The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Translator: NovelMultiverse | Editor: NovelMultiverse

After pulling out the golden needles, Gong Cheng and Lei Shi could finally move . They glanced at each other, their faces uncertain .

This person’s kung fu was really evil . He only needed to lift his hand, and instantly froze their movements . Although Gong Cheng and Lei Shi were both extraordinary at this moment, they couldn’t understand Feng Xuanyuan’s martial arts skills at all .

Yu Linglong didn’t have to look at the faces of Gong Cheng and Lei Shi, but she knew that with the strength of the three of them, there was no way to stop Feng Xuanyuan from turning on his horse and walking directly to the mountain .

She didn’t want to waste too much time with Feng Xuanyuan down the mountain . She was still thinking about Ling’er’s injury .

Zhui Yue briskly rode up the mountain . Yu Linglong, who was riding on the horse, didn’t even turn her head, but she knew that Feng Xuanyuan must be behind her . josei

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi, who fell, were confused and could not figure out the situation . Seeing that the princess had no objection, the two had to follow them up the mountain .

When it was dusk at the top of the mountain, Yu Linglong got off her horse and looked at the simple house on the mountain .

This was her first time here . From the very beginning, she clearly gave orders to find a place where the mountains and rivers were poor because she felt that only under difficult conditions could people abandon distracting thoughts and concentrate on martial arts . But when she saw it with her own eyes, she was still secretly surprised .

This was a stone house . Obviously, the materials used to build the house were all local materials . The disorderly stones were piled up into rows . There was only a small window . Perhaps it was almost time for dinner because the air had a strong smell of food in it, but this smell did not evoke the slightest appetite in her .

Yu Linglong’s face was solemn . She couldn’t imagine how Ling’er lived under such difficult conditions .

Lei Shi led Yu Linglong and Feng Xuanyuan into the stone house . Yu Linglong entered the room, and it took a while before she adjusted to the dim light .

Lei Shi lit a candle and said: “Princess, Miss Ling’er is here . ”

Under the leaping candlelight, Yu Linglong saw Ling’er lying on a stone-made kang, covered with only a thin quilt . Her eyes were closed, her face was pale, and her breath was extremely weak . Yu Linglong was very worried that she even forgot that Feng Xuanyuan was by her side, and she went straight up to hold Ling’er’s hand: “Ling’er, how are you—”

In her hand, she felt nothing .

She lowered her head and saw that Ling’er’s hand had fallen into Feng Xuanyuan’s for some time, and the latter was putting his fingers on Ling’er’s wrist, thinking about something .

Seeing this, Yu Linglong tightened her lips and said nothing, but Lei Shi on the side said: “Gong Cheng and I have already checked her pulse . Her pulse is weak and her breath is sporadic . Although we know that she broke her spine, her pulse is maddening, but I dare not slow it down, otherwise, it will be harmful to Ling’er if her breath is lost . ”

Yu Linglong frowned and said in a low voice, “Could it be that you can only resign yourself to fate?”

Lei Shi looked guilty: “This... Princess, I am really incompetent . ”

Seeing that this Feng Xuanyuan was still feeling Ling’er’s pulse, Lei Shi took a deep breath and said, “Ling’er is already like this, so don’t bother her and let her have a good rest!”

He really wondered if the man came in and took the opportunity to take advantage of them . If the princess hadn’t said anything, he would have been unable to restrain himself and would throw him out .

Feng Xuanyuan put down Ling’er’s hand, his eyes were a little taunting, and he glanced at Lei Shi: “Do you think if you can’t cure it, I can’t cure it either?”

Upon hearing this, Yu Linglong’s eyes lit up: “Can you save her?”

She knew Feng Xuanyuan’s details . If Feng Xuanyuan was willing to help, maybe Ling’er really had a chance .

Feng Xuanyuan turned her gaze to her, and the corners of her thin lips twitched wickedly, and he said, “If I can save her, can you agree to my terms?”

Lei Shi on the side was confused when he heard this, but Yu Linglong knew what Feng Xuanyuan was referring to . Her pretty face sank and she said coldly, “No . ”

Although she was worried about Ling’er’s injury, this did not make Ling’er’s injury a condition for others to threaten her . Yu Linglong didn’t believe that without Feng Xuanyuan, Ling’er would be incurable!

It seemed that he had expected her to refuse . Feng Xuanyuan smiled, and turned his gaze to Ling’er who was unconscious, and said faintly, “Since not, why should I ask?”

After he said this, he reached out to untie Ling’er’s shirt . Lei Shi on the side was furious and waved his hand away: “What are you doing!?”

He and Gong Cheng have always respected Ling’er . They didn’t expect this strange man to come up and untie Ling’er’s clothes . How could he agree?

Feng Xuanyuan said coldly: “Get out of the way . ”

Lei Shi was so angry that the muscles on his cheeks kept pulsing . His eyes turned to Yu Linglong as if waiting for Yu Linglong’s instructions .

Aware of Lei Shi’s concern, Feng Xuanyuan’s tone slowed down a bit, but he was still very cold and stern: “I want to give her my qi to heal her wounds, do you want to watch her die?”

Heal Ling’er?

Lei Shi looked at Feng Xuanyuan dubiously, but still stood by the kang and refused to give way .

Yu Linglong thought for a moment, and said, “Lei Shi, get out of the way . ”

From the expressions of Lei Shi and Feng Xuanyuan, she could see that Ling’er’s injuries must be very serious, and she might be in danger of losing her life . Instead of just waiting for God’s favor, she might as well let Feng Xuanyuan try .

Hearing Yu Linglong’s words, Lei Shi reluctantly left the kang, but his eyes kept staring at Feng Xuanyuan’s every move as if he was afraid that he would blaspheme Ling’er .

Feng Xuanyuan completely ignored Lei Shi’s angry eyes, but took off Ling’er’s clothes, leaving only her undergarments, and helped her sit up again, while he meditated next to her . He pressed his hands on Ling’er’s body, closed his eyes, and went to work .

Yu Linglong had never thought about it before . It turned out that there really was such a thing as working the internal qigong in this world, let alone that this kind of internal work could heal injuries and diseases .

The small stone room was filled with nervousness . Yu Linglong was silent, Thunder Stone was worried and annoyed, but Feng Xuanyuan was calm and relaxed as if he was traveling in space . Only the light white vapor rising between his hands could prove that at the moment, he was concentrating on his exercises .

Some time later, and the sky outside was completely dark . From time to time, there were a few long howls or croaks of unknown animals in the wild, adding a bit of a strange atmosphere to this gloomy room .

Suddenly, Ling’er, who had been in a coma, moved and spit a mouthful of blood . Her pale face finally blushed .

Yu Linglong couldn’t help but step forward and say, “Ling’er . ”

Feng Xuanyuan put Ling’er’s soft body on the kang and said, “Okay, I have fixed your spine for you . Next, you only need to rest for a few days and it will be fine . ”

Ling’er opened her eyes and looked at Feng Xuanyuan . She seemed a little excited, trying hard to sit up: “Brother Feng . ”

Feng Xuanyuan pressed her shoulders, seemingly indifferent to her excitement, and just continued: “You can’t move around or use force these days, otherwise the gods won’t be able to save you if you go against your breath . ”

Ling’er whispered, “Thank you, Brother Feng, I...”

Feng Xuanyuan turned a deaf ear and walked out directly .

Ling’er’s face showed a bit of sadness, but it was fleeting . She looked at Yu Linglong, her eyes full of guilt: “Princess, why are you here? Where can you come to this kind of place?”

As she spoke, she tried to tear off the quilt from her body and put it on the edge of the kang, panting, and said, “This is used by me on weekdays . It’s still clean . If the princess doesn’t dislike it—”

Yu Linglong grabbed her hand and said angrily: “What? You don’t have to take care of me . Didn’t you hear what he said? You can’t use force, you can’t move!”

After speaking, she turned around and told Lei Shi: “Go and prepare some congee . ”

Lei Shi was still immersed in the shock that Linger was healed by Feng Xuanyuan’s hands, and only after hearing Yu Linglong’s order did he come back to his senses, and said hurriedly, “Yes, Princess . ”

Lei Shi left . Yu Linglong took Ling’er’s hand and sat on the edge of the kang, and only then did she look at Ling’er carefully .

She hadn’t seen her for half a year . Ling’er had grown a lot, but she became a lot thinner, looking more and more like a teenager . Yu Linglong became more distressed as she looked at her . Thinking of her fear just now, Yu Linglong couldn’t help but say angrily: “What’s the matter with you, girl? Why are you trying to break your spine? How old are you, what are you doing so eagerly for quick success? What is wrong with you—”

Yu Linglong abruptly held back the next words, her tone was still full of irritation: “When you get better, follow me down the mountain immediately! You don’t need to learn this skill!”

Hearing her words, Linger subconsciously called out: “No!”

Realizing her gaffe, she hurriedly continued, “Princess, I managed to break the spine, and it will be much easier to learn martial arts in the future . At this time, you can’t give up halfway! Princess...”

With tears in her eyes, Ling’er said softly: “Princess, you have been protecting me, and I am in your heart . But the princess, I also have things I want to do, and I also have people who I want to protect...”

Yu Linglong looked at Ling’er and didn’t know what to say for a while . This was Ling’er’s first time disobeying her orders, but she was not angry at all .

Ling’er wiped her tears and whispered, “Princess, you know how my family died . At that time, I was young, and I always wanted to avenge my family when I grew up . But later, as I grew, after being with the princess for so long, I became sensible . I know that wanting revenge is simply a daydream, but princess, I cannot give up because of this! I always think of my dead father, mother, brothers, and so on . With so many family members, whenever I think of their faces, I tell myself that I must work hard and work harder, because I don’t want to see the people I care about die in pain, but I can’t do anything . ”

Yu Linglong couldn’t help but clench Ling’er’s hand tightly . In her head, Ling’er had always been a talking and laughing girl who was loyal to her, but she didn’t know that such deep emotions were buried in Ling’er’s small heart .

Perhaps it was too much to say . Ling’er’s breathing was a bit shallow, and Yu Linglong picked up the quilt and put it on her body . Before it could fall down, Ling’er caught her arm anxiously .

“Princess, please, please agree to me, I will never worry the princess again, as long as the princess agrees to me and lets me continue to stay on the mountain to learn martial arts, I will definitely repay the princess!”

Yu Linglong’s hand paused, and said in a low voice, “Okay, but you also have to promise me not to do stupid things anymore . ”

Seeing Yu Linglong had agreed, Ling’er was relieved, and said with a smile: “Yes, I will remember . ”

Walking out of Ling’er’s room, Yu Linglong saw Feng Xuanyuan who was waiting outside .

The moon on the mountain was particularly bright, sprinkling with a bright and clear brilliance on the ground . Under the moonlight, Feng Xuanyuan stood with his hands clasped, his narrow eyes staring at Yu Linglong motionlessly .

“I have also saved her brother . ”

Yu Linglong nodded but did not answer . For Feng Xuanyuan, she really didn’t know what she could say .

Feng Xuanyuan stepped into the moonlight and slowly stepped forward until he reached Yu Linglong . She took a step away before he stopped .

“I saved your person . How will you thank me?”

Yu Linglong lowered her eyes . Her long eyelashes cast small black shadows on her cheeks, and she whispered, “I can’t give you anything . ”

She knew Feng Xuanyuan’s request, but she couldn’t do it . Since she had chosen Yu Lieyang, she would no longer want to have any trouble with any man in her life .

Feng Xuanyuan paused, looking at Yu Linglong’s eyes deeply: “I only have one very simple request . ”

Yu Linglong refused without thinking, “Sorry, I can’t agree . ”

After speaking, she turned around and left .

Feng Xuanyuan’s low voice sounded behind him, and his voice seemed very erratic in the cold mountain breeze .

“I just want to ask you to smile at me . ”

Yu Linglong stopped . She had never heard Feng Xuanyuan speak in such a tone . There was none of his usual arrogance, but it was full of some unknown feelings . At this moment, Feng Xuanyuan, who was always strong, suddenly became extremely soft .

Moreover, she had no idea that Feng Xuanyuan would make such a request .

Yu Linglong slowly turned around and looked at Feng Xuanyuan suspiciously . She didn’t believe her ears . Did Feng Xuanyuan really only make such a simple request?

As if to confirm her guess, Feng Xuanyuan nodded and repeated what he said just now: “I’m asking you to smile at me . ”

He really just wanted to see her smile .

He had imagined her smile countless times, and the smile on such a beautiful face must be overwhelming .

But it was a pity that in front of him, she was always cold and always had a look of rejection . Even if she occasionally smiled, it was also a cold sneer or a contemptuous sneer . He really wanted to see what her smile looked like .

Subconsciously, he always felt that her smile must be very warm .

Under the cold moonlight, Yu Linglong and Feng Xuanyuan looked silently at each other .

After a long time, Yu Linglong spoke faintly: “When I see you, I can’t smile . Even if you forced me to smile, it wouldn’t be a real smile . ”

She turned around and continued her departure .

On the empty hillside, his voice was a little bit broken and painful: “I only want such a small thing, will you not give it to me?”

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