The First Order

Chapter 761 - Bestowing calamity

Chapter 761 - Bestowing calamity

Chapter 761 Bestowing calamity

In the Northern Plains, Yan Liuyuan sat in the imperial court’s tent and listened as Hassan spoke. He listened quietly, thinking about something.

Hassan was kneeling on both knees. “During this period, the chiefs of the two tribes that we took over also submitted to us. They offered half of their livestock as tribute to the imperial court. Master, please bring them with you when you lead our people to plunder the South this time.”

Yan Liuyuan said with a smile, “How smart of these two chiefs. The Gorlos and Khoton tribes have been utterly defeated by the Bulan tribe and even lost their weapons and horses. How much livestock can they still have left?”

“A few dozen,” Hassan said in a low voice. Then he lowered his head further. “Master, the Gorlos and Khoton tribes had a rather good relationship with our Kharchin tribe in past years. In the past, they helped us out a lot whenever there were blizzards. I acted on my own this time and made the decision, so please punish me....”

“There’s no need for that.” Yan Liuyuan took out a map and took a look at it. He said, “You’re my Commander-in-Chief of the Right now, so you can still make the decision for such trivial matters. If they wish to come along and plunder the South, just bring them along. The imperial court has just been set up, and we’re still short of talent. Go and tell Gorlos Khong and Khoton Moyu that only warriors can serve in my imperial court. If they’re cowardly or afraid to fight when we travel to the South, they had better be content with herding livestock in the future.” josei

Hassan was overjoyed. “Don’t worry, Master. I’ll be sure to let them know.”

Any normal person would have selfish motives. Since Hassan was on good terms with those two tribes, now that he had a powerful lord, he would naturally hope his friends could also gain the favor of his master.

Furthermore, eight tribes had already submitted to the imperial court by now. Although Hassan had been conferred the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Right, it did not necessarily mean his tribe was stronger than the others. Hassan also needed support to maintain his authority as the Commander-in-Chief of the Right.

Wherever there were people, there would be politics. Wherever there was power, there would also be politics. This was not Hassan’s expertise, but he could slowly learn to be good at it.

In the future, the entire steppe would become his master’s territory. The grasslands were so vast that even Hassan could not help but feel moved by it.

Yan Liuyuan looked at Hassan with a half-smile and said, “It’s fine if you want to look after your own people, but you have to tell me in advance next time. Also, don’t play word games with me in the future.”

The word games he was referring to was the tribute of “half their livestock.” In actual fact, those two tribes only had a few dozen livestock left.

Even ten nomads could not outwit a Southerner when it came to word games.

When Hassan heard Yan Liuyuan say that, he quickly prostrated. “Master, please believe me. I won’t dare to do it again.”

“Mhm, how’s the preparation for the expedition coming along? Are the other tribes ready yet?” Yan Liuyuan asked.

“Our Kharchin tribe has already made the necessary preparations. The other tribes are also getting eager to set off. But someone asked Hassan to ask if you would like us to prepare food for the wolves on this journey?” Hassan asked.

“There’s no need for that. They’re much more resourceful than y’all. If you have time to worry about them, you might as well worry about yourselves,” Yan Liuyuan answered. “But tell them that I’ll be watching how brave they are in battle this time. Don’t always rely on the wolves. If the men of the steppe become reliant on others, they’ll lose their last bit of courage. Go on, I’ve already chosen the route that we’ll travel on, but we’ll have to wait for the Bulan and Kirghiz tribes to set off first.”

The chaos in the steppe had calmed down.

Previously, due to the capture of the khan, many disputes arose on the steppe and everyone wanted to be the new ruler. As a result, the dozens of tribes that were originally under that khan’s rule were immediately divided.

But now, there were only Yan Liuyuan’s imperial court, the Bulan tribe, and the Kirghiz tribe forming a tripartite influence in the grasslands. Surrounding these three powers were vassals made up of dozens of smaller tribes. Everyone was still watching the developments.

This included the tribes Yan Liuyuan had united, as well as the smaller tribes the Bulan and Kirghiz tribes controlled.

Eventually, some of the nomads started talking in private about how the small tribes were content with having enough food to eat and clothes to wear and not be bullied by others. After the last blizzard, the small tribes had suffered heavy losses. Seeing that they might not be able to survive the next winter, they had to seek a change.

So where would those losses be compensated from? It would have to be from the South.

Therefore, everyone thought that whoever of the three powers could lead them to raid the South successfully would be the true, new ruler of the steppe. Otherwise, any aspirations would only be fluff. The nomadic tribes had never been truly united before. They would only follow whoever was stronger. Therefore, the three powers were prepared to head south. To be honest, with winter about to pass and the icy surface of the river starting to melt, it was actually no longer suitable for them to go on a raid.

But due to the circumstances, everyone could only brace themselves and head south.

In contrast, Yan Liuyuan was the most relaxed of them all. It was as though he was not very worried about this expedition to the South. Over the past few days, all he did was talk with the tribal chiefs one by one and listen to their requests and concerns. However, he did not show any attitude of resolving the problems for them.

Initially, Hassan was worried these tribal chiefs would have any objections. But after a few days, he realized the tribal chiefs had become much more well-behaved. All of them were privately talking about how they could not see what their master was thinking and that he was way too mysterious.

That mysteriousness slowly turned into reverence.

Hassan did not understand. It was not like his master had done anything for them to think this way.

Yan Liuyuan glanced at Hassan. “Alright, you may go now.”

Following, Hassan kowtowed to Yan Liuyuan before bowing to Tsetseg who was not far away from Yan Liuyuan. Only after that did he slowly leave the royal tent.

Tsetseg was once his daughter. But now she was the lady of the imperial court. If Li Xiaoyu had to bring the tribespeople out to gather salt, all the daily affairs would be seen to by Tsetseg.

Therefore, half of Hassan’s hopes for the future were actually placed in his daughter. Once his master gained control of the vast grasslands, how could there not be a place for him?

Hassan felt that he must quickly explain to the chiefs of the Gorlos and Khoton tribes to perform well on this expedition to the South and warn them not to allow the other tribes to outperform them.

After Hassan left, Yan Liuyuan looked at Tsetseg. “Do you feel uncomfortable that your father has to bow to you?”

After a long silence, Tsetseg said, “Mother told me that I have to get used to it sooner or later.”

Yan Liuyuan laughed out loud. “Your mother is right. Although it might seem unkind, you have to understand that all of this is unavoidable.”

Tsetseg changed the subject. “Are you really going to lead them to the South? I saw you ordering the wolves to head west two days ago.”

“I sent them west to look for new pastures. After we get back from the South, the Central Plains will definitely take an excessive response. Now is not yet the time to clash head-on with them. The wolves will be back in another two days. Without anyone to protect you and Big Sister Xiaoyu, I couldn’t head to the South without worry,” Yan Liuyuan said.

“But you won’t have the wolves with you then. What if you encounter danger,” Tsetseg said nervously. “That won’t happen,” Yan Liuyuan replied.

A lot of people thought that he was dependent on the wolves, but very few people knew the young man already had the power to bestow calamity upon others. If he had not come to the North, he would have become one of those demigods in this era of the “Rise of Gods.”

Tsetseg asked again, “Then are you going to kill a lot of people?”

Yan Liuyuan looked outside the tent at the blue sky. He did not answer this question. “Come and help me comb my hair.”

Tsetseg obediently took a comb and sat behind Yan Liuyuan. She knew that whenever Yan Liuyuan was about to kill or had killed someone, he would always have her comb his hair.

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