The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 32 Deity Amongst Deities

Chapter 32 Deity Amongst Deities

Ye Fei had finally recovered from the excitement of getting his hands on a ‘huge haul’. He sat down before his laptop and opened up his PP Account again. Just like yesterday, a barrage of notifications of unread messages from QQ staff blinked at him.

He briefly picked out the messages from the few people he knew and nearly all of them were congratulatory messages. Hmm, looks like he was getting quite popular as a broadcaster at QQ.

Feng Tianlai, who had been poking gloomily at his computer, suddenly came to life at a cheerful chime from his PP Account. It was the chime informing him that a friend had logged in. When he saw that it was Ye Fei, he immediately burst into a flurry of movements.

With a series of clickity clacks, messages were shot into space like rapid-fire bullets.

“Deity Ye, you’re finally online.”

“Deity Ye, your performance today was unbelievable.”

“Did you know? You’ve broken a whole bunch of our Platform’s records.”

“Deity Ye, you are now Public Enemy Number 1 to other broadcasting sections. They will now aim to defeat you”

“Deity Ye… Deity Ye, are you there?”

Feng Tianlai sent out a bunch of messages, none of which Ye Fei returned. This made Feng Tianlai even more frantic.

Didn’t you just logged in?

Then you should be in front of the computer, ah.

So, why aren’t you answering me?

Exchanging online messages won’t get you pregnant, so please answer my messages, ah.

This guy really made me want to scratch my cheeks in frustration.

Ye Fei looked at the barrage of messages from Feng Tianlai, tapped his keyboard twice, and sent one word.


Feng Tianlai who was almost glued to the computer was stupefied.


Just what is this ‘En’? Great deity, was this the only line you’re only going to give me?

“Hehe, is Deity Ye very busy now?”

Ye Fei, “En”

Feng Tianlai, “… …”

“I know that Deity Ye is a busy man, so I shall not take up too much of your time. I just want to know what time you plan to do your next broadcast. Also, what is the topic of your broadcast.”

Feng Tianlai was currently trying to secure information on these two important points. He noticed that he was unable to get Ye Fei to chat normally with him, forget normally, just an exchange was already too painful, ah.

Ye Fei, “I haven’t decided on a time, yet. Also, I don’t know what I’ll be doing, hehe.”

Feng Tianlai was once more struck dumb.

He stared at the final two words on the message, ‘hehe’. He too went ‘hehe’.

Haven’t decided on a time?

Don’t know what the topic is going to be?

Brother, your answer is no answer, ah!

Though Feng Tianlai felt gloomy, he knew that Ye Fei was not playing around with him. He had precedence for this, the last time he tried to get information from the man, he had gotten something similar.

“Deity Ye, if you do this, the QQ Platform won’t be able to help you with publicity. Other broadcasters would give us their broadcast title and schedule so that we could promote it via our website and other social media. This would really help you secure more viewers.”

Ye Fei, “No need.”

In truth, Ye Fei was also reluctant to send this reply. It’s not like he was deliberately holding back information. He, too, did not know the answer, ah!

When Feng Tianlai saw Ye Fei’s blunt reply, he was speechless. Privately, he thought: A great deity is really a great deity, ah. Unlike regular humans who jumped at the chance of more publicity, look at how he just spurned additional help. As expected of someone more than human, ah.

Somehow, Ye Fei’s reputation had gone up even higher within Feng Tianlai’s heart.

“Since Deity Ye is so busy, I shall not disturb you anymore. However, I must relay some important news. As far as we can tell, several great deities from other sections saw you as a threat. You must be careful, these people are at least Bronze Star Rank 5 broadcasters. Each of them has a unique appeal in their respective sections.”

“Bronze Star Deities? Your platform has a ranking system for your deities as well?”

Actually, Ye Fei did have some impression that there was some kind of ranking system during his time surfing the internet. Quite a lot of people had thrown in random prefixes in front of whatever ‘Great Deity’ they were talking about. Could it be possible that there’s a fixed ranking system for popular broadcasters?

Feng Tianlai, “Of course, there are differences between deities. Even if there are two broadcasters at the Iron Star level, the more popular ones would be considered a god, the less famous one an ordinary man. Iron Star Deities are considered lesser than Bronze Star Deities, because of the difference in levels in the number of fans following them. However, a peak level Iron Star Deity has at most 6,000 fans, whereas the lowest level Bronze Star Deity has 8,000 fans. Therefore, if an Iron Star Deity’s performance is more popular, they could quickly outstrip a Bronze Star Deity.”

Ye Fei considered Feng Tianlai’s words and thought they made sense.

Well, it could be said was like comparing a chicken’s head and a phoenix’s tail. The difference was nearly non-existent.

There were cliques among broadcasters too, just like between lightnovel writers. Regular writers tended to stick with each other and glared enviously at the next level of writers above them. Top-level platinum writers would band together to sneer down at other writers. The broadcasters at QQ Platform were split into different circles, but once a deity graduated to Bronze Star, they’ll be treated like scum, an outsider with no ties to their circle.

Now that he understood this point Ye Fei said, “I’ve just taken a look at the QQ Platform’s website. It seems that I am now a Bronze Star Rank 2 Broadcaster. Does this mean I’m just a regular broadcaster?”

Feng Tianlai stared at this line of sentence for a long time. Brother, you have leapt from Iron Star Rank 1 to Bronze Star Rank 2 in just two broadcasts. If you’re still a regular guy, who are the rest of us, ah?

“Deity Ye is different from the rest. No matter where he goes, Deity Ye will create a great impact. By becoming a Bronze Star Rank 2 Broadcaster in such a short time, you have already caused a great upheaval among the other Bronze Star broadcasters. They are all observing your every movement now.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“That’s right, ah. Oh yes, Deity Ye, you really haven’t decided on the time? And the topic as well. If you let me know even a day earlier, I can help blast out the information.”

“The time, will be noon, I guess~ but I really haven’t decided on the topic yet.”

Feng Tianlai was already overjoyed getting this much out of Ye Fei and did not pursue other matters. Since he had already done his best, he could only treat it as a big mystery event. Hmm, that’s a good pulling strategy too.

“Then, it’s decided. I shall not bother Deity Ye anymore.”

With that, the conversation between Ye Fei and Feng Tianlai was over. Ye Fei settled down to lose himself surfing the internet.

Presently, a loud thumping sound was heard. No prizes for guessing who it was.josei

As expected, half a minute later, Ma Cuihua banged loudly at his door and yelled.

“Ye Fei, open the door for this auntie. It’s too bloody hot.”

Ye Fei, “… …”

F*ck, is she sending food again? By the way, this landlady had been acting awfully weird this past two days, ah. She knows I have no money, but why is she still sending me food? Did she really want me to be her gigolo?

En, I’m fine being a gigolo.

He quickly opened the door and was shocked.

Held in Ma Cuihua’s hands was a large steaming bowl of tomato egg noodles.

Ye Fei looked Ma Cuihua up and down, and asked, “I say, just how did you knock on the door just now?”

Ma Cuihua crowded past Ye Fei and placed the bowl of tomato egg noodles on the table. She lifted her foot at him, “I used this.”

Ye Fei, “… …”

Okay, Auntie Landlady, you’re more skilled than I thought. Luckily the door was made of solid stuff, otherwise, it might just collapse under your kick.

“Eat while it’s hot.” Ma Cuihua said, indicating the bowl of noodles.

Ye Fei nodded obediently, sat down, and began to shamelessly gobble up the noodles. A few mouthfuls later, Ye Fei lifted his head to ask, “Sister Ma, why do you treat me so well?”

Ma Cuihua sat beside him and smiled, “You really want to know?”

[Gumihou: … I really want to know too…]

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