The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 378 - Unparalleled Presence

Chapter 378 - Unparalleled Presence

Chapter 378: Unparalleled Presence

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Under the pitter-patter of the rain, the dark clouds in the sky gathered again. The drizzling rain gradually turned into a heavy rain.

The waves hit the beach again and again as if it wanted to clean the sands that were dyed red.

As of today, no one stood on this undeveloped beach. Whether it was martial artists from the Golden Triangle or the young martial artists from the sky, they were all lying on the beach.

Other than the sound of the rain, there was only the sound of the waves here, as if everyone were already dead.

Only the movement of a few people’s chests proved that there were still people alive.

Qin Fen laid on the beach, his bloody cheeks being washed by the heavy rain. He once again suffered from a battle between life and death and every cell in his body was in pain.

He looked to the side at Xue Tian, who was also facing the sky. This young martial artist who slashed seventy-two martial artists single-handedly turned his head and looked at Qin Fen. josei

When the two men glanced at each other, the corners of their lips evoked a smile.

Cool! Happy! Although the battle was fierce, Xue Tian’s bones that were not fractured were estimated to be less than one-fifth of his body. Qin Fen’s body, which was hit hard by White Tiger, was hurt again, but there was a sense of pride in his heart.

“Life is like this!” Solomon’s words were full of pride and he suddenly laughed loudly, “Ha ha ha...”

With a series of long laughs, this usually handsome and cool guy added a few points of unexplainable freedom. Solomon’s injury was slightly lighter than Xue Tian’s. The golden triangle martial artists ended with a determination to die, and under the advantages of numbers and strength, they still inflicted serious injuries on the young martial artists.

The last remaining martial artists of the Golden Triangle had no eight-star martial artists. All were the most elite of the nine-star and ten-star. This outcome was unexpected to Qin Fen.

The excessive laughter reached the injuries in Solomon’s body and a series of coughs forced him to stop smiling temporarily.

“Qin Fen.” Caesar looked up at the sky, watching the raindrops that looked like pearls, “After our injuries have healed, let’s go to the Golden triangle openly, how does that sound?”

Yang Lie struggled to lift his right arm that was fractured in the fierce battle. He shouted proudly, “Count me in!”

“Me too!”

“And also me!”

A series of cheers could be heard from different locations. Every shout meant that one person was still alive. Although the people in this war were all seriously injured, they also had a plentiful harvest. They were strangled by the elite troops from the Golden Triangle and gained countless experiences and far more insight than the usual sparring.

The sounds came one after another and Qin Fen’s eyebrows had a bit of a dignified look. The only one lacking on this cheer was Du Peng.

“Qin Fen, Du Peng is fine.” Chen Feiyu held his body with one hand and sat up from the pile of corpses. His face was full of blood and sand as he looked at Qin Fen, “Heavily hurt and passed out, but he did not die.”

Qin Fen breathed a sigh of relief. Du Peng was the weakest of the crowd yet he was extremely crazy in battle. He did not even dodge the fists that came hitting against his chest. The Seven Stars of Immortal Thunder aimed straight at the enemy’s throat and burst their breathing tubes. He risked his life and fought with the broken ribs in his chest.

“Hehe... hehe... hahahaha...”

Xue Tian laughed and coughed. One could see the thrill at the corner of his eyes as he mumbled to himself, “The price of being a hero is a bit too large, but it is really cool. Heroes, heroes... yes! This time’s experience has strengthened my dreams even more. Everyone must have a dream, and my dream is to be a hero.”

Qin Fen closed his eyes and felt the chilly sensation of the rain washing his body. He whispered in his heart, “Is this luck? The enemies were all killed and no one is dead. Compared to the rescue mission on the desert island, we’re really lucky this time.”

A series of ambulances sounded in the air followed by the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

Qin Fen was lifted onto the stretcher quickly and he turned his head to look at the dismembered dead bodies on the beach. Xue Tian, who had no less than twenty knives on his body, had a fighting ability that was really amazing.

This lazy genius who was usually sleeping and chasing girls had exposed his entire strength for the first time on the beach as he took down one hundred people single-handedly.

If it was me...” Qin Fen sighed with a smile, “I should be able to achieve what he did? If I want to be better than him, I am afraid it is really too difficult. Sure enough... in this world, except Young Hades, there are younger generations who are evenly matched with me.”

With the arrival of the ambulance, the police station’s police car and the armed police force also rushed to the beach. Some of them began to clean up the scene for forensic investigations. Others took the weapons and surrounded the ambulances to prevent more attacks from happening.

The roar of the huge propellers in the sky caused the armed police who were guarding to look up. Several advanced armed helicopters hovered over the crowds. From the symbol, they should be special military helicopters.

The armed police, the police, and the doctors were puzzled to see the military helicopters landing. The laws of the Federation had expressly stated that in non-special circumstances, the field army would not intervene the local affairs. Even if the mayor or the province leader called personally, they would not have any right to these pure soldiers.

Why did they come here today? The people were baffled and watched the soldiers approach them.

“Hello, please hand over all the injured to us.” A colonel handed out some documents and other soldiers had already begun to snatch the wounded from the police.

“Kid, well done.” Two seasoned soldiers carried Qin Fen’s stretcher, their gazes appreciative.

“I didn’t expect it. We thought you were a group of sissies. Now I know that you are all genuine soldiers.” Brooks listened to the praise of the seasoned soldier and simply smiled. This battle was really super cool and the opponents were desperate. Countering the power that erupted was an even more valuable experience.

After entering the military plane, Qin Fen who was slightly nervous, finally relaxed. The fatigue of his body suddenly burst in every cell and he fell asleep quickly.

In the several military armed helicopters, the snores of the young martial artists sounded one after another. How fierce was this fight? It could be easily seen from the fact that no one could stand up easily.

The colonel who led the team looked at Qin Fen and nodded with admiration. “These few young people managed to overturn the thugs of the Golden Triangle. It’s really admirable. But I don’t know how the higher-ups will react to this matter. They could be excited? We were ambushed by so many people, and they even almost succeeded in the assassination...”

“Snake King! Give me an army, I will eradicate the Golden Triangle!”

In the main office building of the Shenyang military headquarters, Zhao Huzi was sitting on the sofa of Snake King’s office with an angry look. His index finger and middle finger tapped quickly on the table. This incident was so sudden that it was only until Qin Fen had been attacked did he receive the message.

“An army? You can eradicate the Golden Triangle?” The Snake King’s face was expressionless. He tasted the tea in his hand leisurely, “Don’t say you could eradicate them; even if you could, where would I find an army for you? This is not an independent incident of anti-Federation armed forces. We can’t mobilize troops immediately to directly rebel.”

Zhao Huzi’s anger did not dissipate as he clenched his fist, slamming onto the sofa’s armrest. The metal armrest formed a crescent moon shape immediately, “Hundreds of Golden Triangle thugs rushed at Qin Fen. This was obviously a retaliatory action. How many people in the entire Federation knew that Qin Fen’s shooting turned the Golden Triangle into a big mess? Just a few people! This time it’s obvious that someone had leaked the news!”

“Yeah...” Snake King lifted his eyelid, looking a bit old, “Someone wants Qin Fen dead. What should we do?”

Zhao Huzi grinned. The general who climbed up from the bottom had a strong murderous intent on his face, “Retaliate, kill!”

“And then?” Snake King spread his palms gently, “And then? It will force other enemies that may exist inside to hide. We will have to continue to search for such enemies.”

“...” Zhao Huzi was silent for a few seconds. He looked up at Snake King, “What’s your plan?”

“First, send people to protect Qin Fen and do it with a hundred percent security protection.” Du Hen looked at Du Yu, who pushed the door to leave, nodding with satisfaction. It is amazing to have someone close to me who can understand what to do from my words.

“Next, begin investigating this matter.” Du Hen smiled, “Of course, this matter can not be fully investigated. It’s just a fake investigation. Besides, a real investigation would not necessarily find anything. In fact, you do not need to investigate much, you could guess who did this. It’s just for evidence...”

Zhao Huzi nodded repeatedly. The people who knew Qin Fen’s details very were few and Li Mingzheng was one of them. The fact that Qin Fen killed Li Mingzheng’s heir was known to everyone.

“Don’t worry.” Du Hen smiled, “This purge is going to be neat and clean. We won’t leave any trails behind anymore. As for the young people’s opponents and enemies, we will just leave it to them. I think you can also see it, whether it is Qin Fen or the young people around Qin Fen, they are people who don’t like to lose. Li Mingzheng tricked them. The Golden Triangle was rampant. What do you think they will do when they recover and improve their strength through this incident?”

Zhao Huzi was shocked, but then his not-so-good-looking face burst into laughter. Although these young people did not know that the mastermind behind was Li Mingzheng, they knew that the Golden Triangle was the party that drew the blade. Naturally, they would not let them go.

As for Li Mingzheng? Zhao Huzi sighed softly. This could only depend on Qin Fen’s own ability to deduce. Snake King wanted to catch the mastermind in one go. He naturally didn’t want to inadvertently alert the enemy. Then, he wouldn’t be able to give much information to Qin Fen.

Du Hen’s finger tapped on the desk lightly several times. Zhao Huzi suddenly noticed that there was another person in the room. This person had a medium-sized physique and had lowered his head slightly. His long hair blocked his face which made his face indistinguishable. If one didn’t see him with their eyes, no one would’ve noticed his existence.

Zhao Huzi who was used to seeing people who were acquainted with life and death. He was also taken aback. He was also a person who had been to Sacred Martial Hall. He couldn’t feel that there was anyone other than Du Hen in this room, let alone sense the strength of this person. His hiding skill alone was impressive.

This person is... to put it simply... it crossed Zhao Huzi’s mind quickly.


Snake King Du Hen’s rumored mid-level personal guard! With his hands full of blood, Snake King obviously had far more enemies than Qin Fen. If he wasn’t strong enough and didn’t have such a mysterious bodyguard, he could have died a long time ago.

Zhao Huzi used to hear about it. He thought that this was just a random speculation of the others. He didn’t expect Snake King to actually have such a personal bodyguard.

Du Hen picked up a newspaper from the table and looked at it casually, “Go to Tianbei and protect a man named Qin Fen.”

The shadow didn’t leave immediately. He stood motionless and asked very quietly, “The ultimate protection?”

“Yes.” Du Hen replied without raising his head, “Before he is discharged from the hospital, protect him like how you protect me. You can kill off anyone who gets close to him with ill intentions. Once he’s fully recovered, you can come back.”


The shadow left, just as he appeared. The way he left had left Zhao Huzi astonished.

“It’s interesting.” Zhao Huzi looked at the sky outside the window, “It seems that Qin Fen is temporarily safe, but since he and his friends are hurt, how will they deal with the challenges that Song Martial God created?”

Under the pitter-patter of the rain, there was a burst of wet air blowing through the window and the white curtains swayed with the wind gently.

Qin Fen was half lying down, and his black hair that had grown long in front of his forehead swayed gently with the breeze that entered the room. He quietly looked at the bodyguard in front of his bed.

The ivory white skin was delicate and smooth and his perfect cheeks had no expression. The black hair which resembled a waterfall was tied into a high ponytail. His white sportswear added a little youthful feel to him.

Lin Ling was very quiet, she did not even say a word today. Her waist plate was always sitting on the bed and she did not move, as if she was a puppet.

Since the riot at the hospital and the fierce battle at the beach ten days ago, Tianbei City had not been quiet. After the Golden Triangle’s assault, Zhao Huzi had sent bodyguards immediately.

Even if it was a seasoned soldier from special operations, there weren’t many people who could beat Lin Ling in sniping. The most important thing in the work of a bodyguard was to avoid the threat of a sniper. Although Lin Ling was young, her sniping talent still surpassed Qin Fen. It was the best decision for her to become the bodyguard.

For several days in a row, the Golden Triangle, which had suffered losses, had indeed sent several batches of people to assassinate Qin Fen. However, the snipers often had just managed to set up the anti-sniping equipment in a good position and had yet to properly aim when Lin Ling took the lead and shot them down. They could forget about having time to lock on.

The masters of martial dao had an even harder getting close to the hospital. Snake King had temporarily loaned his bodyguard, Shadow, to Qin Fen.

Shadow: many people in the Military Region knew the existence of such a noun, but no one had seen his true appearance and didn’t even realize that there was such a person beside Snake King.

Qin Fen looked out of the window very curiously. Wh at kind of existence did Shadow have? He could feel his existence, but he had never really seen it.

The only evidence that could prove that Shadow did exist was the three martial artists from the golden triangle that were beaten up into a pulp. This could confirm that this “Shadow” existed.

“Old Qin, the policewoman who you promised to introduce to me, did she come today?”

The door of the ward had not been pushed open yet, but with this high-profile voice, Qin Fen knew that Xue Tian, who had the most serious injury, came again.

Last time, during the battle at the seaside, Xue Tian alone had slashed seventy-two martial artists who were above eight-star. Such a battle record amazed all the young martial artists.

The door was pushed open and Xue Tian, wrapped in bandages, looked like a living mummy. He was pushed into the room by a young and beautiful female nurse.

When he saw this female nurse, Qin Fen wanted to laugh. When Xue Tian had first woken up, he was being taken care of by a male nurse. Because of that, he immediately asked the hospital to provide him a beautiful nurse. However, he was strictly rejected by the dean.

No one would have thought that Xue Tian, who was seriously injured, would declare a hunger strike immediately. His reasons were valid. As a hero who killed a group of Golden Triangle thugs and safeguarded social stability and protected people’s property, he had the right to ask for beautiful nurses to take care of him!

Because, whether it be in the movies, dramas, comics, or novels, there was always a beautiful woman to accompany the hero.

When Qin Fen first heard this statement, he once again remembered that Xue Tian was screaming about becoming a hero. He deeply doubted this Blade of Fury. His motivation to become a hero, was it so that he could find beautiful women to accompany him?

“Xue Tian, I have to win you once today.”

Outside of the door, Creator Brooks was also pushed by a nurse in a wheelchair to Qin Fen’s room. He was carrying two short wooden blades in his hand.

The battle at the beach, the crazy sword battle of Xue Tian’s left a deep impression on everyone. Everyone was now seriously injured and there was no way for anyone to spar. Yet, they think of various ways to spar with one another.

Brooks had been fighting with Xue Tian using wooden swords for two consecutive days. Both sides had only one arm that they were able to move and they couldn’t use any internal force. They just had to compete using techniques and it was still unbelievably exciting.

“Qin Fen...”

“Qin Fen...”

“Qin Fen...”

A series of shouts and Qin Fen’s spacious ward was suddenly crowded by a bunch of young people in their wheelchairs.

The young martial artists gained a lot of inspiration during their life and death battle. After Qin Fen’s many selfless exchanges, everyone realized the importance of communication. Since their bodies were injured and they couldn’t practice excessively, they went to Qin Fen’s room for exchanges. If there was a heated debate, it would usually be because of a reminder that Qin Fen gave. It gave everyone a different inspiration.

Everyone knew clearly that everyone in this room was almost always proud. If Qin Fen was not there, it was more likely that everyone would shut their doors and study their own understandings or find elders to verify their learnings, following the path of the elders to improve. However, now, Qin Fen reminded them to open their own path.

It could be said that almost no one was convinced, but no one was dissatisfied with Qin Fen. It was not because of Qin Fen’s martial strength, but his temperament. His completely selfless exchanges and his eccentric personality charm.

Staying with Qin Fen, everyone had the same feeling: joy! Everyone agreed on one thing: only Qin Fen could bring everyone together and allow everyone to express their opinions selflessly.

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