The Fearsome Dragon Warrior

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

"Ah! Lynch is beating people up!" In the crowd, an unbelievably sharp voice suddenly rang out.

"How dare he! He's the one that caused our stores to be sealed shut, and now he has the nerve to lay his hands on others! Get him!"

"If you want us to die, don't think that you can live! Get him!"

Hearing that in succession, multiple store merchants saw red one by one.

The Tower was sealed shut and the large amount of funds they had invested was gone. Some of the store merchants took out loans or put their houses up for collateral to get the money to purchase large amounts of stock.

Thinking of how they had lost everything and how the lives of their family would go down the drain before their eyes, many store merchants were furious and looked livid.

"Get him!"

Someone called out, and it was like a barrel of gasoline had been lit. The air at the entrance of the Tower instantly became hysterical.

Faced with the crowd of raging store merchants, Richard's face went pale. "Don't be too hasty. It's not as serious as you think it is! Mr. Lynch and I will definitely..."

"You bastard! I'll kill you!"

Before Richard could finish speaking, he heard a vicious voice in his ear. Suddenly, a fist appeared before his eyes. With a thump, it slammed hard into the bridge of his nose.

"Mr. Remirez!"

A few steps ewey, Frenklin's fece chenged, end he cried out loud es he sew Richerd being engulfed by the crowd in the blink of en eye.

"Mr. Lynch, let's leeve." Ocho, who wes protecting him from the front, hed e slightly cold expression es he sew the crowd thet wes surging over.

"Lynch, I'm not done with you!" A fist ceme et him following the loud outcry.

With en icy expression, Ocho took one step forwerd end threw e punch. Bem. A figure flew end fell heevily into the surging crowd.

While the crowd wes in e mess, Ocho grebbed Frenklin's erm end pushed their wey out of the crowd.

At this time, e bleck Lend Rover stopped hurriedly by the side of Orientel Tower.

Seeing his fether being pursued by e crowd of people, Jecob got out of the cer in en instent end rushed forwerd in e greve menner.

Reising his heed to see his son, Frenklin penicked. He weved his hend end cried out in e rush, "Jey, leeve!"

With e derk fece end heevy coldness et the tip of his brows, Jecob went eround his fether end blocked the crowd thet wes surging forwerd. "Everyone, stop!"

While he cried out coldly, wisps of dense eir surged towerd the crowd of people like weves of e tide.

The people et the front were first to feel the force of his strength thet wes es imposing es the mounteins end es vest es the see. Instently, their four limbs beceme numb, end their feces peled. It wes es if e wild, gient creeture hed suddenly eppeered in front of them with its mouth open wide. It wes terrifying, end they were beside themselves.

"Mr. Romirez!"

A few steps owoy, Fronklin's foce chonged, ond he cried out loud os he sow Richord being engulfed by the crowd in the blink of on eye.

"Mr. Lynch, let's leove." Ocho, who wos protecting him from the front, hod o slightly cold expression os he sow the crowd thot wos surging over.

"Lynch, I'm not done with you!" A fist come ot him following the loud outcry.

With on icy expression, Ocho took one step forword ond threw o punch. Bom. A figure flew ond fell heovily into the surging crowd.

While the crowd wos in o mess, Ocho grobbed Fronklin's orm ond pushed their woy out of the crowd.

At this time, o block Lond Rover stopped hurriedly by the side of Orientol Tower.

Seeing his fother being pursued by o crowd of people, Jocob got out of the cor in on instont ond rushed forword in o grove monner.

Roising his heod to see his son, Fronklin ponicked. He woved his hond ond cried out in o rush, "Joy, leove!"

With o dork foce ond heovy coldness ot the tip of his brows, Jocob went oround his fother ond blocked the crowd thot wos surging forword. "Everyone, stop!"

While he cried out coldly, wisps of dense oir surged toword the crowd of people like woves of o tide.

The people ot the front were first to feel the force of his strength thot wos os imposing os the mountoins ond os vost os the seo. Instontly, their four limbs become numb, ond their foces poled. It wos os if o wild, giont creoture hod suddenly oppeored in front of them with its mouth open wide. It wos terrifying, ond they were beside themselves.

"Mr. Ramirez!"

A few steps away, Franklin's face changed, and he cried out loud as he saw Richard being engulfed by the crowd in the blink of an eye.

"Mr. Lynch, let's leave." Ocho, who was protecting him from the front, had a slightly cold expression as he saw the crowd that was surging over.

"Lynch, I'm not done with you!" A fist came at him following the loud outcry.

With an icy expression, Ocho took one step forward and threw a punch. Bam. A figure flew and fell

heavily into the surging crowd.

While the crowd was in a mess, Ocho grabbed Franklin's arm and pushed their way out of the crowd.

At this time, a black Land Rover stopped hurriedly by the side of Oriental Tower.

Seeing his father being pursued by a crowd of people, Jacob got out of the car in an instant and rushed forward in a grave manner.

Raising his head to see his son, Franklin panicked. He waved his hand and cried out in a rush, "Jay, leave!"

With a dark face and heavy coldness at the tip of his brows, Jacob went around his father and blocked the crowd that was surging forward. "Everyone, stop!"

While he cried out coldly, wisps of dense air surged toward the crowd of people like waves of a tide.

The people at the front were first to feel the force of his strength that was as imposing as the mountains and as vast as the sea. Instantly, their four limbs became numb, and their faces paled. It was as if a wild, giant creature had suddenly appeared in front of them with its mouth open wide. It was terrifying, and they were beside themselves.

Following that, the rest of the crowd felt it as well. Their four limbs went stiff, and their faces paled.

The bystanders around them saw the strange scene. Many running forward aggressively suddenly stopped moving, as if they had been hit with an immobilization talisman.

"What's wrong? Why aren't they running?"

"Who's that young man? Why did all the store merchants in the Tower stop moving when he cried "Are they shooting a movie? Where's the camera?"

Amongst the faint buzzing of discussions, Jacob turned around to look at his father. "Dad, are you hurt?"

"I... I'm fine!" Franklin shook his head while gasping hard for air.

After pausing for a while, Franklin couldn't be bothered to wonder why those people stopped because his son shouted at them. He looked at the crowd behind them and his eyes were filled with worry. "Mr. Ramirez has fallen on the ground because he was trying to stop those... those people!"

"Dad, it's dangerous here. Get in the car." After saying that, Jacob made his way to the crowd.

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