The First Order

Chapter 601 - I have too few friends, so Luo Lan cannot die

Chapter 601 - I have too few friends, so Luo Lan cannot die

Chapter 601 I have too few friends, so Luo Lan cannot die

“There is a way, though. We can use zip fuels or something like white phosphorus to burn down this entire stronghold. But if we stay at the center of the stronghold and the fire spreads here, we’ll all be dead before the creeper vine gets exterminated.” Luo Lan added, “If the creeper vines start moving again, we’ll really be done for.”

Zhou Qi frowned. “Continue searching for an enclosed environment. As long as I don’t have to face too many vines at once, I might be able to buy us some time with my power.”

Luo Lan sighed and said, “The last time I faced a predicament like this, I was getting pursued by the Experimentals.”

One of the Qing Consortium’s soldiers suddenly asked, “Boss, how did you manage to escape from the Experimentals previously?”

Luo Lan thought back and replied, “I met a strong young man back then. But I’m not that lucky this time.”

One of the protesters who had joined Luo Lan’s group suddenly stepped forward and asked, “Luo Lan, is this plant part of your conspiracy?”

Luo Lan was surprised. “Are you out of your mind? Didn’t you guys say this was an auspicious sign for your Wang Consortium?”

Back when people first started noticing the creeper vines growing, they deliberately described it as an auspicious sign for the Wang Consortium. They said Wang Shengzhi had managed the dozen-odd strongholds under the Wang Consortium really well, which was why an auspicious sign like this appeared.

But thinking back now, that sounded like an absolute joke...

“Then how did you know in advance there would be a crisis like this?” that protester asked loudly.

Luo Lan was amused. “Didn’t you guys see those military vehicles driving to and fro when you were sitting downstairs? It’s because you’re too used to leading a comfortable life in the stronghold and act like domesticated pigs that you can’t recognize when danger is coming. The news about the creeper vine was reported a long time ago, so what’s it gotta do with me? Don’t tell me that I planted them from across the strongholds? If I had that ability, I would’ve already impregnated your wife!”

The protester’s face darkened!

The Qing Consortium soldiers’ mouths twitched a little. It seemed that Boss Luo was also getting a little annoyed at being surrounded by the creeper vines. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have started throwing insults. However, they did not think much of it. After all, Boss Luo had always been a rapscallion.

Luo Lan looked around and saw the other residents were fleeing towards the center of the stronghold. They were the only ones who were still standing at the boundary where the creeper vines had grown to.

Luo Lan suddenly asked his subordinates, “Hehe! What do you say if we just kill them here now? No one will know anyway, right?”

When he said that, the protesters’ expressions changed. They were really frightened now!

They were willing to protest against Luo Lan because they knew he could not do anything about them in the Wang Consortium’s stronghold. But now that all order was gone, the safeguard they had was also no more!

However, Luo Lan did not really intend to kill them. Nearby, the Hope Media reporter, Zhou Tao, coughed and said, “I will report everything that happens factually.”

“Alright, alright, I got it.” Luo Lan waved his hand impatiently. “You’ve already seen the kind of people they are. I won’t argue with them, but your Hope Media should also understand that such methods disgust me. It’s too underhanded.”

With that, Luo Lan led the way and headed off towards the center of the stronghold.

Regardless of whether the creeper vines would continue spreading, they had to get to the center of the stronghold and find some food first. Afterwards, they had to seek shelter in a safe place where they could not be harmed!

The stronghold had descended into chaos. Luo Lan did not get far before he came across some people smashing open store doors and going in to loot any food and water inside.

“Looks like not everyone is stupid. They know food and water are the most important things right now,” Luo Lan said with a smile. From his behavior, he did not look like he was in a dangerous city at all.

After a group of people had just raided a store, they ran into Luo Lan and a group of Qing Consortium soldiers looking at them with a smile. Their spoils were forcefully taken away.

Luo Lan distributed the food to Zhou Qi and the others and said, “This should be enough to last us for three days. Hide the food well on yourselves.”

In this dangerous city, everyone was panicking. The protesters were no longer following Luo Lan’s group. Instead, they went off looking for the other residents of Stronghold 61 and the Wang Consortium troops.

Along the way, when they saw other people stealing food, they started doing the same. However, after they got their hands on some food, they secretly hid it on themselves and no longer looked as united as before.

Zhou Qi said, “Should we go and approach the Wang Consortium troops? We’re still considered their guests, after all. From a political standpoint, they’re obliged to protect us. They can’t bear Qing Zhen’s wrath otherwise, even if they aren’t really to blame.”

If Luo Lan died here, Qing Zhen would seriously launch a nuclear strike at the Wang Consortium’s strongholds! Even if the culprit behind his death was actually a plant!

However, Luo Lan shook his head and said, “The Wang Consortium must still have many surviving troops right now, but do you think firearms will give us any protection? It’s not like the Experimentals are the threat right now. Old Zhou... at a critical moment like this, I guess we still have to rely on you! I’ve known you’re especially reliable since a long time ago. You’re someone who will step forward at a critical moment like a good brother....”

Zhou Qi curled his lips. “I already made the disclaimer that I can’t protect you.”

“I’ll pay more!” Luo Lan said.

“I can’t protect you even if you pay me more money.” Zhou Qi roared, “Can you recognize the situation we’re in?!”

“Let’s find a house with fewer openings to set up a last-ditch defense in.” Luo Lan sighed and said, “Hopefully, the rescue troops will arrive earlier and save us, although I don’t know what they can do against this plant. Let’s just hope the Wang Consortium doesn’t choose to set the entire stronghold aflame. If only Ren Xiaosu were around. We could kill our way out of this mess.”

“Yeah, right.” Zhou Qi said in a speechless manner, “Look at the creeper vines outside. Even if Ren Xiaosu were here, he couldn’t get us out of this place!”


Meanwhile, Ren Xiaosu was standing in front of the gate outside the stronghold. He was looking at the dense growth of creeper vines blocking the gate. He turned around and said to Zhou Yingxue, “Can you control the vines?”

Zhou Yingxue revealed a hesitant look. “Master, do we really have to go inside? Didn’t you hear the Wang Consortium soldiers say this stronghold is doomed? When they were fleeing for their lives from the stronghold walls just now, they already saw a third of the stronghold getting overrun by these creeper vines. Judging by how long has passed, the entire stronghold must already be covered in creeper vines. Luo Lan is definitely going to die, so do we really have to go in and save him?”

Ren Xiaosu thought for a moment before saying, “Knowing Luo Lan’s craftiness, I feel that he’ll definitely survive until the end. Regardless of whether he’s dead or alive, I still have to go in and take a look.”

Zhou Yingxue muttered, “Why are you so insistent about saving that fatass?”

Ren Xiaosu said seriously, “Because he’s my friend.”

Zhou Yingxue suddenly realized Ren Xiaosu had two extremes of personality. If it were not his friend, he wouldn’t care whether the person was dead or alive. But if it were his friend, he would go to the ends of the earth for them.

Ren Xiaosu could tell that Zhou Yingxue was puzzled, so he briefly explained, “I have too few friends, so every one of them is precious. One dead person means one less friend.”

“Alright then.” Zhou Yingxue sighed and said, “I tried to control the plant just now. It seems that because we’re too far away from the creeper vines’ roots, I can’t gain control whatsoever.”

“Is that so?” Ren Xiaosu looked at the creeper vines and quietly estimated his chances if he were to force his way in.

Then Zhou Yingxue added, “But I can make it not attack me.” josei


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