The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Your whole family is a thief (1/2)

“Clark is having some health difficulties today, so you guys should not disturb him.”

Hearing Mike’s words, a worried look appeared on the faces of the two little ones.

Mike secretly nodded his head.

No matter how these three brothers messed up, these three always had a good relationship.

“Dad, is he having a hard time?”

Charles asked worriedly, and Eric anxiously touched his head.

Mike nodded, and then said, “So, you guys don’t bother him today.”

The two boy nodded obediently.

“When Clark is off, before you guys go to school, I’m going to take you guys on a trip.”

Mike spoke out the plan he had already prepared a few days before.

“Dad! You’re so sweet!”

“Wow! Hooray!”

The two boy cheered.

Mike lifted his hands and pressed them downward, and the two immediately obeyed and stood at attention.

“But if you don’t behave well this time, I won’t take you with me.”

The two boy’s faces became tense.

“Ahem!” Mike coughed lightly, pressed the two boy’s heads, and said, “So, you guys cheer up.”

With those words, Mike left the room with a smile on his lips.

At night, Clark’s spirit recovered a lot, and the control of his newly awakened ability, also became much stronger.

After dinner, the family watched TV for a while, and after Eric and Charles had obediently gone to bed, Clark carefully came to Mike’s room.


Mike, sitting at his desk, turned his head to look at his son.

Clark’s eyes dodged, “Dad, I don’t want to go to school tomorrow.”


“I… I need to rest ……”

“Clark.” Mike got up and walked over to Clark, bent down, put his hands on Clark’s shoulders, looked at the evasive eyes, and said, “You’re not a good liar kid.”

Clark’s head dropped and he said, “I’m sorry, Dad.”josei

Mike walked over to the bed and patted the spot beside him, “Come on, talk it over.”

Clark shuffled over and stood against the bed, his body swaying gently, looking like he was waiting to be scolded.


Clark’s eyes dodged and he stammered, “I just don’t want to go tomorrow.”

“Clark, running away isn’t going to solve anything.”

Clark responded.

Mike touched Clark’s head and looked at the boy with distress, saying: “Are you afraid your classmates will look at you in an unusual way? Afraid they’ll laugh at you?”

Clark looked up, surprised at Mike, and then nodded his head.

Running out of class like a maniac and locking himself in the utility room, those of his classmates would surely laugh at him.

Mike stroked Clark’s head and said, “You don’t want to go tomorrow, what about the day after?”

Clark shook his head hesitantly.

“You see, temporary avoidance won’t solve the problem.”

Clark nodded.

Mike said, “Problems can only be solved by facing them.”

“No matter what comes up, our family will be your back, and Dad will always be behind you.”

Clark nodded and said, “I know, Dad.”

“All right! It’s not a big deal!”

Mike smiled and said, “It’s still what Dad said before, you take care of your classmates, and if their parents say anything, Dad takes care of it.”

Clark gave a smile.

“By the way, when you’re done with this semester, we’ll go out as a family.”

“Mmm!” Clark nodded and said, “Thanks, Dad.”

Mike gently kissed Clark’s forehead and said, “Go on, go to bed.”

Clark turned to leave, his steps all becoming much lighter.

Growing pains, it’s nice ……

Mike sighed and sat down at his desk again.

An hour later, a card was finished and disappeared into his fingertips.

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