The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 30 Countermeasures From All Sides

Chapter 30 Countermeasures From All Sides

Right now, Manager Hong Shuangxi of Song & Dance Section was sitting in his office and facing off with his personal computer. He leaned back in his chair as he studied the recorded broadcast of a young man cooking on screen. The longer he watched, the deeper the frown lines on his face. Finally, he turned the laptop off and sneered.

“HX¥230,000 reward, ah? He get all that from this kind of performance? Only a ghost would believe it. Though the dish he made looks good, who knows what it really tasted like? This guy probably paid off a bunch of people to make up the bulk of the rewards. Young people nowadays tended to go overboard for the sake of notoriety, ah.”

Seated not far from him, a charming looking woman gave an elegant little snigger, “Manager Hong, regardless of what tricks he might have used to gain this kind of reward, having Ye Fei with QQ is a good thing. The company still gains 30% of whatever he achieved.”

Hong Shuangxi said, “My dear Head Supervisor Jing Ya. Surely there’s no need for us to bother ourselves with this kind of person? He might have gained great results in the past two days but do you think he could continue to generate this kind of result each time? Unless he’s a filthy rich billionaire, which is unlikely. Would a billionaire ignore his own business and continue to play around with broadcasting for this little bit of fame? Surely such a bored person can’t exist!”

Jing Ya said, “Hopefully this Ye Fei person is just a fluke, otherwise… ah, just thinking about this matter gives me a headache. To think that we and the Storytelling Section, the first and second sections of this platform would one day fall to this guy. How unexpected.”

Hong Shuangxi pressed his hands together and tucked the tips of his index fingers under his chin. He said, “How well did Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance, as well as the other major deities, do today? Can their overall rewards beat Ye Fei’s performance?”

Jing Ya nearly burst into tears at Hong Shuangxi’s question. Today was truly tragic, ah. To think, that to match results with this Fine Food newbie, the Song & Dance Section has to add up the results of their major deities… since when did the S & D become so miserable, ah?

“Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance managed to obtain HX¥100,000 reward. His performance today was not bad, this guy’s strength is very good. So long as we properly nurture his talent, he could become our next top-notched great deity. Nature’s Voice’s performance was a little lacking today, only managing to gain HX¥90,000 reward. On the other hand, Bronze Star Rank 5 Singer King managed to gain HX¥80,000 rewards. Other smaller deities managed to collect seventy or eighty thousand reward points each.”

“Enough, still need to go on? Don’t you think you’re worrying too much about this matter? No matter how outstanding this Ye Fei is, HX¥200,000 has to be his limit. Our sections’ small and mid-range deities’ total rewards could already sweep Fine Food Section off the table. In other words, our S & D Section is still number one. In the end, no matter how powerful this Ye Fei is, the best he could do is pull Fine Food out of the last place position. His presence would not threaten our position.”

Jing Ya, “En, if Golden Voice and Supreme Songstress stepped onto the stage, I believe that they could provide a great morale boost to our S & D Section. From what I’ve heard, the few strong deities who came in to test their talent today lost a lot of self-confidence after losing to Ye Fei.”

After some thought, Hong Shuangxi said, “Let’s do it this way, I shall speak to Golden Voice. He is currently busy with an advertisement job right now, so I’ll speak to him when he’s free. Once I have an answer, you may post the details.”

At this, Jing Ya smiled. Golden Voice’s fame was all down to Hong Shuangxi’s support. There was no way that person could refuse a request from their patron. It would be wonderful if they could get Golden Voice to represent Song & Dance Section.

However, since they hadn’t managed to get him on board yet, it was better to not say anything about the matter until it is finalised.

After speaking to Hong Shuangxi about other work-related matters, Jing Ya left.josei

At the same time, at the Storytelling Section office.

Director Lu Wei and Manager Pan Wencai were currently discussing the Ye Fei situation.

“Director Lu, don’t you think this matter is too strange, ah? Just where did this Ye Fei character pop out from? He must have gotten a shot of chicken blood or something. To gain 230k rewards on the second day, moreover, as a newbie broadcaster is just… to be honest, only an experienced great deity could even dream of achieving such a result. Don’t you think so?” said Pan Wencai.

Lu Wei smiled, “It’s getting too difficult to guess the people’s desires nowadays. To think that the Fine Food Section would have such a fine time of it now. Here I thought that no one would ever be interested in broadcasts from that section anymore. From what I can see, this Ye Fei could be considered a pioneer, a forger of paths who could draw the interest of people to the Fine Food Section again.”

“Aih, you’ve seen his broadcast, too, right? What’s so unique about it? It was just making food in front of the camera. To be honest, even I could make that kind of soft tofu dish. The only unique thing about it was some cheap gimmicks. Some special rose oil or unique cola or something. The thing that stirred up the viewers’ interest was the ingredients. Who knows whether those were even the real deal. I have a feeling that he’s just stirring up interest unnecessarily.”

Towards Ye Fei’s astronomical rise, Pan Wencai had nothing but disdain.

Manager Lu Wei said solemnly, “Wencai, you shouldn’t speak this way. The ingredients used by Ye Fei were truly unique. To be honest, I have some interest in gourmet food and would occasionally look up information on special ingredients from time to time. Though I cannot remember the name of the book, I did once come across the name Spring Snow Tofu. I have studied the ingredients used by Ye Fei and could say with some confidence that it matches all the descriptions of the legendary Spring Snow, especially the detail about soybeans originating from White Horse region. Not everyone knew about this. From what I can see, there’s a high chance that those ingredients were the real thing.”

Pan Wencai’s lips twisted as he stared at his manager. He had not expected his manager to defend Ye Fei’s win.

“Manager, surely that can’t be right? If he could get his hands on the real goods, that kind of guy didn’t lack money even if he lacks brains. Why would he mess around doing broadcastings, ah?”

Lu Wei [1] smiled, “When people reached a certain economic level, their lives will suddenly feel empty and they would strive to find new things to test their skills on. Even if this Ye Fei is filthy rich, no rule says the rich can’t broadcast, right?”

“That makes sense. Humph, I don’t like this Ye Fei anyway. Whatever, now that we know his background, I have a feeling his popularity is just a flash in the pan.”

“I know you can’t bring yourself to accept this, but no matter what, it’s still quite impossible for them to surpass us, the Storytelling Section. That’s right, in order not to lose against Ye Fei, I have already contacted Drama King. He’ll come over tomorrow to do a broadcast. You send the message out, let everyone knows what’s happening.”

Pan Wencai was shocked. “Manager, you called Drama King back? For Ye Fei? He’s just an Iron Star Rank 1 broadcaster, do we really need to go that far?”

The manager smiled, “An Iron Star Rank 1 broadcaster you say? From the number of rewards and fans he had just amassed, it should be more than enough to break past the Iron Star grade.”

“Impossible, such speed?” Pan Wencai shook his head in denial.

“As to what level he would be, all we need to do is gather up the relevant statistics and make a decision. Very well, you may leave now. Go and let the others know, no need to worry too much about it. Ye Fei may be incredible, but there’s no need to lose heart. This broadcasting platform still depends on us, Storytelling and Song & Dance Sections.”

Once Pan Wencai left, the manager picked up his phone and called Drama King’s number.

Nearly every other sections were trying their best to come up with ways to deal with the ‘Ye Fei Situation’. There was no other choice, his sudden rise was too abrupt and overbearing. Nobody could afford to sit on their hands against this threat.

While everyone was cracking their heads for ideas, a major alert on the advertisement section of the QQ Platform’s homepage appeared. The news was displayed in flashing red font, making it extra eye-catching.

Idlers randomly skimming through QQ’s page would immediately see this alert.

An uproar erupted.

[Gumihou: … this novel is just one uproar after another…]

[1] Manager Lu Wei’s name was never mentioned again after this and was replaced by Hong Shuang Xi. However, since they’re still chatting about Storytelling Section business, I guess this is a mistake on the writer’s part.

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