The First Order

Chapter 754 - He’s only master to one person

Chapter 754 - He’s only master to one person

Chapter 754 He’s only master to one person

Vanilla and the others had never seen Chen Wudi before, so they wouldn’t know it even when they saw him. However, the corpses of those 11 people left them a little bewildered.

After all, these 11 people had killed their way in, and not even the hundreds of Pyro Company combatants could stop them. Yet they all died at the hands of the same person.

If it were Vanilla and Cheng Yu, they had absolutely no confidence they could take out the Pyro Company’s last line of defense unscathed, even if the Pyro Company had very few combatants left in the Sacred Mountains.

But when Vanilla looked at Li Shentan, Ren Xiaosu, Yang Xiaojin, Luo Lan, and the others, it was as though they all knew the young man in front of them and were already aware the other party would appear here.

“Who is that person?” Cheng Yu asked softly.

No one answered him. Instead, it was Li Shentan who took the initiative to speak to “Chen Wudi” who was across him. He said with a smile, “I’m very curious. It seems that these 11 people on the ground were very familiar with the layout of this place. Could an internal conflict have arisen among your Pyro Company?”

“Chen Wudi” said, “There’s no need for you to worry about our affairs. Rather, you should think about your own situation first.”

“Chen Wudi” opened his eyes as he spoke and looked at Li Shentan. Then, he swept his gaze across everyone present. Ren Xiaosu stared intently at “Chen Wudi,” but “Chen Wudi’s” gaze did not linger on him at all.

Ren Xiaosu finally sighed in his head. This was not Chen Wudi, and he did not even have Chen Wudi’s memories. All he possessed was Chen Wudi’s DNA.

Right, no matter how good the Pyro Company’s cloning technology was, they couldn’t possibly copy over memories as well. Therefore, all the other party had was Chen Wudi’s appearance. But Ren Xiaosu could not figure out one thing. Chen Wudi had clearly awoken his superpowers due to his delusions by imagining he was the reincarnation of the Great Sage.

Meanwhile, Chen Wudi’s clone, who was standing across them, was clearly a normal person, so why did he also have the same powers as Chen Wudi?

What other strange technology did the Pyro Company still possess?

Vanilla suddenly asked, “Are you the Pyro Company’s T6 combatant?”

Chen Wudi looked emotionlessly at Vanilla. “There are no T6s in the Pyro Company to begin with. At my level, there is no longer a need for rankings to define my strength. I’m Chen Wudi, the one and only.” However, Li Shentan interrupted, “You’re also called Chen Wudi? That won’t do. You’re using the same name.”

Li Shentan was probably the calmest person among all those who were here. It seemed he was not afraid of the “Chen Wudi” in front of him at all. It was just that he had quietly stood behind Ren Xiaosu at some point. However, “Chen Wudi” said, “Same name? You mean that fool? To save others, he even sacrificed himself in the end. He could have become a real god, but he gave up his life because of mere mortals. He is indeed a fool. From now on, I’ll be the only Chen Wudi in this world.”

“You’d better change your name.”

These words came out abruptly, and Wang Yun and the others looked at Ren Xiaosu in surprise.

The name of Chen Wudi was just like the name of the Demon Whisperer, Li Shentan. As they were the only two demigods in this era of the “Rise of Gods,” how could anyone have not heard of it before?

But according to legend, it was no secret that Chen Wudi also had a young master who was on good terms with the Qing Consortium and was acquainted with Zhang Jinglin as well.

But after Chen Wudi’s death, his master seemed to have suddenly disappeared from the world and never appeared again. As such, he was gradually forgotten by everyone.

Someone said his master was just someone Chen Wudi had acknowledged by himself, and that Chen Wudi’s abilities had nothing to do with his master. So it seemed Chen Wudi’s master did not possess any qualities that made others take note of him.

But it was not that Ren Xiaosu did not appear again after that. It was just that most of the enemies who had seen him were dead. Meanwhile, friends who knew about him kept quiet, with the Qing Consortium and Fortress 178 classifying Ren Xiaosu’s information as top secret.

When Wang Yun heard Ren Xiaosu suddenly speaking, a flood of memories in his mind that was like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle quickly formed into a complete picture.

The young man in front of him was Chen Wudi’s master. Those memories included the wars in the Southwest and Northwest, and a series of other bizarre incidents. However, they were all linked together by this single clue.

It seemed the young man had never appeared in each of those memories before. However, Wang Yun firmly believed the other party must have been there.

That was why Luo Lan treated Ren Xiaosu as his backer while a hidden expert like the Great Hoodwinker would follow his lead. That was the only way those incidents could be made sense of. josei

Chen Wudi’s clone looked at Ren Xiaosu and said, “May I request that you repeat what you just said?”

Ren Xiaosu repeated, “You’d better change your name. You can call yourself Chen Liu’er or Chen Mihou;(1) just don’t use the name Chen Wudi.”

Chen Wudi’s clone did not get angry. He only examined Ren Xiaosu emotionlessly. “I understand now. You must be that fool’s master, right? But why can’t I be called Chen Wudi?”

“Because you don’t deserve the name.”

The reason Chen Wudi was Chen Wudi was because he was that ray of light.

It was because of that beam of light that Chen Wudi became the Great Sage of this world.

Only with good cause would there be good effect.

But even though the Pyro Company had cloned the DNA sample, they did not clone the other party’s willpower. They had neglected the cause of how superpowers were awoken and directly cloned the outcome instead.

This was something Ren Xiaosu could not accept. That was because Chen Wudi was unique to him. Even the Great Sage that Chen Wudi had imagined could only exist because of that light in him.

‘Since there’s no light in your heart, you aren’t fit to possess all of this. You can willingly change your name. But if you’re still unwilling, then I’ll help you change it.’

Chen Wudi’s clone did not want to waste any more time, so he said calmly, “What you’re obsessing about is just the worries of mortals. Why don’t all of you attack together? Once you’re all dead, you won’t have to worry anymore.”

However, after Chen Wudi’s clone said that, he realized Li Shentan and Ren Xiaosu did not even move.

When everyone else saw Li Shentan and Ren Xiaosu staying still, they also waited for the others to make a move first.

“Chen Wudi” asked, “What? Are you afraid now? Death is just a fate that everyone will experience. It’s just that you all will be experiencing it a little sooner than others.”

Li Shentan shook his head and said, “You’re wrong. It’s not that I’m afraid to fight you. Ever since I was diagnosed as a mental patient, I’ve never experienced fear. You kept referring to him as a fool, and since I also came out of the psychiatric hospital, it somehow sounds like you’re scolding me as well. That’s why I’m very tempted to beat you up. Besides, Chen Wudi and I stayed in a psychiatric hospital for several years when we were still in the Southwest, so I consider us to be fellow patients. I’m very unhappy that you’re talking about him like this.”

At this moment, Li Shentan had a glance at the clone and continued saying, “But I don’t want to fight you today. That’s because you can only die at the hands of one person. He will personally put an end to your fate.”

Ren Xiaosu stared intently at the clone in front of him. He hated the Pyro Company to the core.

“Old Xu” walked out from behind a building and gripped a black saber that appeared out of thin air while the same thing happened for Ren Xiaosu.

There was nothing wrong with pursuing science, and neither was there anything wrong with seeking an alternative path of evolution for humans to embark on.

The mistake they made was choosing the wrong person to clone.

Ren Xiaosu was not a saint, nor did he have to consider the future of the world. Whether the Pyro Company was good or bad, it had nothing to do with him. Today, he was only Chen Wudi’s master, and he wanted to protect that ray of light.

[1] The Six-Eared Macaque (Liu’er mihou, SHXE) is a villain that Sun Wukong faces in Journey to the West. || /04/origin-of-the-six-eared-macaque-and -the-characters-influence-on-black-myth -wukong/

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