The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 22 The Perfect Match

Chapter 22 The Perfect Match

Feng Tianlai was feeling very depressed. That’s because the newcomer he had so enthusiastically promoted, this Ye Fei fellow, had turned around and played such a big joke on him. The broadcast time was already within sight, but this clown still did not know what he was going to do. You’re clearly a fake, ah.

Thus, as time ticked closer and closer to 12:10 pm, Feng Tianlai could not bring himself to look at Ye Fei’s broadcast. He was currently leaning back on his chair, one hand covering his forehead, letting out a mighty sigh now and then.

“Irresponsible, too irresponsible, ah. To think that I, Feng Tianlai, would be cast into the pit by a newcomer like this, from now onwards the Fine Food Section would be the laughing stock of the entire platform, ah.”

“It is time. But, who knows whether that Ye Fei has even started his broadcasting. Just what is he doing now?”

“Who cares, I’m not going to look, there’s no need to watch a poorly prepared live broadcast. Just watching it would stress me out even more. I should be more careful in the future. Any newcomers, no matter how much potential, I must check them out seriously before making any decisions.”

While Feng Tianlai was wallowing in misery, a sudden knock came from the outside.

“Supervisor, something happened! S-something, something happened, ah!”

Feng Tianlai frowned, he glared at Liu Ping who had just barged in after a perfunctory knock. “What’s with all that yelling? The sky hasn’t fallen in yet, you’re an adult, can’t you be more dignified?”josei

Liu Ping nearly yelled, “I- I can’t I… you, come over now! That Ye Fei, that Ye Fei, he…”

When this guy got excited, he would stutter and blush, unable to speak a proper sentence.

Feng Tianlai squashed himself against his chair like an upset cat, before finally leaping up like an enraged feline, “What’s with that Ye Fei? Did he mess up his broadcast? I knew it, I just knew this would happen, not bothering with any kind of preparation, it would be miraculous if his broadcast didn’t go wrong. Fine, forget it, what’s done is done, we’ll just wait for the rest of the platform to make fun of us.”

Liu Ping was waving his hands wildly, shaking his head, “Manager, no, no, Ye Fei broke the record again, oh my ancestors, it’s a big, big, very huge, very big record, ah.”

“What? Say that again!” This time, Feng Tianlai was like a cat pouncing on a mouse, leaping over to Liu Ping with his fingers curved like claws as he grabbed Liu Ping’s wrists.

The captured Liu Ping’s grin turned into a grimace. He tried to struggle away, “Supervisor, please let go. It’s too painful.”

Feng Tianlai quickly let go of Liu Ping, he said soothingly, “No need to hurry, speak slowly, you said broke the record again? Moreover a huge, very big record, just what is going on?”

Liu Ping said, “Supervisor, I really don’t know how to explain this. It’s better to see it with your own eyes.”

Feng Tianlai returned to his chair. He attacked his computer and soon has Ye Fei’s live broadcast on his screen. The first thing he looked at was the number of viewers and had to suck in a breath

“F*ck, over 25,000 people? What’s with this incredible number? The speed at which his viewers increases is already a record. The first broadcast only has a few dozen people, to break the 20,000 limit at the second broadcast is too amazing.”

Liu Ping laughed, “Hahaha, manager, you’re looking at the wrong figures. What I really want you to see is not the number of viewers. The rewards! Look at the rewards, ah!”

Feng Tianlai answered with a short ‘en’ and called up the statistics records for Ye Fei’s activities. It was a special page that showed a summary of a particular broadcaster’s reward summary.

When his brain finally registered the total value of the reward items in Ye Fei’s reward box, Feng Tianlai nearly went crazy.

“My… my heavenly god, this… is this real? Is there a bug in the system?” Feng Tianlai really could not believe his eyes as he muttered to himself.

Liu Ping slapped the table excitedly, “Supervisor, your eyes are fine, the system is fine. Barely 10 minutes into his broadcast, Ye Fei’s total reward collection clocked in above HX¥55,000.”

Feng Tianlai flashed a glance at Liu Ping, “What did you say? Over HX¥55,000?

Liu Ping nodded so quickly that he looked like a chicken pecking at grains.

Feng Tianlian turned his monitor around to face Liu Ping, “But, how come I am now looking at HX¥63,000?”

Liu Ping, “… your mom, it went up again? Aiyo, I just took my eyes away for a moment and it went up this much? In a blink of an eye it went up by HX¥10,000, this kind of rising power, even a rocket would lose, ah.”

Feng Tianlai started laughing. He laughed so hard that tears were streaming out of his eyes. He banged his fist on the table. “Good, this is very good, excellent. Ye Fei is truly Ye Fei, looks like, I, Feng Tianlai really did have a good eye for talent, ah. Hahahahaha!”

Liu Ping immediately took the chance to flatter his boss, “Supervisor’s instincts for people is really on point, too awesome.”

Feng Tianlai grew even happier. However, he still had to maintain a show of restraint before his subordinate. Thus, he waved a casual hand saying, “Good, you may leave. Remember, to pay attention to Ye Fei’s channel. Have someone monitor Iron Stomach’s channel too. If he could also show good results today, along with Ye Fei soaring to the skies, Fine Food Section could finally lose the title of Dead Last Prince.”

After a final giggle, Liu Ping ran off.

Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~

Ye Fei came to the kitchen and looked at the Spring Snow Tofu on the cutting board. He took a deep breath to calm himself. Once his sense of serenity had been restored, he picked up a narrow knife and proceeded to cut the tofu into perfect 1-centimetre squares before dropping the tender cubes into a porcelain bowl. Following the System’s instructions, he scattered some salt over the bowl and let it sit.

After that, he took out the other ingredients. These were all foodstuff supplied by the System. He picked through the ingredients according to his own estimation of what would work with this recipe. Then, he started cutting up some ginger, shallots, and red chillies into pieces. This way the prep work for the Cola Tofu was done.

Next, Ye Fei took out a flat bottom pan and plopped a tablespoon of Rose Oil on it. Once the oil warmed up, Ye Fei picked up the bowl of tofu and carefully poured the little cubes into the pan.

The tofu cubes made little chi la sounds as soon as they hit the oil. Immediately, the entire room was filled with a gentle fragrance.

Ye Fei breathed in deeply, and…his stomach gave a very audible grumble.

“Must you smell so good? Daddy has only just started, it’s just a bit of fragrance and my stomach just can’t control itself.”

In fact, he wasn’t the only one who could not stand it anymore. Most of the people in the broadcasting room could not resist their hunger. The last time Ye Fei had used the Rose Oil to cook his potato strands, and left a huge impression on Tasting Everything Under Heaven, Tao Tie and I Am a Foodie. Thus, when the Rose Oil made its appearance, they all screamed out in great excitement.

“F*ck me, the rose oil again?”

“Extravagant, too extravagant, ah. He cooked potatoes with Rose Oil yesterday, and it’s tofu today.”

“I want to eat it, I really want to eat it, ah. I’ve never eaten anything made with such luxurious ingredients.”

“Daddy wants to eat his tofu, en, that’s right, what I want is his tofu [1].”

It was at this point that I AM a Foodie sent out a message, “If you had used the Rose Oil to cook anything else, it would have been quite wasteful. However, to use such a luxurious oil for such top-grade tofu could only be considered a perfect match. Only a top grade oil could retain the pure and clear fragrance of the Spring Snow Tofu, other oils would just smother this tofu’s unique fragrance,”

Tasting Everything Under Heaven agreed, “Yes, it looked this Ye Fei is not only extravagant, but he’s also someone who knew how to properly appreciate gourmet food.”

Tao Tie, “So, just how much would this Cola Tofu cost, you guys?”

Tasting Everything Under Heaven immediately gave his answer, when the others saw the numbers, they almost went insane.

[Gumihou: … lol, clear pure oil for clear pure tofu? Fantasy ingredient Rose Oil already ‘has a rose fragrance’ lol. Also, you’ll be cooking it in cola, regardless of what kind of cola it uses, it has to be something with a lot of sugar, so…]

[1] eat his tofu – a euphemism for kissing

A random double entendre joke

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