The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: I work the hardest (1/2)

Delivering milk? Asking for food? Uncle?

Who raised all the children in this family, how to speak more poisonous to him?

Looking at the door that was closed again in front of him, Tony Stark took a deep breath and calmed himself: “I’m not angry, not angry, it’s just two little kids, not with them in general, not ……”


He finally cursed out in a low voice.josei

In the past, he was the only one who used his tongue to poison others, so he was the only one who had others’ tongue?

He would like to see, whose children this is, who raised!

“Huh? Who are you?”

A puzzled voice sounded, Tony Stark turned his head to look, only to see a man carrying some things from the car came down.

“I ……”

Mike looked at each other suspiciously and said, “Delivering newspapers? We have no plans to set here for the time being, you go to other homes and ask.”

How to look at the other side, a little familiar it?

“Newspaper delivery?”

The corners of Tony Stark’s mouth twitched wildly.

Damn, he finally knew who those two dead kids learned from.

He took a deep breath and said, “I’m Tony Stark, I know the guy who used to live here, I want to ask him how he is?”

“He? I don’t know, I just bought this house.” Mike said lightly, walked to the door, and said, “If you guessed correctly, we didn’t seem to invite you in.”

Mike didn’t want to get involved with him, at least not right now.

“Wow, then you should really fill me in with an invitation and thank me properly, after all, I’ve made this place a lot brighter.”

The corner of Mike’s eye jumped and said, “The gate is over there, remember to knock next time you come.”

Tony Stark hummed softly, turned and walked toward the gate.

Looking at the other party’s back, Mike shook his head.

How is this troublesome guy, and the other side of the world centre of the stinky look, looks more than twenty years later owed.

“No beard at this time, no wonder I didn’t recognize it.”

Mike muttered and pressed toward the doorbell.

Charles opened the door.


Calling out, he poked his head out and looked around, and after not seeing the foul-mouthed and obnoxious man, he said to Mike, “Is that man gone?”


Mike walked into the house, looked at the room has been greatly changed, rubbed Charles’s head and said: “Good job!”

Charles hemmed and hawed and said, “I’m the hardest worker.”

Clark and Eric: “?”

Mike handed one of the bags in his hand, handed it to Clark who walked up and said, “There’s juice inside, dinner will be served later.”

The place was very well furnished with appliances, for which Mike was very satisfied.

Put the ingredients in the refrigerator, washed his hands, and then went to the kitchen.

The kitchen also has all the cooking utensils, which Mike had confirmed before going out to buy the ingredients, and he also brought the spices over before they came here this morning.

After washing the pots and pans, Mike started preparing a late lunch, and soon the smell came out, making the three little ones gobble.

After eating, the four finished cleaning up the house, Charles and Eric had fallen asleep from exhaustion, but Clark was still in high spirits, and then cleaned up the weeds in the yard.

“It’s such a relief to have a kid like that.”

Mike looked at Clark’s back and sighed, and began to prepare dinner.

Eating, washing and sleeping, their first day out went so quickly.

The next day, Mike took Clark, and a full-blooded Charles and Eric, left home.

The first stop is the Metropolitan Museum.

This is one of the top five museums in the world, with a rich collection, used to develop the children’s vision is best.

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