The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 246 - Dawn

Chapter 246 - Dawn

Chapter 246: Dawn

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The foundation was too poor.

Kyokushin Genichi could only smile when he heard this. If it was another person who said this, it could still be refuted. But Qin Fen was someone qualified enough to say this.

On a bare and empty field, Kyokushin Genichi was practicing the most basic positions of Neo Karate slowly. Every punch and every kick was thrown extremely seriously. He wanted to punch fists that were as incredible as Qin Fen’s, even if it was just one hit... it was enough.

Qin Fen once again inserted the magnetic card into the street machine and quickly got information about his location, as well as Lin Jiaxuan’s location.

The facilities at the Recruit Tournament were far better than the usual military camps. Qin Fen actually somewhat felt like he was walking into an express hotel as he entered.

Picking up the paper and pen by the bed, Qin Fen outlined the next internal art for Kyokushin Genichi quickly. This set of very simple internal art became a little complicated as it needed to fix previous mistakes.

After completing the twenty-layer practice for Kyokushin Genichi, Qin Fen took a long breath. This simple method had the advantage of being easy to acquire, but the speed of producing true energy was not enough.

It was not like the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art, which allowed the possibility of upgrading by one star-class after every level of practice. The true energy of the Kyokushin’s Neo Karate would normally only upgrade the person’s star-class after the completion of two to three layers of practice.

After writing down two more layers of Lin Jiaxuan’s Jade Girl Heart Sutra, Qin Fen looked up to realize that the brightness outside the window had now turned into a sky full of stars.

He pressed the remote control at the bedside and opened the window.

Qin Fen leaned on the bed frame and looked up at the starry sky. The evening breeze that blew against his face brought back memories from the past. Life encounters are really amazing. If it wasn’t for the metal ball that day, where would I be today? And who were those people who fought for the metal ball then? Listening to their conversations, it seemed that they all had some power behind them.

The sound of a ringtone disrupted Qin Fen’s thoughts. He looked at the familiar number of Song Jia’s and smiled as he pressed the answer button.

A quiet and weak breathing sound was heard from the other end. Song Jia, who used to be very talkative in the past did not speak immediately this time. She only hugged the phone and listened quietly.

After a long period of nothing, Qin Fen broke their well-coordinated silence, “Qinghai is so beautiful.”

“Is it?” Song Jia’s soft voice was heard, “I was worried sick when I heard Xue Tian’s explanation. Besides Qinghai’s beauty, is there nothing else you want to say to me?”

“There is.” Qin Fen got up and came to the window, he rested his elbows on the table and said softly, “I... I miss you.”

At the other end of the line, a weak sob was heard.

Song Jia’s beautiful eyes had watery tears, and her face was filled with a sweet smile. These days of worry had flown out of her heart with just the words “I miss you”.

“I...” Song Jia bit her peachy lips gently and whispered, “I miss you too.”

Miss Song Jia, who usually had a stubborn attitude, no longer held her strong attitude at that moment, instead, she had the softness of a little girl.

“Next time... next time... don’t do such risky things anymore, okay?”

“Shang Guan Chuan Qi is said to be very strong.” Qin Fen gently clenched his fist, “But I still want to win. Because I want to protect a princess who fell for this poor boy. I can’t lose. I want to prove to your grandfather that I, Qin Fen, can carry the world on his back.”

Song Jia’s heart was trembling gently at this moment. A low cry was heard from the phone in her hand. Even across the phone, Qin Fen’s aura of wanting to fight all the heroes in the world was transferred across the line.

“I believe you...” Song Jia said and hung up gently. She then got up and walked toward the practice room that belonged to her.

Feelings are from two people, it was natural to not let Qin Fen work on it alone! To just sit and wait was not something that Miss Song Jia would do.

“I want to win, I will win!” Qin Fen’s words were very certain. He looked up at the galaxy of flashing stars. His legs made a push and he leaped out of the window.

Chen Feiyu’s room was not difficult to find. Qin Fen used the electronic three-dimensional map on the card and quickly found the middle-aged man who had only half of a normal person’s meridians, yet at the same time had an incredible talent for martial arts.

As he saw Chen Feiyu again, the insect warriors that had been at the back of his mind for many days was once again brought back to Qin Fen’s mind.

Knock knock knock...

“Qin Fen?” Chen Feiyu’s voice came through the door, “Come in, I was guessing you would come.”

In the simple room that was still like an express hotel, Qin Fen found a stool and sat down.

Chen Feiyu used the remote control by the bed to close the door and said, “Insect warriors are the same as me, we are all experiments that from the same place.”

Qin Fen nodded silently while looking at Chen Feiyu, whose eyes reflected with memories.

“Until now, I am still unclear about the kind of organization it was. I only know that it was huge, strict, and had a horrific force. Within that organization were many lunatics, all kinds of lunatics. The kinds that researched on martial arts, on genetics, on biochemical beasts...”

Chen Feiyu’s pair of iron palms that were extremely sturdy during killings, was now trembling. A sense of horror was faintly visible in his reminiscing eyes.

“I am the lab rat for the group of madmen that researched genetics and martial arts.” Chen Feiyu’s eyes darkened suddenly, “Through various research, they found that a person’s martial art journey did not only require hard work, understanding, and opportunity. There was another element, the basic essence...”

A faint sorrow was visible in Chen Feiyu’s eyes, “This thing is really mysterious. They selected a small group of people from a bunch of teenagers through various investigations. Using those who already had so-called good basic essence, they again added their research onto the bodies of the selected ones. I was one of them...”

Qin Fen didn’t give any input, but from the reminiscing pain that showed in Chen Feiyu’s eyes, he already knew that the rigorous research that day was not anything happy.

“Since then, I became a weirdo who only had half of normal people’s meridians.” Chen Feiyu gave a self-deprecating laugh, “Yet I also got the so-called superior basic essence.”

“Unfortunately, our trials were not up to standard.” Chen Feiyu clenched his fists together, “They wanted to create a pro that would acquire the title of a beast, yet we only managed to remain at five-star level. If we were to break through we would definitely die... hence, rubbish would naturally have to cleared...”

Chen Feiyu’s palm was flowing with striking blood.

How could the pain of the body compare with the cruel pain of the memories?

“I am lucky, I survived unexpectedly.” Chen Feiyu’s eyes were covered with a layer of vapor, “The companions who were with me have all died...”

“The companions that got along and helped each other every day all died in just one night.” Chen Feiyu looked up while leaning against the wall of the bed, “That cold-blooded treatment... I have never seen such a crazy organization...”

Qin Fen had some regrets. He regretted that his curiosity had poked into the pain of a friend’s most unwanted memory.

“Insect warriors were a kind of specimen created by the madmen group for biochemical beasts.” Chen Feiyu stabilized his emotions, “I’m not clear of the specific theory, but they claim to be an alternate path in the creation of the strongest biochemical auxiliary weapon in history. Insect warriors were just one of their specimens. By the looks of it, it seems that they have yet to succeed. In theory, a truly matured insect warrior could stimulate an even stronger force, and at the same time allow its user to remain in a conscious state of mind rather than having to recombine with the initial biochemical beast over and over again.”

“Qin Fen.” Chen Feiyu sat up straight and the glow in his eyes shot straight at Qin Fen, “I once thought of notifying the Federation, but I gave it more thought later. If this organization could exist without an internal force of the Federation, I wouldn’t believe it even if I were to be beaten to death. When I first had to understand this, I thought that I would have to spend my whole life in the slumps. I thought that I would never have the chance for revenge. But you saved me from the slumps, you let me see the light of dawn.”

“Light of dawn?” Qin Fen didn’t know how to respond at that time.

“Yes, the light of dawn!” Chen Feiyu replied firmly, “Dawnlight! The light of revenge! Qin Fen, perhaps you wouldn’t believe me as I am saying it now. But I can tell you, this is definitely not just a drill. Your information should have long entered that organization by now. The scene of you defeating Okamoto Takeshi with your own personal strength that day is also likely to exist in that organization. According to my understanding of that organization, they definitely would not let go of such an excellent specimen like you. They would definitely think of a way to capture you!”

Chen Feiyu suppressed his growing emotions, “It can be said that if you don’t want to be a test subject, the only thing you can do is to go against them.”

Qin Fen smiled bitterly, “So, you think I am the light of dawn? The person I am today...”

“Correct!” Chen Feiyu interrupted Qin Fen’s statement forcefully, “The person you are now is not exactly an ultimate professional. But you have the qualities of being a pro, and your body also has a special aura. Open your eyes, how long has it been since you started to take off? How many talented people and geniuses do you have around you? In comparison to you, isn’t it easier for Xing Wuyi to obtain all these with his family background? But, look! Even Xing Wuyi is also leaning toward you unknowingly.” josei

Qin Fen kept his mouth shut and thought about what Chen Feiyu had said.

“Someone once said that the king’s aura can make people surrender.” Chen Feiyu shook his head, “You don’t have that kind of aura, but you have another kind. You have a strong magnetic force, you can attract others to be your friends, to be your brothers! If you want to fight against that weird organization, you can’t fight against it alone! This time, whoever survives in Qinghai would be targeted by that organization. It’s for your own sake, and the sake of those around you...”

Qin Fen looked at the ground silently, a single encounter with the insect warriors actually brought so much danger.

“Qin Fen.” Chen Feiyu said with a soft voice, “It’s really disgusting to say that someone is the savior of the world. But...”

“I know.” Qin Fen nodded, interrupting Chen Feiyu’s words, “There are a lot of things that just won’t go away just because we want to avoid them.”

Chen Feiyu nodded gently with some satisfaction in his eyes, “These words may be spoken a little too soon. The strength we have now is still weak. But I wouldn’t want to wait till then to say this, not allowing you to have any time to prepare.”

“I understand.”

Qin Fen got up slowly and left Chen Feiyu’s room with slow steps. He then found Lin Jiaxuan’s residence on the electronic map of the card.

Tomorrow was the first day of the Air Recruit Tournament, as well as the preliminary round for the Recruit Shooting Tournament. It would be better to send the practice over earlier for his peace of mind.

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