The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: New Abilities (1/2)

At this time.

Mike looked at the two brothers who were still beating each other on the side, calmly walked to the side and picked up the phone.

A moment to fight, do not need to care about them.

“Hello, this is Kent’s house.”

“Mr. Kent! I’m Clark’s teacher, and Clark just stormed out of class and locked himself in the utility room! I’ve been yelling at him and he won’t come out! You have to come to school!”

The teacher hung up the phone in a hurry as soon as the words were spoken.

Mike eyes flashed a hint of seriousness, striding towards the two rolled into a ball, picking up one in one hand, cold face said: “You two give me honest, I let Mary to watch you, I have to go outside.”

Mary and Bob, husband and wife happened to be at the farm.

The two little ones looked at Mike and nodded abashedly.

They were smart and clever enough to understand that Mike with this expression should never be messed with.

Put the two on the ground, Mike called Mary, drove quickly out of the house, with the fastest speed rushed to the school.

Arriving at the classroom door, Mike saw the anxiously waiting teacher.

“Mr. Kent!” The teacher let out a long breath and said to Mike, “Come with me.”

Clark has usually been very obedient, the teacher is particularly worried about the today’s unusual behaviour.

Mike followed the teacher, and already had a guess in his mind about Clark’s unusual behaviour.

He followed the teacher to the door of the utility room, looking around a group of children, Mike said to the teacher beside him, “Can you and this child leave here first?”

The teacher, who had a few freckles on her face, looked deeply at Mike and led the children away.

When the others were gone, Mike knocked on the door and said, “Clark, it’s me.”

“Dad! Dad!”

Clark’s voice was full of panic and not being overwhelmed.

“It’s me.”

“Daddy, it’s so noisy, it’s in my head! My head’s about to explode!”

Sure enough… Clark’s abilities have increased and new abilities have appeared.

Mike’s mind was clear.

“Clark, pay attention to my words and focus all your attention on me!”

“Dad, I …… I can’t do it!”

“Come on! You can do it! Clark!”

“I’m trying!”

Mike breathed a sigh of relief and started talking to Clark nonstop about the old days.

A few minutes later, Clark finally pulled open the door, looked at Mike, who was crouched in the doorway, and jumped into Mike’s arms.


Clark saw his head buried deep into Mike’s arms and said in exhaustion and pain, “What’s wrong with me? Am I sick?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, you’re healthy.”

Mike picked up Clark and said, “Let’s go home and you get some rest.”


Mike took Clark and his teacher off work and headed for home.

On the way, Clark had fallen asleep from exhaustion.

Mike picked up Clark and pushed open the door to the house and was looking at the two troublemakers head big Mary like she had seen a savoir: “Thank God you’re finally home.”

Mike looked over to Eric and Charles.

The two stood obediently together, and Charles straightened his clothes.

Eric looked at Clark, who was being held in Mike’s arms: “Brother!”

Mike ‘shushed’ and said, “Quiet! Clark needs to rest.”

Eric beamed and was about to open his mouth when Charles, who was on one side, covered Eric’s mouth.


Eric’s eyes widened.

“Well done, Charles!”

Mike praised faintly.

Charles puffed out his chest.

“Mary, you have worked hard.”

Mary let out a long breath and said, “It’s a good thing you came back early, or I would have gone crazy.”josei

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