The First Order

Chapter 959 - The foundation of war

Chapter 959 - The foundation of war

Chapter 959: The foundation of war

“Who still has something to eat?” A soldier at Position 2 shouted, “I remember someone had two pieces of hardtack when we were dining! Hurry up and let me have some. I’m starving.”

Position 2 was currently garrisoned by the 1st Regiment. The troops here felt like it had been forever since they last rotated out from the position. Actually, counting the time elapsed, it should only be four hours since they took over. But to them, it felt like four long years.

Everyone’s stamina was greatly depleted during the battle. The soldiers began to feel hungry very quickly, but they did not have time to eat yet and could only endure it.

Besides, it was one thing to be hungry, but the soldiers around made it worse for those who were starving. “Do you want to eat my fart?”

The group of gruff men from the Northwest were cursing as they fired at the barbarians. Whenever any of the soldiers killed a barbarian with their automatic rifles, they would even let out an excited shout.

They kept shouting until their voices turned hoarse.

A person’s energy was limited, and so was their ammunition.

From the moment the all-out battle began, the expeditionary army did not let up in their attacks even for a second.

However, they did not get tired, because whenever troops were rotated into battle, it would be made up of soldiers who had already rested and regained their strength.

But it was different for the 6th Combat Brigade. They did not have that many soldiers to deal with the efforts of the expeditionary army. Everyone was constantly facing attacks at their positions, and over time, they would get tired and hungry.

P5092 managed tactics amid the fighting. The 6th Combat Brigade was established with the expansion of the Northwest Army. Although there were many qualified officers among the troops, they were all fast-tracked in their promotions. Therefore, in the face of a tense battle like this, they could not help but feel flustered. For example, they even needed to be reminded by P5092 for a matter like sending more supplies to the front line.

Fortunately, he had Wang Yun as his partner now, so he could get answers very quickly even if he casually asked for some information.

Batches and batches of supplies were sent to the front line of the defensive position by the logistic troops. The problem of hunger should be solved very soon, but the issue of the defenders’ fatigue would still not be eliminated.

At this moment, Yang Xiaojin’s rate of fire gradually slowed down after four hours of suppressive fire.

In order to ensure the accuracy of her shots, she had to do this. If she continued firing at the same frequency as before, she would probably miss three out of ten shots.

Moreover, the aftereffects of the prolonged shooting were starting to take a toll on her. The strong recoil of the anti-materiel sniper rifle was something that even a supernatural being like Yang Xiaojin found difficult to bear.

Her shoulder was numbing. Her trigger finger also began to feel sore, and it was even trembling a little. Meanwhile, her entire right arm was starting to feel a little weak.

At the foot of the mountain, Ren Xiaosu asked loudly, “Do you want to get some rest? You don’t look too good.”

However, Yang Xiaojin gave him a look and continued firing. “Get back to your front line. You don’t have to worry about me here. The others haven’t had any rest yet, so why should I? If you leave the front line again, I’ll shoot you.”

“… Alright then.”

But when Ren Xiaosu saw Yang Xiaojin frowning with her lips pursed, he understood she was enduring the pain of using the sniper rifle for an extended period.

He did not say anything more and turned around to run towards Position 4. The ammo supply there was running out, and the staff officer said that Commander P5092 had already deployed some ammo reserves to them. However, Ren Xiaosu was worried that an opening would be created in the middle, so he went to check on the situation.

P5092 had not only deployed the ammo reserves but also ordered some troops to transport potable water to the front line to be used for cooling down the machine guns. There was no other way about it. To ensure the heavy machine guns could function normally, he had to make the soldiers endure their thirst for now.

This was not the time to empathize with the soldiers, nor was he in the circumstances to empathize with them. Fortunately, everyone could understand.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiaoman even asked if the soldiers could drink the water first before peeing on the machine guns to cool them. Although it was a little gross, such a method should satisfy everyone.

However, P5092 said no. There would be a delay if they waited for the soldiers to feel any urge to pee, and with their bodies already in a state of dehydration, drinking water would simply replenish their bodies’ water content. As a result, they would not even be able to produce much urine.

Some people thought there were many ways to achieve the perfect scenario on the battlefield, but that was because they had never experienced such a terrible battle before.

In a battle of attrition and defense, one side would have to fight until they were completely exhausted. At this moment, the expeditionary army did not dare to stop either. They knew that once they retreated for an hour at this time, the Northwest Army at the defensive position would immediately catch a breather.

P5092 asked Wang Yun, “Has the Great Hoodwinker returned to Position 2 yet?”

“He went back already.” Wang Yun said, “But the situation isn’t too optimistic either. When he went to reinforce Position 3 just now, he was surrounded by dozens of the enemy’s elites and almost got left outside the defensive line. Now that he finally slaughtered his way back in, he’s probably a little exhausted. But he said that it’s not a problem. He can still fight.”

P5092 shook his head. “It’s indeed a little tough for him to face dozens of elite barbarians by himself, so it’s best to let him rest.” josei

“Why don’t Ji Zi’ang and I head to Position 2 to hold the fort? We should be able to coordinate with the troops garrisoned there,” Wang Yun said.

“No, the two of you must remain at the command post. You have to understand that you two have something more important to do,” P5092 said firmly.

Meanwhile, the Great Hoodwinker was leaning against a trench blind and panting heavily. Off to the side, the 1st Regiment commander, Qian Dewen, said, “Commander Zhang Husheng—”

“Don’t address me by my real name. Just call me the Great Hoodwinker. I’ve been referred to as that for a long time already, so I’m a little unused to hearing my real name,” the Great Hoodwinker scolded.

“Alright, Commander Great Hoodwinker.” Qian Dewen said, “You look a little pale. We can still hold out for now, so please get some rest first.”

The Great Hoodwinker joked, “That sounds so awkward! Commander Great Hoodwinker?”

As they were talking, a group of over a dozen heavily armored warriors suddenly rushed out from behind the shields of the expeditionary army’s troops that Position 2 was facing.

These heavily armored warriors advanced quickly against the gunfire. They were about to breach the defensive line, and even the heavy machine guns and grenades could not stop them.

The heavily armored warriors advanced like a storm. When they were only five meters away from the defensive line, they accelerated again and planned to break through it in one swift motion!

But just as a heavily armored warrior was about to grab the edge of the blind and leap over, a heavy kick landed on his forehead and broke his neck!

The Great Hoodwinker stretched his hand out and quickly jumped past the defensive line. “Covering fire! Stop the barbarians behind them and leave these heavily armored barbarians to me!”

In the blink of an eye, the soldiers behind the defensive position raised their muzzles. The heavy machine guns on the defensive line immediately formed a net of firepower to isolate the heavily armored warriors from the rest of the expeditionary army behind them. They were preventing the other barbarians from catching up and killing the Great Hoodwinker.

As the Great Hoodwinker intercepted and killed the heavily armored warriors, he sized up the expeditionary army that was suppressed by the firepower not far away. He praised loudly, “Well done, nice suppressive fire! Leave the rest to me!”

The regimental commander, Qian Dewen, was anxiously ordering the various garrison troops on where to shoot from the back of the defensive line. They had to help the Great Hoodwinker eliminate any potential threats. Although they did not have a good way to deal with the heavily armored warriors, they could still contribute their strength.

At this point in the battle, no one could stay out of it anymore. This defensive position was definitely not only defended by Yang Xiaojin, the Great Hoodwinker, Ren Xiaosu, P5092, Ji Zi’ang, and Wang Yun.

Rather, it was defended by every soldier of the 6th Combat Brigade.

Perhaps superhumans could perform more dazzlingly in this war, but normal soldiers were the foundation.

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