The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 2 QQ Broadcasting Platform

Chapter 2 QQ Broadcasting Platform

No matter what the situation was, having a great System bonded to you is a good thing!

Even though Ye Fei had been shocked by the 1 million requirement, he believed that so long as he worked hard, the 1 million goal should be achievable. After all, he heard that highly paid broadcasters could easily make 1 million a month.

“Looks like I still have to work hard, ah,” thought Ye Fei as he turned on the lights in the house. [1] He turned to make his way to the kitchen but ended up standing stock-still by the switches near the door.

There, in the room where a rickety table had been shoved near the foot of his bed and served as his dining/all-purpose table was a brand new black matte laptop.

“Wait… is that… for real?”

The System did say that it will provide him with necessary equipment such as high quality hidden camcorders, microphones [1] etc but he had thought that these things would be mailed to his doorstep sooner or later. Never in his wildest dreams would he expect to simply turn around and find a brand new laptop appearing out of thin air on his shabby little table.

Curiosity prompted him to approach the table slowly. The black matte laptop looked very new and cutting edge. However, the strangest thing about it was the lack of wires. There were no ports for electrical cables or Ethernet cables either. There was just the notebook.

He tried turning on the laptop and was immediately astounded.

Two seconds after he touched the laptop switch, it was ready to use. There was no delay in booting up, no lag in its timing at all.

“H*ly sh*t, this is beyond top-quality, ah. This is black magic, black technology, ah! This is too amazeballs!” Ye Fei was shocked but was mostly delighted by this find.

What every broadcaster wish most was for a great black technology computer to edit and broadcast their videos. With this laptop, his video streams would be freaking slick, ah.

He tapped on a browser and in a flash, the entire page was loaded up. It took less than a second.

“Looks like daddy has hit the jackpot,” Ye Fei lovingly stroked the high-end black technology laptop and was practically squirming with pleasure at the superfast internet connection.

“Host, please create a QQ Broadcasting Platform account and complete the first step to becoming a broadcaster,” the voice of the DCB System rang out in his mind.

Too excited to be hungry, Ye Fei settled in front of the laptop and began to type.

He had heard about the QQ Broadcasting Platform before. Although he rarely access it, he knew that it was a very famous platform for broadcasters. Even a casual user like him knew that QQ has 10,000 broadcasters with viewers numbering close to millions.

In short, while QQ Platform might not be the best network within the country, it could be considered one of the top 3.

Once he booted up the QQ Broadcasting Platform page, Ye Fei clicked on the ‘Register as Broadcaster’ button which led him to the registration page.

It did not take him long to finish registering himself as a broadcaster. Naturally, he chose ‘Fine Food’ as his broadcasting category

To maximise the exposure for each broadcaster’s live stream, the QQ Platform split its network into several categories. For people who like singing and dancing, they would register under the Song & Dance; for those who are good at stand-up comedy, they would register under Storytelling. Those who wish to showcase their food-related talent in front of the camera would register under Fine Food etc.

Since Ye Fei’s broadcast has to do with ‘Culinary’, he registered under the Fine Food Section.josei

As Ye Fei moved the cursor over to complete his registration, his heart thumped anxiously. Compared to other categories, Fine Food had too few broadcasters. However, after thinking about it, he thought he understood the issue. After all, people who registered for Fine Food must depend on both talent and real-life skills. A Fine Food Broadcaster must be capable of cooking, eating and have some broadcasting skills. Surely such people are a rarity?

Once the registration was done, Ye Fei went on to browse around other broadcasting categories. He found that the ones with the most viewers were from the Song & Dance Section where several well-known broadcasters would garner up to several tens of thousands of viewers per live performance. There was one female broadcaster with the handle ‘A Cat’s Miao’ who has closed to 100,000 viewers.

Ye Fer’s eyes nearly spun at the sight of this terrifying number. 100,000 viewers, ah. If each viewer only donate HX¥10, she could earn 1 million in a blink of an eye.

“F*ck, that’s too scary, ah.” Ye Fei licked his lower lip. He felt both envious and excited.

“Host need not envy others. These are merely petty little performers. 100,000 viewers is not worth mentioning,” came the mechanical voice of DCB System.

Ye Fei pursed his lip. He could not figure out if this System was truly superb or was just bragging. How crazy amazing or just plain crazy to say that 100,000 viewers are ‘not worth mentioning’.

“Alright, I shall wait for you to display your true power and back up your claims. Speaking of which, now that I have registered and all the hardware is ready, should I start broadcasting right away?”

“There is no need to rush. The System has analysed the Host’s physical condition and found that your condition is less than optimal. Please rest and recuperate for today and be prepared to officially launch your broadcasting career tomorrow.”

After that final remark, the DCB System went silent.

Ye Fei’s heart was very touched by the System’s thoughtfulness. Heck, even though it sounded like a machine, [1] it was more human than his human employers, ah! He was grateful to have bonded with such a kind and thoughtful System who would even encourage him to rest, ah!

Well, since the System had already advised him to rest, then he should rest early and not argue with a higher being, ah. Therefore, after making himself something simple to eat, he cleared up his clutter, washed up and immediately went to bed.

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The QQ Broadcasting Platform was very busy right now. Most of the broadcasters begin their live streaming during the night, therefore the company had to work according to the time when the majority of the broadcasters were active. Therefore, their office tended to be busier at night.

However, ‘busy’ was a relative word. For example, the statisticians for Song & Dance and Storytelling were always super busy because too many broadcasters would sign into these two sections each day. They were so busy that they barely had time to catch their breath.

Statisticians working with less popular categories such as Fine Food, for example, would be lucky to register 10 new broadcasters per night. Therefore, they have more leisure time compared to the others.

“Hey, Pockmark, I heard the broadcaster you registered last month was not bad?” said a young man in black-rimmed glasses to a youth whose face was covered with pockmarks.

Pockmark gave a bitter smile, “What do you mean by ‘not bad’, ah? Glasses, that guy’s handle is Zhu Bajie [2], surely you can tell from that name just what kind of character he is? A guy with an especially huge appetite. I watched one of his broadcasts last week, he ate 50 meatbuns in one go. My god, I nearly threw up. Our category is called Fine Food you know, not Meatbun. All this guy does is eat meatbuns on camera. He’d gobbled up at least 40 of them each time. Aiyo! How could such a person exist, ah?”

“Haha, the world is quite big so there are bound to be all kinds of people. Although our category is called Fine Food, for some reason we tend to attract big eaters only. Do you think we’ll ever get a real chef who is willing to broadcast their skills live? Those with real skills are too busy, ah. That’s why we still have to depend on these big eaters to promote our channel,” said Glasses.

Pockmark made a little ‘en’ remark and said, “That’s true. Aiya, I truly envy those colleagues from Song & Dance and Storytelling, ah. Just look at how hot their business is. Their monthly bonuses must be loads more than ours.”

“You can also apply for a transfer, ah.”

“Oh, drop it. More than half of those people there have some kind of connection with the higher-ups. Hm? It’s already 11pm and someone’s just registered with Fine Food. Hmm… a ‘Ye Fei’, 20 years old…”

Pockmark looked through the profile and concluded, “Another big eater,”

Glasses also came over. After looking through the profile, he smiled and said, “Well, big eaters are fine too, it’s better than having no one to represent our channel. Could you look after my place for a bit? I need to use the bathroom.”

Pockmark replied with another little ‘en’.

The night passed quietly.

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The next morning, Ye Fei got up early and couldn’t go back to sleep on the account of the many things occupying his mind.

After rinsing his face and brushing his teeth, he was about to run off to work when a mechanical voice in his head said, “From today onwards, there is no need for Host to work outside. Concentrate on becoming a Divine Culinary Broadcaster.”

Ye Fei, “… It’s almost time to collect my salary, if I miss these few days of work, I’d lose whatever money I’d earned. What do I eat then?”

“The DCB System shall provide the necessary ingredients needed for each broadcast. Today’s portion can be found in the kitchen. You will be provided with fresh ingredients each day. Host does not need to worry about going hungry. From today onwards, Host should focus on breaking into the broadcasting industry.”

In fact, Ye Fei had already dashed into the little kitchen the moment the System mentioned ‘today’s portion can be found in the kitchen’.

[Gumihou: Simple-minded fellow, eh? Gumi kind of like himbo characters like that. ]

[1] Some added details to make the flow of text smoother

[2] Zhu Bajie – The humanoid pig character in Journey to the West

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