The First Order

Chapter 838 - The backbone of the medical center

Chapter 838 - The backbone of the medical center

Chapter 838: The backbone of the medical center

P5092 watched as Ren Xiaosu walked away. He asked his deputy commander, “Have the troops fully assembled?”

“Yes.” The deputy commander said, “But Commander P5091 did not stop here and headed straight to the battlefield. He said there was an ambush at the front line, so he needed to rush there to provide support.”

“Since 091 has gone there, we can take a breather.” P5092 said, “Let everyone take a hot shower and have a good meal before we set off tonight.”

“Got it.” The deputy commander wondered, “It seems you’re quite interested in that young man? You said earlier that he might be a supernatural being, so have you confirmed it yet?”

“He’s only a supernatural being who saves the dying and treats the wounded.” P5092 said with a smile, “Don’t tell anyone about this. We’re lucky to have someone like him in the rear. By the way, go look for those three soldiers who drove the doctors from the Trinity Institute and have them come here. I want to ask them some questions.”

“OK.” The deputy commander left. 20 minutes later, he led three soldiers back.

The three soldiers were trembling in fear. They wondered if their superior had found out they had accepted bribes and was looking to use them as a warning to the others.

However, P5092 was stunned when he saw the watches on their hands. He muttered under his breath, “Just how many watches does that kid have? Alright, you three can go back now.”

The watches the three soldiers were wearing were exactly the same as the one on his wrist! josei

P5092 had thought Ren Xiaosu had given him his own watch. But he did not expect that Ren Xiaosu had actually distributed them in batches!

After that, P5092 walked towards the forward operating base. As he walked, he started laughing uproariously, making his deputy commander and the three soldiers look puzzled.


Everyone was extremely busy in the medical center. It was so busy that ever since Ren Xiaosu arrived, he never came out once. Ren Xiaosu did not have time to check out what this forward operating base looked like, nor did he find out where the cafeteria was. All of their meals were delivered here by the nurses while the doctors who finished their surgery would squat in the hallways and have a quick bite before rushing back into their operating rooms.

It wasn’t until this moment that Ren Xiaosu understood why the Pyro Company had to enlist the Trinity Institute. In fact, he later heard that the escapees who had come to the North with them were only the first batch to be brought here. Subsequently, all the doctors in the Kong Consortium would be deployed here as well.

There was a real lack of doctors.

Occasionally, the doctors who were squatting in the hallways and eating would even chat with one another. However, they only talked about their patients’ conditions. A doctor said as he gobbled up his food, “That wounded soldier from earlier had to be amputated because he was sent here too late.”

“What a pity.” Another doctor threw his finished lunch box into the trash can and said, “We’re running out of medicine in my department. How’s the situation on your side?”

“We’re starting to run short of medicine as well,” the doctor lamented. “But have you heard? It seems that a team from the Trinity Institute is here, and they’ve newly established the Fourth Emergency Department. I heard they’re very competent.”

“This is the first time I stepped out of the OR since this morning, so I don’t know much. I have to get back now. I still have more than 10 patients waiting to be treated.” This doctor left in a hurry.

The five minutes they had to eat was a rare break for them throughout the day.

Just as Wang Jing had lamented, when war broke out, the rate of saving people would never keep up with the speed of them getting wounded or killed.

Meanwhile, Ren Xiaosu was standing in front of a standalone, makeshift operating table. Wang Jing, who was standing across from him, was skillfully stitching up the patient’s wounds.

They did not even have the most basic sterile conditions here as it was just an office space hastily converted into an operation room. The nurses would just push in a reclining operating bed and they would start performing the operation right away.

At first, the director of the medical center expressed his concern over the situation. Without a sterile environment, they would not be able to save the patients even if they operated on them as it would just cause severe complications.

At this moment, it was Wang Jing’s reputation that proved to be most important. After he went and explained things to the director, the other party did not bother them anymore.

Wang Jing and Ren Xiaosu suddenly became partners, with Meng Nan and Liang Ce acting as their assistants while Yang Xiaojin passed surgical instruments to Wang Jing and played the role of nurse off to the side.

To Wang Jing’s surprise, Yang Xiaojin adapted extremely quickly and was also very serious about her work.

Usually, there would be problems with the coordination between the operating surgeon and the nurses. During an operation, the nurses would have to pass instruments based on the doctor’s habits. For example, they would need to consider the angle at which the doctor was used to receiving the scalpel and the needle holder, and what angle they should be tilted at so they could be handed off quickly. It would take awhile for them to get used to one another’s working style.

It was not that the operating surgeon was making things difficult for the nurse, but that everyone was racing against time when performing an operation. To ensure that the patient would survive, allowing the operating surgeon to perform their work without any hindrance was one of the basic conditions.

Initially, Wang Jing was a little worried he would need to change his habits during operations. But it took Yang Xiaojin only ten minutes to remember all of Wang Jing’s hand positions when receiving the surgical instruments.

Not only that, but Ren Xiaosu would also assist in the stitching procedures other than just applying the medicine during the operation. At times, Wang Jing even discovered that Ren Xiaosu’s method of stitching was exactly the same as his...

Moreover, Ren Xiaosu could anticipate what Wang Jing was thinking even though he did not open his mouth to express it. After all, Ren Xiaosu had directly copied this mastery from Wang Jing.

This made Wang Jing feel extremely comfortable. He had never performed such a well-coordinated surgery before!

Ren Xiaosu said with his mask on, “Right angle forceps.”

Yang Xiaojin accurately found the right angle forceps that Ren Xiaosu wanted and handed it to him with extreme efficiency.

Wang Jing realized that when Yang Xiaojin handed the right angle forceps to Ren Xiaosu, it was also at the most convenient angle for him to take it.

At the end of the operation, Ren Xiaosu applied the black medicine onto the wounds and Wang Jing lifted an eyelid of the patient to check the pupil. After confirming the patient was fine, he shouted to the nurse outside, “Push him out and send in the next one.”

Ren Xiaosu made use of this free time to walk out of the operating room. Wang Jing wondered where he was off to. Then he saw Ren Xiaosu take off his disposable gloves to shake hands with the patient’s comrades and accept their thanks.

After they were done thanking him, Ren Xiaosu returned to the operating room and continued saving lives.

More and more patients were being carried into the medical center. And nearly half of them were stretchered to the operating room where Wang Jing, Ren Xiaosu, and the others were working.

As their surgical procedures were a lot simpler, Ren Xiaosu’s group progressed much faster than the other departments.

When Liang Ce mentally counted the number of patients they had treated, he realized it was almost the total number of patients the other seven departments had treated.

Gradually, many of the doctors and nurses who were taking a break no longer squatted down in the hallway to chat. Instead, they made a special trip to the operating room where Wang Jing’s group was working and watched from outside.

Ren Xiaosu and the others did not even close the door of their operating room. That was because they did not even need a sterile environment to perform surgery in. On the contrary, keeping the door open would facilitate the medical staff to better carry patients in and out of the room.

A patient had just regained consciousness after his operation. But when he opened his eyes, he saw a dense crowd of people standing outside the operating room.

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