The First Store System

Chapter 721 The Store Upgrading Quest(6)

Chapter 721 The Store Upgrading Quest(6)

Chapter 721: The Store Upgrading Quest(6)

“Store owner, please allow us the opportunity to welcome you,” The crown prince respectfully invited Aakesh.

Even though there was an opaque barrier surrounding Aakesh and the crown prince, the guards, who were at the peak of Tao Palace, could see and hear the happenings inside.

They had their mouth and eyes fly wide open, and jaws dropped from shock. Even though they were trained to stay calm in different situations, they couldn’t after seeing the arrogant crown prince’s treatment of the mysterious blue-skinned man.


After inviting the mysterious store owner, the crown prince had a nervous look on his face as he looked at Aakesh. His father, the Emperor of the Pocoso Empire, had told him to invite the store owner to the royal palace.

If the crown prince succeeded, his status would automatically rise in the Emperor’s eyes, and at the same time, if he failed, the Emperor would feel disappointed in him.

Unfortunately for the crown prince, disappointment was the result left in his future, as Aakesh bluntly refused. He then asked the crown prince to move away so that he could travel to the Vajji continent.

The crown prince felt irritation in his heart after seeing the look of indifference in Aakesh’s eyes, despite him standing in his future territory. But when the crown prince remembered the respect the store owner carried in the hearts of beings even stronger than him, the crown prince removed the negative feeling.

The crown prince then didn’t let Aakesh wait and moved away, making way for Aakesh to travel.

Aakesh had an expressionless face as he handed the entry fee to the guard standing at the gate with a dumbfounded expression. The guard didn’t know what to do, so he looked at the crown prince, only to see a cold glare.

The guard couldn’t help but curse his luck for standing at the door this time. If he took the money, the crown prince wouldn’t spare him, and if he didn’t take the money, this mysterious blue-skinned man wouldn’t spare him. The guard fell into a dilemma of what to do.

Seeing the guard not taking the entrance fee from his hands, Aakesh forcefully controlled the guard’s actions and took the stones from his hands.

Aakesh wasn’t going to disrespect the Primal stones by throwing them on the ground since he was a store owner. Money was never worthless for a trader.

The guard had a crying face as he felt him getting controlled and taking the stones from the blue-skinned man’s hands.

The crown prince didn’t speak anything but only took a glance at the departing Aakesh and then disappeared from the spot.

“Whoa! The pressure was going to kill me,” Another guard standing at the door muttered fearfully after both Aakesh and the crown prince had left.

The next moment, a worried expression appeared on his face as the guard looked at his friend with an expression of crying.

The guard wanted to say something to his friend, but before he could, a cold voice ordering him to return to work rang in the guard’s ears.josei

The guard had no choice but to do as the voice said since it belonged to his superior, and the guard had no interest in facing the consequences of refusing to follow his superior’s order.


Aakesh had no interest in knowing what his entrance here had caused since he did nothing.

After entering the city, he straight away traveled to the traveling junction.

Since teleportation was restricted in the capital city of the Pocoso Empire, and Aakesh was also only an intermediate Immortal, it took him around twenty-five minutes to reach his destination.

Aakesh then joined the queue to use the continental traveling portal since there were many people who traveled from one continent to another.

The other reason behind the large number of people being in the queue was because there was only one continental portal here, and only the four Empires on the Anga continent had one.

Out of the four, the Xandar Empire refused anyone other than Elves into their capital city, so there were only three continental traveling portals for mass use on the Anga continent.

The reason behind the lack of it was the outrageous amount of money it wasted. To create one continental traveling portal, the value of resources used was almost equivalent to the value of a top Kingdom, so on the Anga continent, only the four Empires or others with that much wealth could afford it.

The rules in Visteerna were different from the Primal dimension due to Kashi, so traveling from usual travel portals to other continents was impossible.  Similarly, the pattern used in the continental traveling portal was useless for traveling if used outside Visteerna.

A group of sixteen people could travel at one time, so Aakesh’s turn arrived after waiting for thirteen minutes.

“Only you two?” A guard coldly asked Aakesh after his turn arrived.

Sixteen people that wanted to travel to the same destination made a group. Unfortunately for Aakesh, he failed to find any other being who wanted to travel to the Vajji continent in a few hundred thousand people queue.

Aakesh expressionlessly nodded. He then took out the required amount. It was sixteen times the amount he would have usually paid since it was the only way for him to leave right now. After including Lily’s cost, he still paid eight times the price.

If Aakesh wanted to pay only for his services, he would have to find fourteen other travelers to the Vajji continent.


The guard was going to take the mountain of supreme Primal stones when he suddenly received a communication from the top, the Emperor of the Pocoso Empire.

The guard looked in surprise at Aakesh. The next moment, his cold face returned as he told Aakesh that he didn’t need to pay and could travel straight away.

Aakesh’s expressionless face continued as he refused to take the favor from the guard. The guard was a peak Immortal with pseudo divinity, so Aakesh couldn’t control the man like he did at the entrance of the city.

The guard communicated Aakesh’s unwillingness to travel for free to the Emperor.

The guard couldn’t help but get shocked as he heard the disappointment in the Emperor’s voice after learning about Aakesh’s refusal.

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