The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 40 - You Carry Him, Then I Carry Him!

Chapter 40 - You Carry Him, Then I Carry Him!

Chapter 40: You Carry Him, Then I Carry Him!

Translator: Strivon Editor: Nora

One hundred meters, three hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters, one thousand and five hundred meters....

Du Peng, who followed closely behind, looked at the swimming Qin Fen ahead of him with eyes of disbelief. This fellow was a monster! Did he not know how to be tired?

Even Qin Fen, who was swimming in front, felt that things were a bit strange. He had trained in the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art for quite a while, having swam using the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art for around a thousand times, yet he never encountered a situation like today’s.

Moving in the water with the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art was actually more smooth and easy than moving on land. He moved faster, and the energy in his body made him truly feel like a dragon swimming in the waters.

Could this be the effect from entering the third stage of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art? Qin Fen soon rejected this conjecture and began doubt that this was the sole effect in the water of this incomparably complicated and detailed Dragon Elephant Prajna Art.

If such an effect was displayed in the water with the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art, wouldn’t there be a similar smoothness and flow if he cultivated in the water? Qin Fen thought of when he cultivated in the third stage of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art. Circulating the energy in his body was akin to slowly pushing piles of gigantic rocks forward. One whole cycle required an entire two hours to complete, and it was much more tiring than his day-to-day construction work.

On the other hand, Qin Fen estimated that he could perform sixty cycles of the government publicized Dragon Elephant Prajna Art in two hours.

Now he had the opportunity to cultivate the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art in ocean waters! Qin Fen made a decision to himself. He would put all his energy into swimming.

Two thousand meters, two thousand and three meters....

Squad Leader Huang Hao’s complexion began to change as Qin Fen continued to maintain that unbelievable speed. Qin Fen even looked like he intended to accelerate.

A smile gradually appeared on Battalion Commander Zhang Jianshan’s face. The company commander of Qin Fen’s company also had a delighted smile on his lips.

“Squad Leader Hao.” Zhang Jianshan strode a few steps to Squad Leader Hao’s side and whispered, “It seems that it’s been a while since your East Asia Boot Camp has won any of the military competitions, right?”

Squad Leader Hao smile was just as simple as always. His laugh was akin to that of a fox as he nodded and said, “Yeah, The recruits of the three continents of Europe, America, and Africa have been of great quality in recent years. Indeed, they are much stronger than our East Asia recruits.”

“What do you think will happen in this coming event?” Battalion Commander Zhang asked very casually.

Squad Leader Hao answered very relaxed as well, “This coming event? I look forward to it.”

The other platoon commanders, company commanders, and squad leaders all laughed. Sometimes soldiers viewed honor to be more important than life. The discovery of the historical remains of Atlantis was made not too long ago, spreading martial arts far and wide. The East Asia army group had boundless prospects within the Federation’s military martial arts competitions. Whether it was shooting, fighting, aerial combat, or other competitions, East Asia held the supreme position. josei

East Asia was first tier when it came the the Federation’s army. Europe and America were second tier, and Africa was third tier, leaving Southwest Asia to be bottom tier.

As America and Europe began to gradually understand and master the essence of these martial arts techniques, as they began to develop all sorts of neo martial arts, East Asia’s performance began to decline one event after another. Even the Southwest Asia army group claimed that they would break free from their fate of being at the bottom.

Now America and Europe were first tier, Africa was second tier, and Southwest Asia and East Asia stood side-by-side at the bottom tier.

“I lost, Squad Leader Hao.”

Huang Hao felt out a hundred dollars from his pocket, his face carrying a smile of great delight. He felt that a hundred dollars was well worth it to discover such an awesome recruit.

Qin Fen sat on the beach, gasping for breath. Even for him, it was hard to maintain swimming that distance at top speed the entire way. His footsteps on the sandy beach had been a bit staggered, and his body began to shake slightly.

Qin Fen quickly sat cross-legged. Right when he wanted to use the Rejuvenation Art to recover his strength, he suddenly recalled something the figure of light had said in his dream. The best time for growth is when one perseveres in cultivation during their weariest moments.

Cultivate the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art? Qin Fen quickly rejected the thought. No matter how bad the recruits were, they wouldn’t need two hours to swim to shore.

One must not be disturbed when cultivating and circulating the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art within one’s body. Clearly, he didn’t have enough time right now. There was also the danger of a whiplash if he didn’t pay attention and someone bumped into him.

The Rejuvenation Art quickly circulated through his entire body, eliminating some of his fatigue.

The last recruit teetered onto the beach under the gazes of thousands of people. It was just as Qin Fen expected. The last recruit was none other than his squadmate Jin Kui.

Speed swimming five thousand meters wasn’t an easy task for this recruit with a slightly overweight body.

A landing ship also arrived quickly to shore. A rough, “Assemble!” was shouted out, and the recruits dragged their weary bodies into formation one after another.

These past few days made everyone realize that joining the military wasn’t some vacation. Being slow just a bit might invite punishment at any time.

“Rest here for half an hour! Then we do a forced march of seven kilometers!” Battalion Commander Zhang’s voice, along with a few other battalion commander’s voices, resonated in Qin Fen’s ear. “The person in last place will ensure that their entire squad won’t have food to eat!”

The recruits of Second Squad, First Platoon, Third Company, Second Battalion stared uniformly at Jin Kui, still panting and gasping for breath. Jin Kui, the person who would hold them back, revealed quite a bleak expression.

The two thousand recruits began to rest, and the atmosphere of Second Squad, First Platoon, Third Company, Second Battalion dropped to an all-time low. Du Peng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly got up and walked before Qin Fen, ” When he can’t run. I’ll carry him, and when I’m tired, you’ll carry him. What do you say?”

Running while carrying someone? A few of their squadmates’ eyes narrowed to slits. Jin Kui was overweight at his body weight. It was no joke to carry him for seven kilometers.

Qin Fen revealed a smile. He had intended to carry Jin Kui if he wasn’t able to run. Even if he couldn’t get first place, he would do his best not to get last place at the very least. He wasn’t too sure he could accomplish this, but with Du Peng added into the mix, perhaps it truly was possible to not end up in last place.

“You guys... I....” Jin Kui was touched.

Du Peng spoke coldly from the side, “Soldiers aren’t individuals. Our squad is a collective.”

Qin Fen was a bit surprised. This ice-cold recruit was indeed more remarkable than any of the other recruits when it came to military affairs.

The half an hour rest soon ended, and for the sake of dinner and dying of hunger, the recruits swung their feet and followed their squad leaders toward the recruit boot camp located five kilometers away. Their forced march had begun.

Qin Fen stepped passed Jin Kui with a large forward stride and said, “Follow close to me.”

Du Peng’s eyes suddenly lit up. Qin Fen was lead running!

Many people, when running alone, would feel exceptionally tired and unable to persevere. If there was someone leading ahead, people would often display a side that exceeded their normal limits.

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