The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 42 Level 2 Access Enabled

Chapter 42 Level 2 Access Enabled

Also, vegans and vegetarians, please don’t hate on Gumi. It’s all the author’s words, I swear! 

Ye Fei also never thought that he could achieve over a million yuan reward from a single live broadcast. Such a thing was truly unbelievable, ah.

“One million three hundred eighty-nine thousand one hundred and forty-five, ah. The platform takes 30% and the System deducts 90% of whatever is left, meaning I still have HX¥97,240.15. F*ck me, that’s almost HX¥100,000!”

After sitting in shock for a long time. Ye Fei held up his fingers and began to calculate again.

“I-I think… I must have made a mistake, let’s try again,”

This time, for better accuracy, he deliberately opened up the calculator app on the laptop and punched in the numbers again. After slowly making sure the numbers were correctly punched in, the end result was still HX¥97,240.15.

This time, Ye Fei really went crazy.

“Hahaha, I’m rich! Daddy’s rich!”

No longer caring whether Ma Cuihua was outside or not, Ye Fei intended to properly howl to the skies a few times. His hard life had finally come to an end. Whether it is Ma Cuihua or Niu Cuihua is outside right now, daddy is going to scream to my heart’s content!

After rolling about and cheering for over 10 minutes, Ye Fei’s voice finally grew hoarse. He flopped onto his bed and panted for breath.

“Rich! I will soon have close to HX¥100,000 coming into my account, ah. Daddy must properly consider how to spend this money. Well, first, let’s pay off the tens of thousands of yuans of debts. Debts are only shameful if we don’t pay them off. Next, I must upgrade my meals. I should avoid 11 yuan fast food. Being seen eating such cheap things would be such a loss of face. 15 yuan, that’s right, I should eat fast food starting at 15 yuan…”

Even before the money had reached his hand, Ye Fei was already dreaming about a brighter future.

While he was fantasizing about how to spend his money, his phone suddenly chirped. Ye Fei quickly picked up his phone and immediately cheered. That’s because a total of HX¥972,400 had just entered his account. This made Ye Fei a little curious since he had not even contacted Feng Tianlai for it yet.

However, money that came quickly, also flew off quickly. He had barely enjoyed the sight of the 6-digit numbers when the System ruthlessly sucked away its share of ‘service fee’. in the end, the money left from that instantaneous earning was only a little more than 97k.

However, Ye Fei was already quite contented. If he could earn about HX¥100,000 yuan each day, he would be contented. After all, even with two guts, he dare not borrow such a ridiculous amount.

He was still basking in happiness when the voice of the DCB System echoed in his head, “The System has extracted a total of HX¥1,043,838.09 from Host. Congratulations to the Host for completing the first mission. Level 2 limited privileges could now be accessed. The Host may now inspect it.”

Hearing this, Ye Fei’s whole body trembled once. In ecstasy, he cried, “Level 2 is available?!”

DCB System, “Once Host has completed the first mission, Level 2 is automatically activated.”

Ye Fei snapped his fingers excitedly, “Nice!”

A chill came over his mind, followed by an overwhelming amount of information.

Once he managed to somewhat digest the information, Ye Fei was once again pleasantly surprised.

That’s because the information in his brain was just too plentiful. It could be said that so long as the information was food-related, it was directly injected into his mind. This included: Low-level Knife Work, Handling and Arrangement of Ordinary Cuisine, Handling of Ingredients as well as related information on said ingredients. More importantly, with Level 2 opened to him, meat-related dishes started to appear. This was one great advantage that Level 1 Limited Cuisine did not have.

Meat dishes are definitely in the heavyweight category when it comes to cuisines. That’s because regardless of whether it’s the Chinese or foreigners from all over the world, they all have very deep feelings for meat.

It could be said that it was the emergence of meat in their regular meals that gave people a more varied and colourful diet. Human beings are able to absorb nutrients such as protein, amino acids and phosphates into their bodies from meat, making them stronger. Thus, one could easily see why meat is the superior ingredient.

Meat, the ultimate ingredient that occupied an extremely important position in the food culture of ancient and modern China as well as the rest of the world.

Back when Ye Fei was making tofu and potato dishes, he had already noticed that Level 1 Limited Cuisines were nearly all vegetarian dishes. Proper meat dishes only started appearing at Level 2. From this, it could be concluded that even the simplest of meat dishes would be more difficult than making vegetarian dishes.

However, now that the System had equipped him with the knowledge, Ye Fei trusted that he would also experience smooth sailing in the future.

After going through all the knowledge granted to him by the System, Ye Fei’s confidence suddenly soared again. Next time, daddy will set another record for you all to see!

While Ye Fei was still lost in his fantasies, the System spoke to him again, “Now that Host is Million Yuan Broadcaster, the place that Host is currently staying is a disgrace to your identity. The System recommends for the Host to change to a higher-end residence.”

Ye Fei, “… change to a higher-end residence? Move?”

DCB System, “Yes, how could such a shabby residence match with the Host’s current identity? Especially the kitchen. The facilities are too rudimentary. This limits the development of Host’s cooking skills. Certain tools from the System could not be used, restricting the Host’s development as a Divine Culinary Broadcaster. Therefore, the most logical answer is to change the Host’s residence.”

“There are tools that I can’t use? You’re saying that because my place is too small, the special tools and ingredients are only limited to the two special storage boxes under the kitchen table?”

Ye Fei did not need to consider it further. [1]

[1] “Let’s change!”

Since the System had advised him to do so, and with the System only wishing for his success, there is no reason to hesitate. In his opinion, just having these two storage boxes of cooking equipment and random ingredients was already amazing enough, what would happen if he has access to a fully equipped kitchen?

What the System said is true, as a Culinary Broadcaster, even if he could not present a magnificent kitchen to his viewers, he must at least not be too shabby. Whatever place he was staying now would be broadcasted live online, therefore, it could not be too shabby.

Moreover, he has money in his account now. With nearly HX¥100,000, he should totally move to something decent.

After making this decision, Ye Fei thought, “That’s right, System, now that I have access to Level 2, the next step to unlock would be Level 3, right? How much would it cost to access Level 3?”

Ye Fei had now developed a special expectation for the System’s abilities. After all, even with Level 1 Limited Authority, he could earn about HX¥100,000 in a day. If that System fellow had not insisted on taking 90% of his hard-earned money as a service fee, he could have made more than a million in 3 days! That was his money tree, you know?

Right now, he had access to the Level 2 Limited Authority, which would certainly usher in even more money-making possibilities and incredible skills. However, this was not enough. Didn’t he say it before? For people to make it big, they must be ready to risk big. One million? Humph, humph, that’s just daddy’s 1-minute goal only.

Therefore, he wanted a higher authority level, better skills and more domineering power to monopolise the broadcasting field!

[1] “To access Level 3 Limited Authority, the Host would need to pay 50 million yuan!”

Ye Fei, “… …”

[1] Suddenly, all of Ye Fei’s good feelings disappeared without a trace.

“System! Why don’t you go rob someone, ah! Why only 1 million to access Level 2 but 50 million to access Level 3? Isn’t this gap too wide?!”

Ye Fei nearly went crazy. After gaining access to Level 2 at 1 million, he thought Level 3 would cost him around 10 million or so. Something he could probably get after working hard for a couple of weeks. However, the System actually said that he needed to pay 50 million?! M*therf*cker, why is the bar suddenly set so high, ah?

50 million, that’s half a billion, you know?!

Don’t talk about a small county seat like this place, with that kind of money a person could declare himself a multi-millionaire in Yinzhou City.

Ye Fei was really mad, so mad that he was literally screeching with anger.

However, the DCB System proceeded to ignore him. After dropping that Level 3 bomb, it disappeared and would not even make a peep no matter how much Ye Fei howled or screeched.

Ye Fei shouted and [1] made rude gestures into the air for a long time until he finally tire himself out.

He knew that no matter what he say or do would be useless. No matter what, if he wants access to the Level 3 Limited Authority, he would have to pay the 50 million yuan fee. Well, he wants to see with his own eyes just how great this so-called Level 3 is and whether it really is worth that much money.

Still feeling indignant, Ye Fei was suddenly startled by a knock at the door.

For a moment, he could only stare at the door. The knock just now was too gentle, therefore, he was certain that it was not Ma Cuihua. Ma Cuihua never knocks. She would always bang, kick or smash the door.

So, who could it be?

Curious, Ye Fei raised his voice, “Who is it?”

A woman’s voice came through the door, “Hey, you brat. Have you gone crazy again? What’s with all that screaming? Auntie could hear your howling from the 1st floor. Open the door now!”josei

Ye Fei, “… …”

Ma Cuihua you cheater!

You’ve always banged on doors before, but now you knock just to fool me?!

“…the simplest of meat dishes would be more difficult than making vegetarian dishes.”

[Gumihou: Excuse you? Do you know how hard it is to make delicious and hearty vegetarian dishes? Meat is easy to ‘make delicious’ I challenge you to make a hearty and delicious ramen or soup that could rival meat dishes. F*ck this bias towards meats.]

[1] Rearranged some sentences for more impact

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