The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 18 12

Chapter 18 12:10 pm

The next day, Ye Fei got up very early. He spent some time squeezing his brain for ideas on what he should cook that day. After a long time, he ended up mentally yelling for System.

“System, does Level 1 only have potatoes as ingredients? Don’t you have anything else?”

DCB System, “Though the dishes with Level 1 Limited Authority are simple, there are nevertheless plenty to choose from. The ingredients will be randomly provided by the System.”

Relieved, Ye Fei thought: So long as I don’t have to face potatoes and nothing but potatoes every day. Otherwise, the viewers would really become tired of his broadcasts.

“So, what ingredients will we be using today?”

“You will know the ingredient of the day at the start of the live broadcast,”

“Can’t you give me a hint? You know, so that I can at least mentally prepare myself?”

“There’s no need.”


Ye Fei had already been shocked and offended by the system so many times that he had grown apathetic to the implied insult to his intelligence. Since the System already stated there was no need to prepare, he saw no reason to be bothered by it.

Today’s broadcast was scheduled at 12:10 pm He had consciously chosen this time because it was the lunch hour, in hopes that more people would come to see his live broadcast. Having more viewers meant more rewards after all.

At 11:30 am, the people working at QQ Broadcasting did not have the heart to eat at all, instead, they were all staring at Ye Fei’s channel.

Liu Ping, “The supervisor said that Ye Fei promised to do a live broadcast today. Why hasn’t anything happened yet?”

Tang Xiaomin, “That’s right, ah. He started his broadcast around 10 yesterday, but why hasn’t he appeared yet?”

“Xiaomin, yesterday you and Great Deity seemed to get along quite well. Why don’t you send a message to him and ask for a more specific time? Making us all wait around like this is too depressing, ah.” One of the statisticians tried to urge Tang Xiaomin.

Liu Ping also chimed in, “That’s right. Xiaomin, try and get an exact time from Great Deity Ye.”

Tang Xiaomin rolled her eyes. She gave her colleagues a disgusted look, “I say, didn’t Deity Ye accept all of you as his PP friends? Why don’t you go ask him yourself?”

It would have been better if she had remained silent on the matter, but now that she had opened this Pandora’s Box, the entire statistics department exploded.

“Deity Ye may have added me as PP friend. I have even sent several dozens of messages but did not receive even a single smiley, ah.”

“Me too, I typed until I lost 3 rings off my fingerprints, but did not even get a single fart.”

“Deity Ye is the type who likes pretty maidens, ah. Xiaomin, you sure have the cheek to tease us, especially after chatting so much with Deity Ye…”

“Looks like you’ll have the best chance of becoming Deity Ye’s personal statistician, how envious…”

Tang Xiaomin was finally persuaded by these people’s barrage of complaints. She flapped her hand at them, “Fine, fine, please stop. I’m starting to fear for my life here. Don’t push me anymore, or you’ll really send me to heaven. I’ll ask him now, but there’s no guarantee that Deity Ye will reply.”

Liu Ping and the rest quickly nodded. No matter what, they still have to try. Otherwise, just standing around like this was just basically tormenting themselves.

Tang Xiaomin opened up her PP Account and quickly found Ye Fei’s icon. She clicked on it and sent a message:

“Deity Ye, are you there?”

Ye Fei had been idly surfing the web, too anxious to take in the information in front of him properly. The System was just too mean. The thought that 90% of his earnings would be automatically deducted by the System is very demotivating, ah. F*ck your mom, might as well take the whole thing away.

However, after mulling over this matter for a while, he had to concede that this was actually not a bad arrangement. At the very least, it would help him to develop some proper discipline for this broadcasting thing.

He was basically just wasting time when a message from that Tang Xiaomin lady popped up.

Ye Fei automatically clicked on the bouncing icon. Hmm, it looked like they wanted a time for the broadcast, so he fired a short message back.

[Noon, 12:10pm]

Back at QQ, Tang Xiaomin gave a little shriek, freaking out Liu Ping and the rest of the office.

“Xiaomin, what happened?”

“That’s right, what’s all that screaming for? Don’t tell me Deity Ye decided not to broadcast?”

“Surely not? No matter how amazing a newbie is, they still have to broadcast every day to attract viewers’ attention and establish a proper fan base. If his broadcasts are too staggered, he’ll lose his fans.”

“He-he, aren’t we pinning too many hopes on this guy? Perhaps Deity Ye is not at all interested in broadcasting, perhaps he has found better things to do.”

“My heart, it can’t take all these shocks, ah.”

Just then, Feng Tianlai happened to pass by and saw all these people lamenting to the skies and clutching their heads. He asked, “What’s going on?”

Liu Ping smiled bitterly, “Supervisor, it looked like Deity Ye has decided not to broadcast today.”

Feng Tianlai was shocked. He shook his head vehemently and said, “No way, yesterday Ye Fei already informed me that he will broadcast today. The only question is the exact timing.”

“But, when Tang Xiaomin messaged Deity Ye just now, she just let out a frightful scream.” One of the statisticians informed.

“Xiaomin, just what the heck is going on?”

Tang Xiaomin burst out laughing and said, “Why don’t you guys let me answer instead of jumping to conclusions? I screamed because excitement got better of me. I just received the exact time from Deity Ye. You guys just panicked yourself, ah…”


“Xiaomin, you’re saying Deity Ye will be broadcasting today?”

“And you know the exact time? Well? When is it?”

A crowd of people suddenly gathered around Tang Xiaomin’s cubicle, noisily demanding answers.

Tang Xiao Min pointed at her computer screen. “Noon, 12:10 pm.”

Their eyes followed Tang Xiaomin’s finger, the moment their brains registered the information, they quickly cheered up again.

“F*ck, 12:10 pm, ah?”

“What time is it now? 11:35 am? Isn’t it almost time?”

“Prepare, we have to prepare, let’s see just how high Ye Fei’s reward caps today.”

“Please make it more than yesterday’s HX¥32,000.”

“My comrades, we should not be too optimistic. There are plenty of broadcasts that garnered a lot of attention in the beginning before petering out. Ye Fei’s broadcast is a novel thing, after all. Yesterday he was able to achieve great results, but today is another day.”

“That’s right, we also have Iron Stomach’s broadcast with the 1.05 meter Super Pizza. A good number of people will be drawn over there.”

Everyone’s excitement level subsided a little after that. 

“Well, no matter what, we’ll soon see.”

Not long after that, news that Ye Fei’s broadcasting will start at 12:10 pm sharp soon spread like wildfire.

“That crazy guy from Fine Food Section will be broadcasting at 12:10 pm.”

“12:10 pm, ah? That’s a pretty good time, it’s lunchtime after all.”

“True, most people will have a bit of free time then,”josei

“Tch, so what if they have some free time? Fine Food Section is basically a desert. People would rather spend their precious free time watching something from Song & Dance or Storytelling Section to please their eyes and warm their heart during their lunch hour.”

“That’s right, those freaks from Fine Food Section all gorge themselves like starving ghosts. If I had to watch them during lunchtime, I’d lose my appetite.”

“Me too, just a bunch of people with no artistry or talent. Our Song & Dance Section is way better. We have already collected HX¥35,000 rewards today, breaking that Ye Fei’s result from yesterday.”

“Our Storytelling Section has also reached HX¥30,000 rewards as of now, so we’ll have to work even harder.”

“As I was saying, Song & Dance and Storytelling Sections are the kings and queens of the broadcasting platform. This Fine Food Section is just a little firework in a teacup. If Ye Fei can surpass our result, I’ll eat three boxes of fast food in one go.”

“Pu~~~ Xiao Jie, if you do that you can join the Fine Food Section, haha.”

As the discussions and speculations continued, the clock ticked closer to 12 o’clock.

[Gumihou: Haha, way to increase the tension!]

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