The First Store System

Chapter 733

Chapter 733: Warning

Chapter 733: Warning


[Host, congratulations for completing the quest!]

As soon as all the family members accepted Aakesh’s benefits, several mechanical notifications rang inside Aakesh’s head.

Aakesh ignored them and decided to check them when he returned to the store since he was still outside and was with the Gupta family.

“Sir, can we buy more virtual portals if we want?” The family head respectfully asked Aakesh. Ten virtual portals weren’t enough for his own family, let alone the entire Gupta family.

“No, virtual portals aren’t for sale,” Aakesh replied, making the other members surprised and even more happy for accepting the benefits.

“Even though virtual portals aren’t for sale, you can still enter Panagea for a limited amount of time in the store,” Aakesh honestly told the Guhyakas.

Since they had now accepted the offer, there was no point in Aakesh introducing his store to the Gupta family.

Even though the benefits provided by Aakesh to the Gupta family were easily accessible to everyone in the Primal dimension, the Gupta family still wasn’t at a loss.

The system only offered benefits equivalent to thr worth of their consumer base.

Ten virtual portals may not sound like a lot, but buying even one of them wasn’t possible for Immortals of high status, let alone these Gunyakas who were only surviving due to their creator.

For a moment, the Guhyakas in the room couldn’t help but be dumbfounded after hearing Aakesh’s response, and the shock only grew the more Aakesh introduced the store to them.

But in the end, after learning that buying virtual portals and the training area wasn’t possible for anyone, and they would be the only ones in the Primal dimension to own them other than the store, their happiness knew no bounds.josei

Time flew by.

“The time rate in Panagea is flowing three times when compared with the Primal dimension, so you can spend seventy-two hours in Panagea, while only twenty-four hours had passed here.”

“Your lifespan has nothing to do with the time rate in Panagea, so your age would flow with respect to the time in the Primal dimension.”

“Every virtual portal would charge a single supreme Primal stone for a day. If you want to take things out of Panagea, you would have to pay the exchange rate of five thousand percent. You won’t have to come to the store for that; it will be done here…,” Aakesh explained everything about virtual portals the Gupta family needed to know since now they were the owner.

The Guhyakas couldn’t help but look at each other in surprise after listening about the virtual portal. Especially the price of one suprme Primal stone for the day.

They knew they would have to pay some price for entering Panagea, but they never expected it only to be one supreme Primal stone for the entire day. It was worth nothing in their eyes since they controlled several quadrillions worth of stones.

At the same time, the three times the time flow rate made them excited. The limiting factor in their cultivation was their short lifespan, but now that they could cultivate three times more and yet not have any effect on their lifespan was nothing but a godsent opportunity.

The Guhyakas, when they looked at each other, they saw the excitement in each other eyes. At the same time, they also had relieved expressions. Seeing so many people in their families dying due to their short lifespans while also feeling death inching closer to them with each passing moment was no easy task.

Even though Panagea wasn’t a surety that they could now live for long, it was their golden ticket. Panagea was as close as to a perfect cure they could have to solve their issues.

Aakesh could understand the things going on in the Guhyakas minds, but since he didn’t have all the time with him. He began introducing the details of the next benefit they had gotten, the training area.

“The training area can only accommodate one customer at once similar to Panagea.”

“Unlike Panagea, it wouldn’t activate for an entire day, but you would have to pay for every hour…,” Aakesh told the number of Primal stones the training area would charge, depending upon the weapon grade and the training area’s difficulty.

The cost wasn’t the same as what the store charged. The Immortal level weapon for the Gods & Demons level training area was priced at one trillion supreme Primal stones in the store. While the Gupta family only needed to pay eight hundred billion supreme Primal stones for the same feature.

The amount of supreme Primal stones wasn’t the system’s cost, but it was the energy the training area would take for a single activation. The price told by Aakesh was the number of stones enough to provide energy to the training area.

At the same time, Aakesh also told the Gupta family about the limit of the Immortal level and the Gods & Demons level training area since it wasn’t set by the system to restrict the number of customers but for the safety of the inhabitants of Panagea.

Aakesh also warned the Gupta family about not using the virtual portal and the training area for earning since it wasn’t allowed, and the consequences would be too dire for the family to come out of.

Since Aakesh had told the family about the virtual portal and the training area, it was now time for Aakesh to give it to them.

Aakesh asked the Guhyakas to provide him with a large room.

The Guhyakas accepted Aakesh’s order and took him to the largest room in the building. The room wasn’t empty and still had several expensive materials. Before obtaining the benefits by Aakesh, this room was the warehouse, but now it would be used by the family to store virtual portals and the training area.

The Guhyakas also didn’t need the warehouse since they would have to relinquish their business and transfer their entire consumer base to Aakesh’s store.

Since the space in the room wasn’t enough to store the virtual portals and the training area, Aakesh told the family to move some materials away.

The family did as told. In no time, they entirely emptied the room and transferred the materials to their space rings.

Aakesh didn’t need that much space, but the excessive space wouldn’t do any harm to the products, so he didn’t care.

The next moment, Aakesh waved his hands, and a white light engulfed the center of the room. The light then started expanding, and only stopped when it had covered one-third of the room.

When the light disappeared, the items the Guhyakas were excitedly waiting for were there.

In the center of the room stood a pillar that touched the ground and then the roof and looked like it would be enough to support the sky. Surrounding the column were the ten devices that looked similar to travel portals but were several times smaller and released more pressure.

The Guhyakas and their guards looked at the column and the virtual portal in shock.

“For cultivation art, you would have to go to the store. You can come anytime between the sunrise and sunset and take whatever Immortal grade cultivation art you find suitable for you,” Aakesh told the Guhyakas, breaking them out of their trance.

The third benefit was the immortal grade cultivation art of their liking, and since Aakesh couldn’t just bring the shelves with him, the family would need to select their cultivation art from the store.

(A/N: The Immortal grade cultivation art here means similar to what Johanna brought all five grades of cultivation arts, and not just one Immortal grade cultivation art.)

The family head nodded. He already knew the address of the store since Aakesh had earlier given them store cards.

“Don’t forget what you have given up. Be honest in your actions from today,” Aakesh suddenly stated, while his face had turned expressionless.

The Guhyakas couldn’t help but tremble in fear after finding those eyes looking at them. Those in the family, who had plans to take advantage of Aakesh, removed those thoughts from their hearts since life was worth more than for them, especially after learning about Panagea.

Aakesh then disappeared without waiting for the Guhyakas’s response, but at the same time, an expressionless voice had rung in their heads.

“Keep these virtual portals and the training area secret from the outside world.”

Aakesh had warned the family in good faith since it wasn’t his duty to protect them. At the same time, he also knew what tragedy the Gupta family would bring on them if someone were to find out about their owning virtual portals.

As for whether the Gupta family heeded his warning or not, Aakesh didn’t care. His quest was complete, and it was now time for him to return, so he had directly teleported back to the store.


A/N: Sorry, only one chapter today. It was Sunday, and I wanted to give some free time to myself and my family.

Thanks for supporting the book!!

We would be ascending to the next dimension in thirty chapters at max, so go ahead and tell what topic or character you want me to cover the most in these few chapters.

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