The Female Supporting Character Just Wants To Live A Good Life

Chapter 0 Glossary

Chapter 0 Glossary

Names mentioned

Female lead

-苏芮 (sù ruì) – Su Rui, our female protagonist

-芮芮 (ruì ruì)- Rui Rui, a nickname of the female protagonist

-苏小姐(sù xiǎo jie)- Miss Su, refers to the female protagonist

-苏小芮(sù xiǎo ruì)- Su Xiao Rui, which translates to Su little Rui.

-苏学妹- Junior Su

Male Lead

-顾煜城 (gù yù chéng)- Gu Yu Cheng, the male lead

-城哥哥(chéng gē ge)- Cheng Ge ge, refers to the male lead

-顾总(gù zǒng)- President Gu

-顾董(gù dǒng)- Chairman Gu

-煜城哥(yù chéng gē)- Yu Cheng Ge.

-老顾(lǎo gù)- Lao Gu, refers to Gu Yu Cheng(in Chapter 26) and may also refer to Gu Yu Cheng’s father as well.

-顾大猪蹄子(gù dà zhūtí zi)- Gu Big Pig’s Trotters, the display name Su Rui has set for Gu Yu Cheng on WeChat. (Chapter 38)

-小顾(xiǎo gù)- Xiao Gu. It refers to Gu Yu Cheng and it is a nickname given by Su Hong Yuan.

Female lead’s father

-苏宏远 (sù hóng yuan)- Su Hong Yuan, the female protagonist’s father

–老苏 (lǎo sù)- Lao Su, refers to the female protagonist’s father

-苏总(sù zǒng)- President Su

–苏董事长(sù dǒngshìzhǎng)- Chairman Su, Su Rui’s father

-苏爸爸(sù bà ba)- Father Su

Female lead’s mother

-刘玥(liú yuè)- Liu Yue, the female protagonist’s mother, which is also known as Mrs Su

-苏太太(sù tài tài)/-苏夫人(sù fū ren)- Mrs Su

-小玥(xiǎo yuè)- Xiao Yue, it refers to the female protagonist’s mother.

-刘女士(liú nǚ shì)- Madam Liu

-刘玥女士(liú yuè nǚ shì)- Madam Liu Yue

-苏妈妈(sù mā mā)- Mother Su

Male lead’s mother

-余静(yú jìng)- Yu Jing, Mrs Gu’s name.

-顾太太(gù tài tài)/ 顾夫人(gù tài tài)- Mrs Gu

-余阿姨(yú ā yí)- Auntie Yu, referring to Mrs Gu

-余女士(yú nǚ shì)- Madam Yu, Gu Yu Cheng’s mother

-余静女士(yú jìng nǚ shì)- Madam Yu Jing

-顾妈妈(gùmā mā)- Mother Gu

Male lead’s father

–顾国华(gù guó huá)- Gu Guo Hua, Gu Yu Cheng’s father’s name.

-老顾(lǎo gù)- Lao Gu, refers to Mr Gu, Gu Yu Cheng’s father

-老顾董(lǎo gù dǒng)- old Chairman Gu

-老顾先生(lǎo gù xiān sheng)- old Mr Gu, refers to Gu Yu Cheng’s father

Gu Yu Cheng’s and Su Rui’s Child

-顾言睿(gù yán ruì)- Gu Yan Rui, the son of Gu Yu Cheng and Su Rui.

–顾安安(gù ān‘ān)- Gu An An, Gu Yan Rui’s nickname.

-顾大福 (gù dà fú)- Gu Da Fu. The literal translation would be Gu Big/Great Blessing. The nickname Su Rui has suggested.

-顾小朋友(gù xiǎopéngyǒu)- Little Gu, Gu Yu Cheng and Su Rui’s child.

Female lead’s friends

-唐笑(táng xiào) – Tang Xiao, Su Rui’s friend and daughter of the chairman of Tang Jing Group

-唐小姐(táng xiǎo jie)- Miss Tang, Tang Xiao

-唐小妞(táng xiǎo niū)- Tang Xiao Niu, which translates to Tang little girl.

-刘玲(Liú líng)- Liu Ling, Su Rui’s university roommate

Male lead’s friends

–周子渊(zhōu zǐ yuān)- Zhou Zi Yuan, the young chairman of the Zhou Company

–唐俊(táng jùn)- Tang Jun, Tang Xiao’s elder brother and son of the chairman of Tang Jing Group

Other names:

Names of Places

–苏家(sù jiā) – The Su House

-顾家(gù jiā) – The Gu House

-金华苑(jīn huá yuàn)- Jin Hua Centre, the place where the Su family stays.

-B大(dà)- University B, the university that Su Rui is attending and the university Gu Yu Cheng had graduated from.

-红枫林(hóng fēng lín)- Red Maple Forest

-景园(jǐng yuán)- Jing Yuan, where the Gu House is located.

–城东(chéng dōng)- Cheng Dong, the place the Tang family stays.

-缘聚楼(yuán jù lóu)- Yuan Ju Restaurant, Su Rui’s favourite restaurant.

Companies’ names

-苏华企业(sù huá qǐ yè )- Su Hua enterprise, the name of the enterprise the Su family owns.

-苏华集团(sù huá jítuán )- Su Hua Group, the name of the enterprise the Su family owns.

-苏华(sù huá)- Su Hua, the company owned by the Su family.

-远征集团 (yuan zhēng jí tuán)- Yuan Zheng group

-张氏集团(zhāng shì jí tuán)- Zhang Group

–唐景集团(táng jǐng jí tuán)- Tang Jing Group

-林耀集团(lín yào jí tuán) – Lin Yao Group

-顾氏(gù shì)- Gu Company

-民安集团 (mín ān jí tuán)- Min An group

-严氏(yán shì)- The Yan Company

–景阳集团(Jǐng yáng jítuán)- Jing Yang Group, President Yu’s company

–长盛集团(cháng shèng jítuán)- Chang Sheng Group.

–盛鼎集团(shèng dǐng jítuán)- Sheng Ding Group.

–白宇集团(Bái yǔ jítuán)- Bai Yu Group

–易鑫(yì xīn)- Yi Xin. (mentioned in Chapter 47)

–周氏集团(zhōu shì jítuán)- Zhou Group

-MCC- a branch office of Zhou Group.

–泰华集团(Tài Huà jítuán)- Taihua Group (mentioned in Chapter 74)

Gu Yu Cheng’s assistant

–王洲(wáng zhōu) – Wang Zhou, Gu Yu Cheng’s assistant

-王助理(wáng zhùlǐ)- Assistant Wang, Wang Zhou

Su Rui’s Tutor

-李娜(lǐ nà)– Li Na, Su Rui’s tutor

-李老师(lǐ lǎo shī)- Teacher Li or Ms Li, refers to Su Rui’s tutor.

-李娜老师((lǐ nà lǎo shī)- Teacher Li Na or Ms Li Na, refers to Su Rui’s tutor.

The staffs of the Su House

-李妈(lǐ mā)- Auntie Li, a servant working for the Su family

–老张(Lǎo zhāng)- Lao Zhang, the Su family’s driver

–张叔 (zhāng shū)- Uncle Zhang, the Su family’s driver

Family members of the Zhang Group mentioned in Chapter 9, 17

-林叶(lín yè)- Lin Ye, referring to Mrs Zhang

– 林阿姨 (lín ā yí)- Auntie Lin, referring to Lin Ye

-林女士(lín nǚ shì)- Madam Lin

-林叔叔(lín shūshu)- Uncle Lin, Lin Yi Xiao’s father

–林逸潇(lín yì xiāo)- Lin Yi Xiao

Family members of the Tang Jing Group

-唐京华(táng jīng huā)- Tang Jing Hua

-唐笑(táng xiào) – Tang Xiao, Su Rui’s friend and daughter of the chairman of Tang Jing Group

-唐小妞(táng xiǎo niū)- Tang Xiao Niu, which translates to Tang little girl.

-唐夫人(táng fū ren)- Mrs Tang, Tang Xiao’s mother

-周小团子(zhōu xiǎo tuánzi)- Zhou Little Dumpling, the nickname of Tang Xiao’s daughter

University Teacher’s name

-龙亚玲(lóng yà líng)- Long Ya Ling, a teacher in University B

Other Names mentioned in Chapter 23 (Banquet) and Chapter 24 (Story)

–韦女士(wéi nǚshì)- Madam Wei

–李阿姨(lǐ āyí)- Auntie Li

–刘太太(liú tàitai)- Mrs Liu

-严筱(yán xiǎo)- Yan Xiao, Second Miss of the Yan Group

Siria (Rumoured Ex-girlfriend of Gu Yu Cheng and a celebrity that has won the grand prize in music)

-白欣雨(bái xīn yù)- Bai Xin Yu, aka Siria

–欣雨(xīn yù)- Xin Yu

-欣雨姐(xīn yù jiě)- Xin Yu Jie/elder sister Xin Yu, Siria

Other names mentioned in Chapter 26 (Girlfriend)

-郁总(yù zǒng)- President Yu

–景阳集团(Jǐng yáng jítuán)- Jing Yang Group, President Yu’s company

Other names mentioned in chapter 62 (Check-up)

-杨杰(yáng jié)- Yang Jie, a project manager of the Gu Company.

Phrases mentioned:

-白月光(bái yuè guāng) – refers to a person who is remembered in one’s heart, that one has always loved, but cant touch. It usually refers to the intention of the sweetheart and the first love that one would never forgets.

-小鲜肉 (xiǎo xiān ròu)- Little fresh meat. It refers to young and handsome males. Normally, it would refer to ages 12-20 years old, good looking man.

–牛X (niú)- directly translate to Bull/cow X. It is a colloquial term used by the youngsters to describe someone who is terrific, or he can do things that ordinary people can’t do.

-八字- (Bā zì) – birthdate characters used in fortune-telling

-三分钟热度(sān fēn zhōng rè dù)- 3-minute passion is a Chinese saying which refers to a person having a limited passion, or a passion that doesn’t last long toward something/someone that he/she liked/loved/was passionate about.

-去去去(qù qù qù)- If it is directly translated, it would mean go, go, go. However, in this context, it would be something like to spit.

-他家闺女hold不住人(tā jiā guī nǚ hold bù zhù rén)- It meant that his daughter cannot grasp the other person, she wouldn’t be able to calmly face the consequences.

-贴心小棉袄(tiē xīn xiǎo mián’ǎo)- It is translated to attentive little cotton-padded jacket. It is usually used to describe a love where it is like the cotton-padded jacket in the winter where one gives warmth to others.

–门当户对(mén dāng hù duì)- It is an idiom that means the families are well-matched in terms of social status.

–心里一堵(xīn li yī dǔ) – to feel sad and frustrated as if there is a blockage in her heart.

–大佬(dà lǎo) – a colloquial term of calling someone who has power to speak about a certain topic. It usually refers to someone who has a lot of experience, a high seniority, and their speeches are helpful. In daily life, it is usually to express admiration or respect for a more talented person.

–学霸(xué bà)- a popular internet term to describe students with excellent grades. /学霸Xué bà: Straight-A student. Or well a student that always has high grades. Excels in their studies.

–母上大人(mǔ shàng dà rén) – A respectful way of calling mother. It is okaa-sama in japanese.

–直男 (zhí nán) – Straight man. In this case, it is describing that Gu Yu Cheng has traits that most heterosexual man do such as they like women that wears black stockings, unable to differentiate between women who has make up or no make up on, liking women who has big breasts, long legs and long straight hair, etc.

-小姑凉(xiǎo gū liáng) – cute young lady

–牛掰(niú bāi) – similar to Cow X, to describe someone is awesome/amazing

–学渣(xué zhā)- underachiever/mediocre student

-C位(wèi) – C position. It means to be the center/carry (in games). In this situation, it means the center of attention.

-撞衫(zhuàng shān) – to wear the same outfit as somebody else in public

–装X(zhuāng X)- a more ambiguous way of saying 装逼[zhuāng bī] 装13[zhuāng shí sān] which means Pretend+vagina. To make oneself look richer, more powerful, more intelligent, and more important than he or she really is.

–小迷妹(xiǎo mí mèi)- It is a popular online term for female fans who are obsessed with a celebrity.

-某度百科(mǒu dù bǎikē)- refers to 百度百科(Bǎidù Bǎikē) which is Baidu online encyclopedia

–迷得不要不要(mí de bùyào bùyào)- When it is translated literally, it would mean ‘to be charmed, don’t want, don’t want’. It means to be charmed by the person, and it may also mean love at first sight.

–自荐枕席(zìjiàn zhěnxí)- to be willing to become a wife/concubine to someone.

-妹纸(mèizhǐ)- an internet slang of 妹子(mèizi) which means younger sister/girl.

–面子(miàn zi)- Face. It would refer to dignity as well.

–舔着脸(tiǎn zhe liǎn)- To lick one’s face. It means even after being rejected, the person didn’t give up and strived for it with a thick-skin.

-咸鱼(xiányú) – an internet slang which means like a dead corpse.

–丢脸丢到姥姥家(diūliǎn dào lǎolao jiā)- It is translated into to lose face to maternal grandmother’s house. It means that this embarrassing situation was known to many people until one’s maternal grandmother knows about it or to be very embarrassed.

-水到渠成(shuǐ dào qú chéng)- an idiom which means very few times when success will follow naturally when condition is right.

-王婆卖瓜( wàng pó mài guā)- It would mean to praise oneself.

–口红包(kǒu hóng bāo)- When it’s translated literally it would mean Lipstick Bag. It’s one of the trendy items in China. I may not be correct but from my understanding, it refers to very tiny/mini bags and some have remodelled their branded makeup bags into a sling bag and it would be called Lipstick bag. Thus, I think it refers to mini cross body bags.

–本小姐(běn xiǎojie)- she was referring to herself in third person point of view.

–PK – The original meaning is “Player Killing”. it is a term used colloquially in China and Taiwan as a verb form of the word versus in the situation where there may actually be no avatar/killing. It’s mostly used in 1v1 situations or where one team is against another.

–学妹(xué mèi)- refers to a female junior or a younger female schoolmate

–老腊肉([lǎo là ròu) – It refers to an ‘Uncle’, ‘mature man’ and it’s the opposite of little fresh meat. When little fresh meat and little loli became the main stream on screens, there are still some ‘Uncles’ who dont fight for beauty and talent. They either have superb acting skills, mature and stable; or have deep eyes and have inner qualities, so they have also won a large number of fans.

-女大三抱金砖(nǚ dà sān bào jīnzhuān)-A wife three years older than the husband ensures a richer life.

–功成身退(Gōng chéng shēn tu) – to retire(from society, esp. From politics) voluntarily after successfully accomplished something or to be highly successful.

–照片上是P(zhàopiàn shǎng shì P) – P refers to photoshop. Thus, it means the photograph was photoshopped.

–塑料(sù liào)– It means plastic but it is also an internet slang which describes something that is very fake, can’t stand scrutiny, different from what really happened. For example, an imitation that looks similar to the real thing on the surface, but it is totally different in quality. In this context, it means fake friends.

–背锅(bēi ɡuō)- the literal meaning means “carrying a pot on one’s back”, which originally describes a hunchback person. In internet slang, it is the abbreviation of “背黑锅(bēi hēi guō) carrying a black pot” which means “bearing faults for others”.

–88- an internet slang that has several meanings. The number 8, in this context, has the same pronunciation as 发(fā) from the word 发财(fācái), which means to get rich.

-哪壶不开提哪壶 (nǎ hú bù kāi tí nǎ hú)- literally means “to pick the kettle that is not boiling.” It’s used to indicate that someone is saying or doing something that shouldn’t be mentioned in front of others, or that someone is bringing up a sensitive subject.

–闺蜜 [guī mì]: A woman’s female close friend, confidant, BFF, bestie.

–男神 [nán shén]: Male god. This Internet slang term is often used to describe one’s idol or love interest, usually of stunning looks and/or talents.

-渣男(zhānán) – scumbag. An internet slang term that usually refers to men who are disloyal in love.

–萌新(méng xīn) – cute newbie. A term that describes a newcomer or a novice in gaming.

-学霸(xuébà) – Academic tyrant. An internet slang that means top student or people who excel in academics.

–吃瓜(chī guā)- Eat melon. An internet slang which means the matter isn’t related to the particular reader and the reader doesn’t comment and just read or spectate the situation. They often refer themselves as 吃瓜群众(chīguāqúnzhòng)- peanut gallery/onlookers who are interested in the spectacle but don’t comment on them.

–打脸(dá liǎn)- to slap one’s own face. To behave in ways that contradict one’s previous statements; to have one claims contradicted by the truth

–黑历史(hēi lìshǐ)- Black history. One’s disgraceful past or it can be used to describe one’s embarrassing experiences they had when they were inexperienced.

–基友(jīyǒu)- an internet slang which means very close same-sex friend/gay partner.

–钢铁直女(gāngtiě zhí nǚ)- Steel straight woman. An internet slang which means a straightforward, independent and mature straight woman.

–毒鸡汤(dújītāng) – Poisonous chicken soup. It means that the article is disguised as a ‘心灵鸡汤(xīnlíng jītāng)- chicken soup for the soul’ (a comforting and motivational article where the article is in an optimistic approach) but in fact the article contains a lot of fake marketing/s or a scam seeking personal information. It is a profit-motivated article.

–五三(wǔ sān)- Five-three. The full name of this book is called ‘5年高考3年模拟’ (‘5 years of college/university entrance exam( and 3 years of mock exam papers’). The book mainly summarises the content of the university entrance examinations and the mock examination papers, analyse these questions, and predict the questions that may come out for the university entrance examinations.

–水军(shuǐjūn)- Waterborne troop. An internet slang that refers to the rumoured people hired by PR firms for online marketing purposes. They would post online to either support a brand or sabotage the brand’s competition.

–班花(bānhuā)- the prettiest girl in the class

–系花(xì huā)- Department flower. Similar to 班花(class flower), it is the prettiest girl in the department.

–领盒饭(lǐnghéfàn)- To receive a boxed meal when one’s job is done mainly in acting. This would mean that their role in the film is going to die, disappear or leave the scene.

–学姐(xuéjiě)- senior or older female schoolmate

-真香(zhēnxiāng)- So fragrant. The meaning of the word means that when a person makes up his mind not to go or do something, yet his/her actions are the opposite of what he/she has said. It is mainly used to express a psychological state in which one’s expected events are totally different from the final results.

-大兄dei [dà xiōng dei]- Big Brother. An internet slang that means big brother. It’s commonly used amongst the youngsters on the internet nowadays.

–老姑娘[lǎo gū niáng]- The literal translation means old lady. However, it usually refers to woman who isn’t married when they are middle aged or a spinster.

-打卡[dǎkǎ]- Check-in/marked. There are three meanings to this. Firstly, it could mean clock on or off as an employee. Secondly, relating to self-disciple, it could mean ‘marked off/checked off’ a particular goal where it would be recorded such as the process of learning a language and exercise. Thirdly, it could mean to arrive at a certain location or to own a certain object (where it would usually be shown off to) as an Internet celebrity or centre of historic interest.

–单身狗[dānshēngǒu]- Single dog. An internet slang that refers to people who are neither married or in a relationship. It’s used self-depreciatingly. /单身狗Dānshēn gǒu: Literal translation is ‘single dog’. Basically, a Chinese term to refer to singles or people who are not in a relationship/does not have a significant other.

-朋友圈[Péngyouquān]- Moments (social networking function of smartphone app WeChat.) The Chinese translation of moment is known as ‘Friends’ circle’, which means users can share and get access to accepted WeChat friends’ information, creating an intimate and private communicating circle within the users’ choice of close friends.

–三观(sān guān)- Three outlooks. It refers to the outlook of the world, opinions about value and outlook on life.

–黑暗料理(hēi’àn iàolǐ)- dark cuisine. This phrase can be used when the food in a snack stand was sold in an average sanitation environment and that operates late at night, or dishes and food with unpleasant appearance made by beginners or people with ordinary cooking skills. The latter is a humorous self-mockery. Also, it can refer to certain ingredients or methods of cooking that ordinary people can’t accept/swallow down. Sometimes, it can refer to deliberately made ‘creative’ food, such as: spicy and sour mooncakes.

–酸(suān)- Sour. To make snide remarks.

–开车[kāichē]- Start the car/drive the car. An internet slang that refers to talking about the topic is related to p*rnography or something along the lines.

-哥[gē]- Elder brother/Ge. An intimate way to address someone.

-失信人名单(shīxìn rén míngdān)- List of Dishonest Persons subject to enforcement. “This is where any person subject to enforcement has the ability by fails to perform obligations determined in an effective legal instrument and falls under any of the (six) circumstances would be subjected to enforcement and impose credit-related punishment according to the law,” stated in Article 1.

–黄金周(huángjīnzhōu)- Golden Week, two 7-day national holiday periods.

–十九线(shíjiǔ xiàn)-Nineteenth line. It would be somewhat like a “D-list” celebrity in the Ulmer scale. This would mean a celebrity who is so obscure that are generally only known for appearances as so-called celebrity on panel game shows and reality televisions.

–打酱油[dǎjiàngyóu]- Buy soya sauce. The literal meaning was to buy soya sauce from a shop. Firstly, a traditional meaning would be, “X’s child could also buy soya sauce” refers to that the child has grown up that they could help out with house work and their parents aren’t young anymore. Secondly, it would mean that one isn’t interested in general affairs and ‘none of my business’ or ‘I can’t comment much on this matter since my superior is in charge of it.’. This means that it is a ‘bystander’. Lastly, those actors in an entertainment film that is an extra/background actor could also be said to be ‘buying soya sauce’. In this case, it would refer to the first meaning.

-狗血[gǒuxiě]- dog blood/unbelievable/exaggerated/Melodramatic. Firstly, it could be describing trite and highly predictable movie or Tv drama scenes. Secondly, it could be relating to ludicrously unrealistic movie or TV drama scenes. Thirdly, it could relate to or characterised by schmaltz, dramatised sentimentalism, as in TV shows and movies. Lastly, it may be relating to life events that are ridiculous or infuriating.

–CP- Couple. The internet slang is often used to describe couples in movies or TV series. Sometimes it is also used to describe real life couples.

–黄花大闺女[huánghuā dà guīnǚ]- Also known as 黄毛丫头[huángmáoyātou] or 黄花女[huánghuānǚ] are referring to girls of 16 to 26 years old. In the Chinese folk culture, it usually refers to girls who haven’t gotten married.

–狗粮(gǒuliáng)- Dog food. An internet slang which means public display of affection which is a term used by singles.

–WOC- In a pinyin-based input method, typing “woc” will lead to suggestions for 臥槽(wòcáo) which means “What the f*ck”

–挖墙脚(wāqiángjiǎo)- It literally means dig the wall. However, it has several meanings such as undermining the foundation, preventing the success of an enemy, poaching talents from a place/someone and stealing one’s girlfriend/boyfriend. In this instance, it would mean poaching talent.

–儿行千里母担忧(ér xíng qiān lǐ mǔ dān yōu)- It is a Chinese saying: A mother always worries about her traveling child.

–嘴遁(zuǐ dùn)- Mouth escape. To summarise, it means that using one’s mouth to make another person’s heart move and give in. This word is called by fans jokingly and it is often mentioned in communication amongst fans where there is no related content of this word in the original work. It originally came from the Japanese anime, Naruto. It represents certain skill such as using harsh words to attack another person’s past, constantly using words to move the other person or encourage the person to have the ability to restore chakra, moving another person by telling one’s past, through teaching with patience, one will move the other person’s heart and make the other person reduce the attack to 0. (Disclaimer by Translator: I have not watched Naruto but this is through what I have understood. Sigh I have done my best.)

-坑队友(kēng duìyǒu)- It refers to a teammate in a game that causes one to lose.

-笑口常开[xiào kǒu cháng kāi]- Grinning all the time/Wearing a smile often means that one is optimistic, happy, carefree and without worries.

-立flag(lì flag)– Raise a flag. It originates from japanese phrase “furagu ga tatsu”, which literally means “a flag rises (a flag has been raised)”). This phrase would mean the prerequisite conditions for an event to be fulfilled or to set a goal. Credits: Wikipedia

-校花(xiàohuā)- School flower/prettiest girl in the school.

-男左女右(nánzuǒnǚyòu)- The left is for males, the right is for females. It is a traditional saying commonly seen when one goes to the public toilets, wearing wedding rings, and when a couple attends certain ceremonial occasions, etc.

-搜嘎(sōu gá)- I see/Is that so. It refers to そっか in Japanese.

–青梅(qīngméi)- Childhood friends/green plums. The literal translation would be green plums. It is part of the phrase ‘青梅竹马 (qīngméizhúmǎ)’ which means childhood sweethearts or a couple who grew up as childhood friends. This is where 青梅 would refer to the female and 竹马(which means hobby-horse) would usually refer to the male in that pair.

-实锤(shíchuí)- Solid evidence/concrete proof/irrefutable evidence. It is an internet slang that refers to when there is certain evidence such as photographs, videos, recordings, documents etc.

-路人群众(lùrén qúnzhòng)-Passersby may refer to 吃瓜群众(chīguāqúnzhòng), which refer to a peanut gallery/onlookers who are interested in the spectacle but don’t comment on them.

–流量(liúliàng)- Site traffic/internet traffic flow/influencer. It has two meanings. Firstly, it could refer to site traffic or internet traffic flow. Secondly, it could refer to an influencer or a celebrity that is very popular and has a lot of fans.

-碰瓷(pèngcí)-Staged act/to scam somebody by setting up an “accident” in which one appears to have sustained damage or injury caused by the scam victim, then demanding compensation. The variation of these incidents include putting “expensive” porcelain in a place where it is likely to be knocked over by passers-by, and stepping into the path of a slow-moving car. Thus, it sort of relates to its literal translation of the words ‘touching or bumping(碰) porcelain(瓷)’.

–路人好感(lùrén hǎogǎn)- Someone who is not a fan of a celebrity but has favourable impression of him/her. The literal translation would mean ‘passer-by’s favourable impression’.

–吃瓜群众(chīguāqúnzhòng)- peanut gallery/onlookers who are interested in the spectacle but don’t comment on them.

–大猪蹄子(dà zhūtí zi)- Pig’s trotters is an internet slang which express that “There’s no such thing as a good man.” Women used this phrase to complain about men who fail to keep their promises, fall in love with someone new or are not considerate towards women. It can also be used to ridicule men for being unromantic or for being a ‘steel straight man’ (钢铁直男[gāngtiě zhínán)- an internet slang that means a heterosexual man whose personality and temper is straightforward and he is not skilled at accommodating to someone’s needs. Even though they are a little inflexible and inarticulate, many people still find them endearing.) josei

–注名(zhù míng)- Display name/alias. It is one of the functions in WeChat where one can set an alias for another person on his/her contacts.

–情深深雨蒙蒙(qíng shēnshēn yǔ méngméng)- Romance in the Rain is a Chinese television period drama. Credit: Wikipedia

–瓜(guā)- It is an internet slang where melon refers to gossip.

–炒作(chǎozuò)- pull a publicity stunt/hype/promote in the media. It is used to increase sales or ratings. It is commonly used to attract attention, and some subjective conjecture and unconfirmed content are often added in the process.

-围棋(wéiqí)- Go (game) is an abstract strategy board game for two players, in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent. Credits: Wikipedia

–大杀四方(dà shā sìfāng)- The literal meaning is huge attack in all direction. It means to surpass the rest of the pack with skills. Therefore, it may refer to a dress that surpasses others, i.e. the most beautiful or stunning.

–这题超纲(zhè tí chāogāng)- It is an internet slang which refers to beyond what one can do. When one encounters questions that one can’t answer, one can use this sentence to get over this question and they are often used as stickers on online chats.

–老房子着火(lǎo fángzi zháohuǒ)- Old house is on fire refers to when older people dates. This is from a phrase where when older people date, it is like their old house is on fire, it is hopeless.

–毛头小子(máo tóu xiǎo zi de)- It refers to youngster that isn’t mature.

–伯父(bófù)/伯母(bómǔ)- Uncle*/ Auntie*. There are several meanings in these words. It could mean father’s elder brother/wife or father’s elder brother, term of respect for an older man/woman, a respectful address for one’s friend, classmate, colleague’s father/mother or a respectful address for one’s lover’s father/mother.

–叔叔阿姨(shūshu āyí)- Uncle/Auntie. It could refer to one’s father’s younger brother/maternal aunt or to address a man/woman of similar age to one’s parents.

–过明路(guò míng lù)- The literal translation would be to cross the open road. It would mean that the matter has been made public and there is no need to hide it.

–放鸽子(fànggēzi)- to stand someone up/failed to show up for a meeting or a date. The literal meaning would be to release dove.

–正室 (zhèng shì) – legitimate wife

–凌迟(língchí)-The death of a thousand cuts (old form of capital punishment)/lingering death.

–守株待兔(shǒuzhūdàitù)- to guard a tree-stump and wait for rabbits is an idiom that means to wait idly for opportunities or to put trust to a chance rather than show initiative.

–爸爸(bàba)- Father. The word “calling father/daddy/papa” has become a buzzword on the Internet. It would also contain symbols of kneeling and worship that were unique to the Internet slang. It means admiring and pleasing those powerful and talented people.

–锦鲤(jǐnlǐ)- Koi. It would mean good luck.

–棒槌(bàngchuí)- blockhead. Literal meaning is wooden club used to beat clothes in washing. The meaning of this phrase is to scold someone as stupid or have a slow reaction.

–蹦跶(bèngda)- hop/bounce. It would mean to struggle and have a good future.

–有毒(yǒudú)-The literal meaning is poisonous. It is an internet slang that is often used to describe any viral Internet meme such as a catchy melody, an internet spoof, and a humorous emoji, that is addictive. It also describes a person who is goofy and funny. Thus, in this context, it means that the potato chips were addictive. Credits: Haha China

–礼尚往来(lǐshàngwǎnglái)- Return politeness for politeness. It means to pay attention to reciprocating in etiquette. It refers to treating another person the way and attitude others treat you.

–作精(zuō jīng)- Nuisance. It is an internet slang that a person makes a fuss about small things, overreacts and seeks attention. They love to cause trouble for the people around them.

–偷师学艺(tōu shī xuéyì)- To secretly learn from others. It is where the master didn’t agree to accept one as a discipline and impart knowledge to that person. However, that person found all possible ways to learn the skills of the master secretly.

–意思意思(yìsi yìsi)- The literal meaning is ‘meaning meaning’. This has several meanings. Firstly, it would relate to one’s intention where one expresses one’s intentions by giving gifts or treating others. Secondly, it could refer to euphemism where one downplays the harsh words that can’t be said to something pleasant. Thirdly, it would be displaying a polite gesture that is symbolic and just for show. In this context, it would refer to the third meaning where Su Rui was just putting on a show or acting that she wants to clear the dishes.

–破(pò)- The literal meaning would be broken/damaged/lousy. However, in this context, it is used to ridicule things or that one is bad that contains disgusted with something/to hate/to loathe about something.

–楠木(nánmù)-Nanmu/Phoebe zhennan/Chinese giant redwood/chinese cedar/machilus nanmu. It is a precious wood that is unique to China and South asia, and was historically used for boat building, architectural woodworking, furniture and sculptural carving in China. Credits: Wikipedia

–当局者迷,旁观者清(dāng jú zhě mí , páng guān zhě qīng)- The person on the spot is baffled, the onlookers sees it clearly, which means the onlooker can see things more clearly or objectively than those involved.

– 社畜(shè chù)- Wage slave. It is generally used to ridicule oneself or ridicule others in a self-deprecating manner. Others will give up the dignity of being a human being for the sake of the enterprise. This is by giving sleep, eat, and socialisation with family and friends etc. to work hard for the enterprise (regardless of whether it is working hours or not). The same applies to part time works and interns.

–厉害(lìhai)- Amazing/awesome/tremendous/severe. This word has several meaning but in this particular sentence, it is implying that particular praise that man/a partner wants to hear after *ahem*. So I will let your mind run on the possibilities of what he is implying. (Chapter 48)

–铁树开花[tiě shù kāi huā]- The iron tree has bloomed/Sago palm has bloomed. Sago palm only bloom once every three to four years with either male or female flowers. Thus, this phrase is a metaphor for something that is very rare or extremely difficult to achieve. Credits: Gardeningknowhow & Baidu

–擦枪走火(Cā qiāng zǒuhuǒ :to shoot accidentally while polishing a gun; to have unintended consequences; a minor incident sparks a war; etc.

-YY=歪歪(wāi wāi)- YY is a pinyin acronym for 意淫(yìyín). 1) to fantasise; 2) to have sexual fantasies; 3) to have unrealistic expectations. 4) to interpret things in a narcissistic way. Credits: Haha China

-飘(piāo)– The literal meaning would be ‘float’. It is an internet slang which refers to one being unsteady in a certain area or if that person is arrogant and conceited.

-唐裝 (Tángzhuāng) is a kind of Chinese jacket with a straight collar. It’s a Chinese style of dress in the late Qing Dynasty. It’s sometimes translated as a Chinese jacket. Credit: Wikipedia

-中山装 (Zhōngshān zhuāng) / Mao suit: it’s a suit named after the republican leader Sun Yat-sen. It is a form of national dress with distinct political overtones. Credit: Wikipedia

-掩耳盗铃yǎn ěr dào líng, which literally translates as “to plug one’s ears while stealing a bell”. It means “to bury one’s head in the sand”, or “to deceive oneself”.

-大保健(dà bǎojiàn)- It refers to the practice of prostitution under the guise of massage, SPA and other services. In order to avoid being too direct in daily communication, this kind of obscure way is often expressed.

-出入平安Chūrù píng’ān: “Peace and safety wherever you go”. This is a phrase commonly found in banners during the Chinese New Year to wish visitors and passerbys a peaceful and safe journey and is found at entrances and gates

-彩虹屁(cǎihóng pì)- Lavish praise/flattery/rainbow fart. It is an internet slang which means that fans flatter their idols in a fancy way that the idol’s whole body is treasure and their good things. Literally means that even if idols fart, they could flatter it like rainbows.

-姐(jiě)-Elder sister. It is an honorific commonly used by juniors when addressing their seniors.

–豆腐渣 dòufuzhā: Derived from “Tofu-dreg project” (豆腐渣工程 dòufuzhā gōngchéng), this is a phrase in Mainland China to describe a poorly constructed building or well a so-called “jerry-built” construction. Where the projects look grander than they actually are. Just poorly constructed in general.

–收不住车(shōu bùzhù chē)- Unable to stop one’s car. The word ‘car’ is a reference from the slang, drive a car (开车[kāichē]- Start the car/drive the car. An internet slang that is a sexual innuendo/indirect way of talking about sex.) Thus, being unable to stop the car would mean that one is unable to stop doing the deed.

-舔狗(tiǎn gǒu)- The literal translation is a ‘licking dog’. It is an internet slang that originated from a sticker where a dog with spaniel eyes looking at the person taking the picture. It means when one isn’t liked by another person, yet he/she can put away his/her dignity and show warm feelings to the other but faced with a cold rebuke by the other person. Thus, it is somewhat similar to being a ‘doormat.’

–建卡- registration of a card. This is in relation to pregnancy. The card consists of ‘small’ or ‘big’ cards. For small cards, it is a perinatal health care manual. It is to be registered with the neighbourhood committee, and then registered in the hospital where the household registration is under. The ‘small’ card is kept by the mother herself. For the ‘big’ cards, it refers to the establishment of a file and usually kept by the hospital. It records the specific details of pregnancy and the ‘big’ card is handled by the hospital that the mother is going to give birth at. By registering a card, mothers can enjoy the reimbursement of maternity insurance. Credits: baike.pcbaby and Zhuanlan.zhihu

-笔芯(bǐ xīn)- Literal translation is pencil lead. It is an internet slang/cuter way of saying 比心(bǐxīn)- to form a hand heart using one’s thumb and forefingers (or by using both hands). Link to how it looks like.

-种草(zhòng cǎo)- The literal translation would be ‘growing grass.’ It is an internet slang that refers to behaviour of sharing the excellent quality of recommending a commodity to stimulate the desire of others to buy, or the process of the desire to experience or possess something. It can also refer to sharing and recommending to another person, letting the other like this particular behaviour. Credits: Baidu

–过了这个村就没有这个店(guò le zhège cūn jiù méiyǒu zhège diàn)- It is a metaphor that means it is a rare opportunity, and one won’t be able to encounter this opportunity after one missed it.

– 胎脂(tāi zhī)-Vernix Caseosa is the waxy white substance found coating the skin of newborn human babies. It is produced by dedicated cells and is thought to have some protective roles during fetal development and for a few hours after birth. Credits: Wikipedia

–雾草(wù cào)- It sounds similar to 卧槽(wǒcào)- f*ck me/Wtf.

-相敬如宾: to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom) / mutual respect between husband and wife

一孕傻三年Yī yùn shǎ sān nián: Literal translation is “once pregnant, the woman would have baby brain for three years”. In this case, we will just have it as ‘pregnancy brain’, as it is the equivalent term. As per google, pregnancy brain is when during pregnancy and beyond, you may find yourself struggling to remember details, focus on tasks, or give your undivided attention to just about anything. The tutor is worried that that is the case, thus they gave Su Rui an easier topic.

–媚眼如丝(mèiyǎn rú sī)-charming eyes are like silk. Silk represents elegance, gentleness, breathtaking, smoothness. It is a tactile temptation and a visual attraction. Charming eyes like silk originally referred to the charming state of the favoured beauty’s eyes drooping, moist and welled up, and it causes a person to be bewitched. It is like the feeling of superior silk.

腹黑(fùhēi)- ‘Black-bellied’ is a word from Japanese anime culture (haraguroi 腹黒い) that signifies someone who is superficially kind and nice, but inwardly mean and cruel. This chinese term is used often in web novels. The term exists because someone will only know that person’s true nature only after “being eaten up.” Credits: Languagelog & Urbandictionary

-别人家的小孩(biéren jiāde xiǎohái)- Other people’s children. In February 2011, a post titled ‘Other people children’ became popular on the Internet. Netizens responded that ‘Other people children’ were their ‘enemies’ because they were always ‘compared’ by their parents. An example would be when parents nag, “My colleague’s daughter was admitted into a prestigious middle school this year. Why aren’t you as good as her?!” to their children. When one goes to school, the parents compare their child’s grades. When their child graduates, parents compare their certification. After the child has graduated, parents compare career and income. When the child retires, they compare their grandchildren. Credits: Baidu

–变形记(biànxíng jì)- X-Change is the first reality show about switched lives in China. However, compared with other entertainment shows, X-Change focused more on its educational theme. It integrates the most recent problems among Chinese teenagers and features typical teenagers as participants. This reality show recorded the mental changes during their seven days of exchanged lives. Credit: Show the Shows

–糖衣炮弹(tángyīpàodàn)- Sugar-coated bullets is an expression used by Mao Zedong to refer to the method of using a deceptive image to rope in and corrupt the enemy. Here, Su Rui imlies that Tang Xiao uses toys to win Gu An An’s heart.

–鬼哭狼嚎(guǐkūlángháo)- To wail like a ghost and howl like a wolf. It means that one is mournfully bawling or crying loudly.

–柳暗花明(liǔ’ànhuāmíng)-Glimmer of hope/light at the end of the tunnel. The literal meaning is the willow trees cause a shadow to form, the flowers are bright. It describes the spring scene of willow trees and flowers blooming like brocade. It is a metaphor for there to be a turning point in times of difficulties.

–秀禾服(xiù hé fú)- Xiuhefu is a wedding dress originated in the Qing dynasty. The Xiuhefu has a overlapping jacket which closes to the right side and it is worn with an A-line skirt. It is typically embroidered with flowers and birds to symbolize love for whole seasons. Picture of Xiuhefu from Wikipedia Credits: Wikipedia

–好白菜被猪拱了(hǎo báicài bèi zhū gǒng le)- All the good cabbage crops have been eaten or ruined by the pigs. It would mean those of high quality have all been spoiled or taken by someone unfitting. Alternatively, it means all the good(-looking) girls have been taken or ruined by the ugly men (or scumbags).

–撒花(sā huā)- Scattering flowers is to express support, approval or use to express joy and it is something to celebrate about. It’s commonly seen in young people’s magazines, animation works and web pages.

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