The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Translator: NovelMultiverse | Editor: NovelMultiverse

Early the next morning, when Lord Xu was sent out, Yu Linglong took Xuan Cao to the accountant .

Although Yu Linglong had not been married into the Xu Palace for a long time, everyone in the palace knew that the new princess had a strong temper and had a very good relationship with Lord Xu . This was not someone they could offend .

Therefore, she suddenly arrived at the account room, and the stewards in the account room quickly stood up, standing with their hands down, not even daring to breathe .

Xuan Cao set the brocade mattress she had brought to the chair, sat down with Yu Linglong, and made a cup of hot tea . Then she stood behind Yu Linglong . The people in the room were concentrating and holding their breath, all of them carefully looking at Yu Linglong .

With her bare hands relaxed, she lifted the teacup and gently skimmed the floating emerald green tea leaves . Yu Linglong spoke unhurriedly: “Take out the account book of the palace, I want to look at it . ”

Everyone didn’t dare to neglect her, and quickly took out the account book details and presented them to Yu Linglong .

Lord Xu was not very young, but his industry is extremely impressive . He had the account books for more than a year, and there were hundreds of them, large and small, and there were only seven or eight catalogs of account books .

Yu Linglong flipped through them casually, and she couldn’t help being surprised secretly . Before seeing the account, she had never thought that Lord Xu had so much property . Needless to say, the pawnshops, restaurants, money laundering, and homes in the capital were actually in the account books . There were also minerals, salt farms, and other industries . These things may not be regarded as much in modern times, but in ancient times, these were all monopoly industries, especially salt farms . As long as there was a small place, they could get gold every day .

After closing the ledger, Yu Linglong didn’t feel suspicious . No wonder that day when she said she would use silver, Lord Xu agreed without blinking his eyes . It turned out that he did have this capital .

Just looking at the achievements of these industries, it was estimated that it would last her a hundred and eighty years .

Yu Linglong originally wanted to use her dowry as capital to have a career in ancient times . Now it seemed that it was not easy for her to manage the property in the Xu Palace .

However, being rich naturally had the benefits of being rich . By guarding these golden mountains, her plan will be easier to implement .

Yu Linglong looked at the ledger and was silent for a long while . The longer these stewards waited, the more nervous they became, and they didn’t know what the new princess was thinking .

After a long time, Yu Linglong spoke, but what she said completely surprised everyone .

“I want to buy a mountain . ”

The manager in charge of mountain forests and minerals hurriedly stepped forward subconsciously and replied respectfully: “I wonder what the princess wants to do? Do you want to buy mines or grow orchards?”

Yu Linglong shook her head and said astonishingly: “I want to buy a place with poor mountains and rivers . The harder the conditions, the better, the worse the better, but the location should be closer to the capital . ”

The manager was at a loss: “This...”

Didn’t the purchase of property all count on the money? Who didn’t think that the more fertile the land, the better, and the more beautiful the environment, the better? Who would buy that kind of poor mountains and bad rivers, wasn’t it just a pity? What the hell does the princess want to do?

Although he was slandering her in his mind, no one dared to disobey the princess’s orders . Although he couldn’t figure it out, he still agreed with a bewildered expression .

Yu Linglong continued to order: “Prepare fifty thousand taels of silver bills for me, some fragments, one hundred taels to one thousand taels, and send them to my room . ”

The stewards agreed in unison, and Yu Linglong took out the account book with the restaurants again, flipped through it for a while, kept a few large-scale names in mind, and got up and went out .

After sending Yu Linglong away, the stewards were relieved and hurriedly followed Yu Linglong’s instructions .


Yu Linglong walked slowly in the garden of the Xu Palace, thinking silently all the way . Xuan Cao followed her behind her, stepping very lightly, for fear of disturbing her thoughts .

It was already March, and the cherries, peaches, and plums in the garden were blooming . The spring was boundless, but Yu Linglong had no intention of appreciating these beautiful scenery, just concentrating on her own plan .

Back in the yard, Yu Linglong called: “Ling’er . ”

Ling’er ran out in response, “What do you need me to do?”

Yu Linglong didn’t speak, and after a pause, she said, “Go get ready to go out with me later . ”

Xuan Cao hurriedly prepared the clothes to go out but was stopped by Yu Linglong: “Don’t bother . Just find me an ordinary dress and put it on . ”

Xuan Cao knew that Yu Linglong was going out in a disguise, and quickly responded, and hurried into the room .

As soon as Yu Linglong sat down, Mama Liu walked in: “Dear princess, a while ago, you ordered me to train a few maids . The maids are ready . I don’t know when you are free, do you want to see them in person? “

Yu Linglong smiled faintly, and said, “No, you have always been cautious in doing things . I’m very relieved . There is a shortage of staff in the room, so just ask them to come up . ”

Mama Liu was a little flattered, and said hurriedly: “Yes, I will make arrangements . ”

Yu Linglong nodded and called Xuan Cao to come over, and instructed: “Mama Liu will bring people up in a while, and you can arrange their division of labor . ”

Xuan Cao agreed and changed her clothes to serve Yu Linglong, and Yu Linglong took Ling’er out .

These days, Ling’er had grown a lot taller . At this time, she was wearing a ginkgo-colored coat, with two bean-sized pearl earrings on her earlobes, making her look very capable and smart .

Yu Linglong was wearing an ordinary spring blouse with yellow feathers and lotus patterns with a bun on her head . She only wore two sea water pattern topazes, and her right temple was surrounded by a fake hibiscus flower . She looked pretty and delicate, like a girl from a humble family .

They went out quietly without any guards in a black carriage .

In the narrow carriage, Ling’er took the squirrel jacket in her hand, carefully wrapped it around Yu Linglong, and said: “Although the weather is warm, there is still a bit of cold . Don’t catch a cold . ”

After a pause, a slightly sad smile appeared on her face, saying: “When I was young, my mother always told me that girls should not catch cold at home, or they will get sick later . ”

Yu Linglong looked down at her . A touch of unbearableness passed through her heart, and her voice calmed down: “Ling’er, can you still find someone from your former family?”

Ling’er shook her head . Her mood seemed very low: “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t even be able to find my own brother, let alone other people . ”

She lowered her head . Yu Linglong could not see the expression on her face but could hear her voice getting lower and lower, so low that she could hardly hear her .

“...What’s more, my family has died long ago . None of them survived . They were all killed . ” josei

Yu Linglong only felt that her heart was getting tight . Ling’er had been with her for more than half a year, and she almost regarded her as her own little sister . Seeing Ling’er so sad, she couldn’t help but speak: “Don’t be sad . You will have me in the future . ”

These words were full of reassuring power . Ling’er raised her head and smiled at Yu Linglong, seeming to have a lot of energy: “I’m not sad . To serve you is the blessing of a lifetime . How can I be sad about this?”

As if she didn’t want to continue this topic, Ling’er turned her head and looked out the window . She wiped away the teardrops on her face and said: “Princess, where are we going?”

Yu Linglong sat upright and said, “To the Cyclamen Restaurant . ”

“The Cyclamen?” Ling’er raised her head suddenly . Her face was surprised and her frustration was wiped away . “That’s a famous restaurant in the capital . Are we going there to eat delicious food?”

Yu Linglong couldn’t help but smile: “I think so . ”

Ling’er’s eyes brightened, and she said excitedly: “I heard that the crystal pork there is amazing, and they only make 30 servings a day . Many people wait in line the night before, but they might not be able to buy them . Well! I wonder if we will be lucky?”

While she was talking, she became anxious and raised the curtain to urge the driver: “Hurry up, hey, I said you should hurry up!”

Yu Linglong showed a faint smile and turned her face to look at the scenery outside the window .

This little girl was really greedy .

The Cyclamen Restaurant was located in the most prosperous part of the capital . Before getting closer, you could see that it was full of customers coming in and out . Before the carriage could reach the door, it was stopped by the little servant . A little waiter with a towel hurried forward and nodded and bowed to apologize: “Dear guest, I’m really sorry, parking is forbidden at the entrance of the shop . Could you please move down—”

Before he finished talking, the waiter looked up and saw Ling’er helping Yu Linglong get out of the car, and was stunned on the spot .

Under the sun, Yu Linglong looked like a fairy, with beautiful eyes and beautiful clothes . The hibiscus flower on her head was charming and sparkling . Every crystal emitted a bright light, covering her pretty face with a faint halo . Her beauty made the waiter hold his breath .

Glancing at the gaping waiter, Yu Linglong turned her head . Ling’er unceremoniously pushed the waiter and shouted: “What are you looking at? Lead the way!”

The waiter came back to his senses and stammered: “Yes, yes, this, no, no, lady, please come here . ”

Although Yu Linglong was young, she had the hairstyle of a married woman . The waiter made a mistake and hurriedly changed his words .

Leading the two of them to a window seat on the second floor, the waiter finally regained his senses, and he kept recommending famous dishes from the Cyclamen to Yu Linglong, but Yu Linglong didn’t seem to hear him, so she spoke directly:”Bring out the crystal pork . ”

The waiter showed an embarrassed expression and said, “Madam, I’m really sorry . We only make 30 orders of crystal pork a day . Today’s 30 orders are unfortunately sold out . ”

Yu Linglong sneered secretly . Yu Lieyang, a kid who knew how to do business, was clearly engaged in hunger marketing if he only made 30 orders a day . It was a routine with modern limited editions . This trick deceived others, but could it fool her?

Yu Linglong’s face seemed to be smiling, but her voice was very cold: “Really? Where is your chef? Tell him to come out!”

The waiter was shocked and took a quick look at Yu Linglong and Ling’er . They were very powerful . Although they were dressed normally, he could see that they were wearing expensive and meticulously crafted clothes . Even the hairpins on their heads were all exquisite and very delicate, and you can tell that they are not small at first glance .

He didn’t dare to neglect them, so he had to ask the chef to come out and led him to Yu Linglong .

Yu Linglong took a look at the chef and saw that this man was sturdy in figure with an ordinary face . Although he was spinning around in front of the kitchen stove all day, the white cloth apron on his body was so clean and tidy that she could not help but secretly approve .

The chef stepped forward and said, neither humbly nor arrogantly: “May I ask what you want to tell me?”

Yu Linglong said faintly: “I want to order the crystal pork, but the waiter refuses to sell it . What is going on?”

The chef replied: “It’s true what he said that we only make 30 orders of crystal pork a day, and one more can’t be made . If anyone violates these rules, he will be fired on the spot . I dare not disobey the master’s will . ”

Yu Linglong asked calmly, “Is it possible that Lord Xu is here, and you are not willing to do it?”

It seemed that Yu Linglong hit the nail on the head, and directly pointed out her identity as a land-owning person . The chef couldn’t help but hesitate for a moment before he said: “What is your name?”

Ling’er on the side shouted: “Presumptuous! This is Princess Xu!”

Seeing Ling’er’s righteous expression, Yu Linglong couldn’t help but laugh secretly . Ling’er was here to protect herself, and she was obviously anxious to eat that famous crystal pork, and just pretended to be seeking justice . Her awe-inspiring appearance was actually caused by the gluttons in her stomach .

As soon as this remark came out, the chef and the waiter were shocked and knelt down in a hurry: “We did not know that the princess had arrived, and we were negligent . Please pardon us . ”

Yu Linglong frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, “Get up . What’s all this?”

Seeing Princess Xu’s reluctance to make a public appearance, the two hurriedly stood up, with a 180-degree turn in their attitudes, and repeatedly said: “We will prepare the dish, please wait for us!”

The chef left, the waiter quickly brought a teapot over and said with a smile: “Princess, this is the best Biluochun tea . Please try it . ”

Seeing his cautious appearance, Ling’er couldn’t help but snicker and threw a silver ingot to him: “Take it, this is for you . ”

The waiter was flattered and hurriedly answered, thanked her repeatedly, and went away .

Yu Linglong only had time to look at the furnishings in the restaurant and saw that it was a three-story pavilion with carved beams and painted walls . The decoration was very beautiful . The first floor was the lobby, the second floor was private seating, and the third floor was a single room . The center of the pavilion was a wide patio, and the top floor was covered with glazed tiles, and the sun shone down making the room appear very bright . There were decorations at the corners of the cloister of either exquisitely carved hanging plates, or elegant and fragrant orchids, or small landscape screens, which added a high level of taste to the entire pavilion .

It was lunch time now . The first floor was full of guests, and the second floor was full of people . Most of the guests were dressed in beautiful clothes, chatting and laughing, and the waiter who passed the food served a variety of exquisite dishes . The dishes were accurately delivered in front of the guests at each table, and the restaurant was full of voices, but it still appeared orderly .

The only thing that was eye-catching was the large in the southwest corner of the second floor . There were a dozen big men sitting at the table, all in strange costumes, some with stubborn faces and fierce faces, and some with bare arms showing the tattoos all over their bodies, and some of them with blades inserted outside their leggings . They were playing a game, and at first glance she knew that these people were not good people .

The guests nearby obviously also noticed this, and they all sat far away, for fear that they would provoke these evil spirits .

Yu Linglong retracted her gaze, sipped her tea quietly, and looked at the bustling crowd outside the window .

In the end, the identity of the princess worked . Soon, the waiter delivered the dishes, four cold, four hot, and two soups . Among them, the crystal pork, the signature dish of the Cyclamen restaurant, was placed in the center of the table, exuding bursts of aroma, very appetizing .

The waiter smiled like a flower in full bloom, and said respectfully: “Princess, these are the most famous dishes of the restaurant, please try them . ”

Just as Yu Linglong picked up her chopsticks, she heard a loud voice yelling: “Hey, you stinky waiter, didn’t you just say that it was sold out? What is this!? “

Yu Linglong looked up and saw a shirtless young man standing at their table . He looked about twenty-three or twenty-four years old . He was tall and covered with tight muscles . Even though it was early spring, he stripped off his coat completely, revealing his dazzling tattoos . Yu Linglong glanced briefly, only to see that the pattern was a beast with a mouthful of blood . It looked very hideous, which also added a bit of ferocity to the man .

She saw the tattooed man grabbing the collar of the waiter with his left hand . His drunken eyes squinted, and he lifted his right fist the size of a vinegar bowl, and he was about to hit him . He shouted aggressively, “How dare you look down on me?” It’s not that I couldn’t afford to pay, so why can’t I eat the pork!

The waiter was so frightened that he stammered trying to explain, but he couldn’t say anything . When he wanted to tell the truth, he didn’t dare to talk about Yu Linglong’s identity in public, so he stubbornly tried to dodge the question .

He didn’t understand what he said, and he even annoyed the tattooed man . The man looked furious and cried out: “How dare you look down on me . Believe it or not, I can demolish your restaurant!”

Following his words, his right fist whistled and smashed down with a sharp breeze . The weak waiter could not bear the punch . Before it hit his face, he rolled his eyes back, almost passing out with fear .

Unexpectedly, the tattooed man’s fist did not hit the waiter’s face, but it hit the pillar behind his head . With a bang, a crater was actually smashed into the thick pillar . The dust on the top fell down .

The tattooed man was obviously satisfied with his strength, and when he saw the waiter’s frightened appearance, he couldn’t help laughing: “Haha, you dog! How dare you look down on me!?”

As he spoke, he let go of the hand holding the waiter’s collar, and the waiter was so frightened that he slumped directly on the ground, unable to say a word .

Yu Linglong looked at the scene in front of her, and couldn’t help but frown slightly . She put down the chopsticks in her hand and stood up slowly .

The tattooed man happened to look at her, and he met Yu Linglong’s cold gaze . He was startled, and his loud laughter couldn’t help but stop .

This delicate woman was dressed in a yellow shirt with feathers, and for some reason, she gave him a faint sense of oppression . Seeing her cold and pretty face, it seemed that even the sun outside the window was unknowingly dimmed, and some cold air came in .

The tattooed man calmed down and suddenly yelled, “Hey, little girl, what are you looking at?”

Seeing his stern look, Yu Linglong smiled slightly and looked away contemptuously .

The more ostentatious a person is on the outside, the less capable they are on the inside . Those who were truly capable were usually very restrained .

At this time, Yu Linglong was suddenly reluctant to engage in these unnecessary arguments with such a person, and being familiar with such a person simply reduced her status .

The quarrel just now has already alarmed the tattooed man’s accomplices . Several drunk men stumbled over and laughed happily: “You said she looked at you for what you did, maybe she is in love with you and wants to be a concubine for you!”

Seeing that his companions were all around him, the tattooed man immediately became courageous . His face was covered with drunkenness . He even came forward full of smiles, and said to Yu Linglong, “Little lady, do you really like me—”

Yu Linglong laughed instead of being angry . If the tattooed man was just angry that he couldn’t eat the crystal pork, she would not act like him if she was drunk, but now, this person dared to molest her in public . It wasn’t just a quarrel, but now his days were numbered .

Seeing Yu Linglong’s pretty face with a smile, the tattooed man got excited . He couldn’t help getting closer, and smiled with a drooling face: “How old are you?”

Yu Linglong lowered her eyes, held up the crystal pork, and smiled: “Don’t you want to eat this dish?”

Before the tattooed man could answer, Yu Linglong suddenly raised her hand and threw the greasy pork on the tattooed man’s head!

“Then I will make you eat it!”

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