The First Order

Chapter 963 - Why are you still talking about the Prosperous Northwest at a time like this?

Chapter 963 - Why are you still talking about the Prosperous Northwest at a time like this?

Chapter 963: Why are you still talking about the Prosperous Northwest at a time like this?

Translator: Legge

On the main battlefield, the soldiers of the Northwest Army’s 6th Combat Brigade were bounding over the blinds at the defensive position.

Earlier, they had been defending the position desperately, and the blinds at the defensive line were what kept them alive. If the barbarians broke through here, their comrades would die.

There were barbarian corpses piled up everywhere in the wilderness outside the defensive line.

With just 6,000 soldiers, the 6th Combat Brigade managed to hold off the expeditionary army’s 70,000 barbarians for over ten days. If the details of this battle were to get out, the entire Alliance of Strongholds would probably be shocked. josei

If it weren’t for them, these 70,000 troops would have joined the battlefield at Mt. Daniu without any delay posed a great threat to the entire Wang Consortium and possibly the South as well.

When the 6th Combat Brigade climbed out of their defensive line, some of the soldiers subconsciously looked back at the trench blinds behind them. This was the first time in the battle that they were looking from the other side. Some of the soldiers felt a tingle in their noses when they thought about how this was the place they had defended with their lives just a while ago. Now, it was finally their turn to fight back.

As the dust from the collapse of the mountains cleared, the sky started turning bright. Suddenly, the soldiers felt a great sense of pride.

The commander in front shouted, “Stop watching! Keep up with the group. The battle isn’t over yet. Now, it’s time for us to make them pay with their lives.”

Yes, the battle was not over yet.

Thinking of this, the soldiers resolutely rushed out of the mountains. As they quickened their pace, they gradually heard the screams of the barbarians mixed with the howling of the wolves.

The Great Hoodwinker took the lead and charged ahead. When everyone climbed over the ruins of the collapsed mountains, the horizon in front of them started broadening.

They saw the wolves weaving in and out among the expeditionary army troops as they attacked. Each group consisting of 300 wolves constantly tormented the expeditionary army’s formation like a saw cutting through the battlefield.

If he had not seen this with his own eyes, it would be really difficult for P5092 to imagine that the wolves could be so methodical in their killing.

When the wolves advanced, the most powerfully built gray wolf in the pack would charge in front of the group. Even if it got hacked by a barbarian’s axe, it would not cower.

Once the wolves started shifting spots, some of those that had been conserving their strength in the pack would fall to the back of the group. If any barbarians tried to pursue them in the chaos, they would be greeted by their bloodied jaws.

These 3,000 huge wolves moved through the expeditionary army without any resistance. They were more dauntless than humans as they executed their mission to a tee.

If any of the wolves’ brethren got killed, they would not hesitate. They simply changed their formation before continuing their mission.

P5092 looked up at the Wolf King that was standing atop the mountain next to him. That huge wolf had been standing there throughout as it commanded its “soldiers.”

But at this moment, the Wolf King suddenly leaped down and headed straight through a group of barbarians as it rushed out of the mountains. None of the barbarians were able to stop its movement.

“Wait, where’s it heading?” Zhang Xiaoman wondered, “Why’s it leaving?”

Just as he was done speaking, everyone saw a group of men rushing over on horseback from beyond the battlefield. They were led by a person wearing a ferocious-looking faceplate.

The Wolf King quickly ran to the man in the ferocious faceplate and rubbed its head against his sleeve affectionately.

When P5092 saw this occur through his military binoculars, he was secretly shocked. He said to Wang Yun and the others around him, “Previously, the Pyro Company received intel that a new lord rose among the nomads. Now that I’ve seen him with my own eyes, I’m really amazed.”

After that, he watched the young lord jump onto the Wolf King’s back from his horse before moving slowly towards the battlefield.

Next to the young lord, tens of thousands of nomads rode past him on horseback and rushed towards the expeditionary army like a tidal wave crashing onto the beach. They were a huge tsunami.

A large shadow flitted across the ground from above and made everyone look up. They were all surprised to see a large hawk soaring in the sky at a low altitude.

When it flew over the heads of the expeditionary army, it grabbed two barbarians with its talons before soaring into the sky again. Then it dropped them from a great height.

The falling barbarians screamed loudly in midair as they fell to their deaths among the host.

The nomads let out tremendous cheers within their formation as though they had already won the battle.

Disregarding their combat strength, their mentality was actually pretty good.

To P5092 and the others, they needed a reason to participate in this battle, such as fighting for the survival of mankind in the Central Plains and so on.

But the nomads’ reason for doing so was very simple. They were doing it for their master.

If a war correspondent were here at this time and asked the nomads why they came to reinforce Mt. Zuoyun, Hassan would probably scratch his head and answer that it was because their master had ordered them to come.

It was just that simple.

Wang Yun said, “I remember that hawk. It was hovering above our defensive position at one point. At that time, I thought it was just a wild hawk. I didn’t expect it to belong to the nomads.”

“Looks like they were already paying attention to the battle over here,” Zhang Xiaoman said.

P5092 started handing down orders, “All fighting forces, take note. We’ll just use the mountain ruins where we are as cover and shoot at the expeditionary army. Be careful not to hurt the wolves and the nomads. What we need to do now is help our reinforcements pin down the barbarians!”

As the Northwest Army was already at its limit, the reinforcements were the key to victory. P5092 had only brought everyone over to support the nomads’ efforts, so they absolutely had to get their priorities right.

However, the young lord in his ferocious faceplate did not join the battle after arriving on the battlefield. Instead, he ordered the Wolf King to navigate through the tens of thousands of barbarians and head straight for the defensive position where P5092 and the others were.

Wang Yun muttered, “That’s way too bold. What if he gets surrounded by the expeditionary army?”

Just as he finished speaking, there were indeed some smarter barbarians in the expeditionary army who could tell from a glance that Yan Liuyuan was the actual leader of the reinforcements. As such, they immediately organized their troops to surround him.

But to the expeditionary army’s surprise, when they started attacking the young man riding on the Wolf King’s back, the wolves and the nomads did not go to his rescue.

A moment later, a barbarian who had rushed towards Yan Liuyuan suddenly tripped over a rock at his feet. When he fell, he lost his balance and accidentally sliced another barbarian’s heel with the large axe in his hand.

The barbarians fell mysteriously to the ground like dominoes, and some of them even accidentally died on the spot.

When P5092 and the others saw this, they found it extremely absurd. It was as though the expeditionary army elites whom they had previously been locked in battle with had suddenly contracted polio!

Were these the same barbarians who had fought them? That young lord on the Wolf King’s back was like a harbinger of doom. Why did it look like disaster followed him wherever he went?!

It was no wonder he dared to cross the battlefield alone. So it turned out he was such a powerful person.

P5092 thought to himself that even though the nomads had come to reinforce Mt. Zuoyun this time, they had taken down Stronghold 176.

If such a powerful person remained in the grasslands, the Central Plains would still be in grave danger.

No one knew what the other party and Ren Xiaosu’s relationship was. Did he come here to rescue them because Ren Xiaosu had helped him before?

P5092 pondered all these questions only because the nomads were also once a hidden threat to the Central Plains. As such, he was worried the nomads would turn against them at the last minute.

What if the nomads attacked them after driving away the expeditionary army?

Yan Liuyuan had already ridden in front of P5092 and the others. The 6th Combat Brigade had also ceased firing because of his arrival.

Both sides fell silent. P5092 and the others did not know how to greet him.

But after two minutes of silence, Yan Liuyuan suddenly asked hesitantly, “Where’s my big brother? Does he not want to see me?”

P5092 and the others looked at one another. Big brother? Little brother? Could it be that the new lord of the steppe was the future commander’s little brother?

If that were the case, wouldn’t it mean the Northwest would gain another powerful ally for apparently no reason?!

The Great Hoodwinker muttered, “The wisest decision that I made in life was probably persuading the future commander to join the Prosperous Northwest. Once he was convinced, a whole lot of others just followed along….”

P5092’s mouth twitched a little. Why are you still talking about the Prosperous Northwest at a time like this?


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