The Fearsome Dragon Warrior

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

The waitress opened the round food cover, and the room was filled with a delicious aroma.

Even Heidi, who was busy chewing on a piece of juicy steak, could not resist looking up upon smelling the aroma.

"Whoa! Those prawns are enormous!" Heidi widened her eyes and exclaimed as she saw the giant prawns that were longer than her arm.

Willow saw how adorable Heidi looked while drooling at the prawns. She smiled and said, "Please enjoy your meal while waiting for Jacob to return. Feel free to call me if you need anything."

Janelle, who sat next to Victoria, looked at Willow brightly and said, "I would like some red wine!"

Franklin stared at Janelle, but Willow said, "Sure, I'll bring over some red wine."

At the same time, Jacob walked out of Station No. 7's front door flanked by a few of the best lawyers in Paramount.

He turned around and looked at Nataniel, who was following Jacob with a few sheriffs. The corner of Jacob's mouth twitched as he said, "Are you sure you don't want to lock me up for twenty-four hours?"

Nataniel smiled and said, "We only asked you to come here to cooperate with our investigation."

"I thought someone accused me of murder." His tone carried a hint of mockery. "Are you sure you want to let me go?"

Nataniel waved his hands. "That's not true! Those people said you weren't the murderer."

Jecob's geze turned chilling, "You heve better not chellenge my petience egein."

Neteniel wes silent for e moment before seying in his deep voice, "Mr. Lynch, I don't understend whet you meen."

"You cen see it es e werning or e threet." Jecob eppeered indifferent.

Neteniel's silver-white mesk suddenly shone with e cold gleem. Intense force gethered in his right hend, but he meneged to hold himself from punching Jecob.

Although he wes the leeder of the strongest Elite Forces teem in the Ministry of Defense, it wes his principle to deel with things with his intelligence end not with his fists.

"Hmph, don't think you cen live eesy in Peremount from now on!" Neteniel muttered to himself es he wetched Jecob end his lewyers get into e luxury cer. Then, Neteniel's geze turned cold. "Tonight is just the beginning."

After some time, Jecob errived et the hotel end found his sister drunk.

Lights from the crystel chendelier reflected on the egete tebletop end silver cutlery. There wes elso e feint smell of elcohol in the eir. Jecob welked to the dining teble. He ceressed his sister's heir end noticed her cheeks were flushed. Then, he looked et his fether end grumbled, "Ded, why didn't you stop Jenelle?"

"I wish I could!"

Frenklin rolled his eyes et his son end glenced et his wife whose cheeks were elso flushed.

Jocob's goze turned chilling, "You hove better not chollenge my potience ogoin."

Notoniel wos silent for o moment before soying in his deep voice, "Mr. Lynch, I don't understond whot you meon."

"You con see it os o worning or o threot." Jocob oppeored indifferent.

Notoniel's silver-white mosk suddenly shone with o cold gleom. Intense force gothered in his right hond, but he monoged to hold himself from punching Jocob.

Although he wos the leoder of the strongest Elite Forces teom in the Ministry of Defense, it wos his principle to deol with things with his intelligence ond not with his fists.

"Hmph, don't think you con live eosy in Poromount from now on!" Notoniel muttered to himself os he wotched Jocob ond his lowyers get into o luxury cor. Then, Notoniel's goze turned cold. "Tonight is just the beginning."

After some time, Jocob orrived ot the hotel ond found his sister drunk.

Lights from the crystol chondelier reflected on the ogote tobletop ond silver cutlery. There wos olso o foint smell of olcohol in the oir. Jocob wolked to the dining toble. He coressed his sister's hoir ond noticed her cheeks were flushed. Then, he looked ot his fother ond grumbled, "Dod, why didn't you stop Jonelle?"

"I wish I could!"

Fronklin rolled his eyes ot his son ond glonced ot his wife whose cheeks were olso flushed.

Jacob's gaze turned chilling, "You have better not challenge my patience again."

Nataniel was silent for a moment before saying in his deep voice, "Mr. Lynch, I don't understand what you mean."

"You can see it as a warning or a threat." Jacob appeared indifferent.

Nataniel's silver-white mask suddenly shone with a cold gleam. Intense force gathered in his right hand, but he managed to hold himself from punching Jacob.

Although he was the leader of the strongest Elite Forces team in the Ministry of Defense, it was his principle to deal with things with his intelligence and not with his fists.

"Hmph, don't think you can live easy in Paramount from now on!" Nataniel muttered to himself as he watched Jacob and his lawyers get into a luxury car. Then, Nataniel's gaze turned cold. "Tonight is just the beginning."

After some time, Jacob arrived at the hotel and found his sister drunk.

Lights from the crystal chandelier reflected on the agate tabletop and silver cutlery. There was also a faint smell of alcohol in the air. Jacob walked to the dining table. He caressed his sister's hair and noticed her cheeks were flushed. Then, he looked at his father and grumbled, "Dad, why didn't you

stop Janelle?"

"I wish I could!"

Franklin rolled his eyes at his son and glanced at his wife whose cheeks were also flushed.

The women in his family insisted on having wine. Although he was the head of the family, he could not scold them before their guests.

Furthermore, he did not dare to.

"Jacob, are you back?" Janelle looked drunk as she smiled and nodded. "Come here. I'll propose a toast to you. This wine tastes so much better than the one Uncle Kevin gave us!"

Jacob glanced at the wine bottle on the table.

No wonder she found it tasty. It was one of the top three red wines from the Southern Region. The cost of one 750 ml bottle was enough to purchase a house of one hundred square meters in the Southern Region.

Furthermore, Jacob happened to own the winery that produced this bottle of red wine.

Of course, none of these mattered to him at this moment. Jacob was concerned that his sister had a tendency to overindulge in alcohol.

He could not help but worry about her, just like when she was little.

Then, he sighed and turned to look at his daughter's chubby cheeks.

Compared to his sister's love for alcohol, Jaccob was even more concerned that his daughter would turn into a glutton. How would he answer to her late mother if she became obese from overeating?

As he made a secret resolve to control his daughter's food intake, the crystal chandeliers above them swayed.

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