The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 26 Message From the Vice President

Chapter 26 Message From the Vice President

As one, the entire QQ Broadcasting Platform appeared to have gone crazy.

Supporting staff from Song & Dance and Storytelling Sections have almost gone mad, one after another they kept producing random ululations of joy.

“Song & Dance have reached a record high of HX¥95,000. Haha! How should I say it, while there are all sorts of talents in our platform, our section is unfairly blessed, ah.”

“F*ck, just when did such a talent appear in your section, ah. We’re so jealous.”

“Aiya, when will we be blessed with a talent like that, ah?”

“Brothers from Outdoor Sports, I have an idea, just get one of your broadcasters to jump into the nearest river, he’ll be famous in no time, ah!”

“Get lost!”

The people from Storytelling were also excited to bits, for the first time ever, Torrential Rivermouth’s total reward exceeded Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance. Though it was only about a thousand yuans or so, a win is still a win, ah.

“Our Torrential Rivermouth’s is certainly on a roll today, it was like the light of heaven shone on him, the reward collected up till now is HX¥96,000.”

“Tceh, you’re sure your report is correct? How could Torrential Rivermouth overtake our Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance?”

“That’s right, Song & Dance is the pillar of our QQ Platform.”

“So sorry to inform you people, if your numbers are correct, our Torrential Rivermouth has surpassed Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance by HX¥1,000.”

“That’s so depressing, well then, daddy shall now award Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance another HX¥1,000. This way we will draw.”

“Haha, you guys certainly like to cheat. By all means, go ahead and put in the extra thousand, our Torrential Rivermouth is the genuine thing.”

While Song & Dance and Storytelling Sections were busily flexing their muscles at each other, the other sections could only watch enviously from the side.

“God maker, ah, god maker, could it be that there can never be a powerful deity in our section?”

“Our Fitness Section only has one promising guy, but Little Schwarzenegger is only a small fish. Today’s reward is only HX¥10,000.”

“Haizz, our Outdoor Sports is also in the same boat, Touring 4 Corners only collected HX¥12,000 worth of rewards. Looks like we might end up at the bottom pile.”

“No way, there’s still that immoveable Dead Last Prince, Fine Food Section. With them holding the fort, what do you have to fear?”

“Haha, that’s true. So long as Fine Food is here, the rest of us can relax.”

“Yi~~ wait, that’s not right, there’s something wrong today.”

“What is it?”

“Hey, didn’t anyone notice? Not a single staff from Fine Food Section here, isn’t that odd?”

“Hm, looks like you’re right, just where are the Fine Food Sections’ people?”

“Haha, what are you guys saying? Must you add salt to injury? The entire platform already knows about their usual reputation, ah. As for them not being here, today’s performance must be especially abysmal to the point that they’re too embarrassed to come out.”

“Actually, I’ve always said that the QQ Platform should just get rid of the Fine Food Section. It’s a waste of resources, more importantly, it’s an embarrassment to the rest of us, ah. Seeing those monsters pigging out every day in front of the screen really destroys our image.”

“I think so too, it’s better for everyone if Fine Food Section gets the axe.”

As the rest of the staff got heated up talking about this matter, occasionally making sarcastic remarks at the absent Fine Food Section, it was at this time that a dissenting voice suddenly piped up.

“Good day everyone, I am Fine Food Section’s Liu Ping. I am very happy to present some good news to everyone. Our Fine Food Section’s Iron Star Level 1 Broadcaster Ye Fei has just finished his broadcasting. The total reward collected is HX¥235,734. This is quite an amazing achievement, he not only broke our Fine Food Section’s Newcomer Record, but had also broken the highest record ever held in QQ Platform’s Newcomer Record. Let’s all cheer together!”


“What the heck, are we supposed to cheer a mere trifle?”

“Liu Ping, have you gone insane? Don’t you know this is a company forum? How could you just talk shit with both eyes wide open?”

“Little Ping Ping, I know you guys at Fine Food Section have been exaggerating your successes a little, but surely there’s no need for it to reach this point?”

“Over HX¥230,000 rewards? Are you kidding me? If this is true, daddy will eat three set lunches in front of all the company staff.”

“Haha, Little Jie, stop kidding around. You’ve already told this joke once and I’ve yet to see you eat any yet.”

Nobody believed it.

It was quite unbelievable.

Because that guy was a newbie, for a new guy to be able to collect HX¥230,000 was like something out of the Thousand Night Arabian story. Only someone who had maintained a good reputation in the broadcasting business for a long time could even dream about reaching this kind of reward. Even then, they would need to display a unique skill in order to convince the viewers to actually hand out such a crazy amount of money.

Just what kind of unique skill could this Ye Fei have? Everyone had already seen the video of his first broadcast. All he did was cook in front of the camera. Though everyone could admit that his dishes were not bad, cooking skills could only get you so far. A plain fish like him could only dream of leaping over the dragon’s gate [1] to become an immortal with those mediocre skills.

Therefore, everyone only treated Liu Ping’s news as a joke, no one actually took it seriously.

“Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance broadcast has ended, the total reward collected is HX¥101,000. This is too scary, his total reward broke the HX¥100,000 limit. This has to be Song & Dance Section’s Newcomer Record, ba?”

“Haha, Torrential Rivermouth’s broadcasting has also ended. By the time he reached that last paragraph, the reward reached HX¥102,100. That’s more than Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance by HX¥1,100, ah. This is definitely our Storytelling Section’s Newcomer Record.”

“Torrential Rivermouth actually won against Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance? Such a pain in the balls, ah.”

At this point, Song & Dance’s statistician Ma Tao turned towards Liu Ping and said, “Little Ping Ping, to tell the truth, your little deity Iron Stomach should have done quite well, right? The rewards collected should be not bad, he should be Fine Food Section’s number one hero, ah.”

The others started to heckle him as well. It would be quite meaningless if a little deity who could gobble up 7 to 8 pounds worth of food could not gain number one among those famous for their eating skills.

Liu Ping, who had had to weather such a stormy situation more times than he care to remember, was perfectly serene.

Before the sea of people mocking him and his team, he merely smiled and said, “You’re right, Iron Stomach’s performed quite well today, he managed to collect a total of HX¥88,000 worth of rewards. Unfortunately, he was not our number one. I’ve already told you who our first place winner is. Great Deity Ye Fei broke all records with a total reward of HX¥235,734. He is our current number one.”

Everyone, “… …”

“Little Ping Ping, are you done yet? A good joke could only be told once, telling it too many times would lose its meaning.”

“That’s right, more than HX¥230,000? Do you really think that Ye Fei is a true great deity?

“I think there’s something wrong with Liu Ping’s head.”

“I think so +2.”

“I think so +3.”

“I think so +4.”

… …

Over HX¥230,000 worth of rewards? Just what kind of joke are you telling? If you say that someone from Song & Dance or Storytelling managed to achieve that much reward, we might be persuaded to believe it.

However, you’re trying to tell us that a Fine Food Section noob with a mere two days’ worth of broadcasting experience has gained such a result, have you gone crazy or do you take us all for fools?

Therefore, not a single person believed Liu Ping’s words.

Fine Food Section’s Liu Ping sat with his arms crossed, perfectly at ease as he looked at all the disbelieving remarks in front of him. It was as though he was watching a bunch of performing clowns trying to open an umbrella.

“Horrible, it’s just too horrible, to think that no one would actually believe that Ye Fei achieved this kind of reward.” Tang Xiaomin puffed up with indignation as she glared at all the disbelieving lot.

“Well, they aren’t in the wrong. Our track record had been too poor, if I hadn’t seen the result with my own eyes, even I would not have believed that such a great deity had graced Fine Food Section.”

“That’s right, our section had always been famous for being dead last. With this kind of reputation, it is quite difficult for anyone to believe us.”josei

“I know, let’s ask Supervisor Feng to spread the news instead.”

While they got busy trying to track down Feng Tianlai, a mass group message suddenly pinged on everyone’s phone.

[Congratulations to newcomer Ye Fei of Fine Food Section. To have achieved HX¥235,734 reward as an Iron Star Rank 1 Broadcaster is truly outstanding. The company hereby commend you for your achievement and calls on all personnel within the company to properly groom this rising star.]

All personnel, “… …”

Everyone stared at their screens, stunned.

One of the Song & Dance staff blurted out, “Funny, another funny guy, just how many times are you guys going to spread this fake news?”

The moment he finished speaking, someone else said, “That’s enough, Zhang Le. Look closely at the message, the person who sent out this message is none other than our platform’s Vice President Li.”

Zhang Le, “… Vice President Li…”

Zhang Le almost smacked his head against the table, crazy, this is just too crazy, ah. To think our company’s top management is also among this herd of people. That never seen before top guy had always been cold and aloof, ah. How could he just suddenly blast out such a message? Isn’t this a type of cheat?

QQ Platform’s Vice President Li continued, “This is excellent news, which is why I felt that everyone needs to know this immediately. I wish to also congratulate him for breaking the Newcomer’s Record. That’s all from me, everyone please continue with your hard work.”

Looking at Vice President Li’s icon that had turned grey, tears dribbled down from Zhang Le’s eyes, he sat down suddenly, muttering to himself, “Fine Food Section? Ye Fei? You guys really piss me off, ah!”

[Gumihou: Tsk, tsk]

[1] Fish leaping over a dragon’s gate – becoming an immortal – gain great achievement

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