling maniacal smile and said: “No, your sister’s variant is very special, I still need to study in research, now focus on watching the end of the show.”

At those words, Carla suddenly felt like falling into an ice cellar.


Victor got up from the ground.

Looking at Logan’s painfully distorted face, he let out a wild laugh and said, “Jimmy, my brother, a monster like us, do you think there will be a good home?”

“It hearts very much!”

Logan shouted angrily and stabbed a claw at Victor.

Victor threw Logan out with a hard fling.

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