The First Store System

Chapter 932 Fear And Shock(End)

Chapter 932 Fear And Shock(End)

Chapter 932: Fear and Shock(End)

"Why did you choose Thorr City for your store?" Alfred asked, and he couldn't hide the hostility in his voice.

Aakesh didn't answer immediately but looked at Alfred. Even though the cultivation difference between the two parties was like the difference between heaven and earth, in the presence of those eyes, Alfred still found himself to be nothing.

Alfred was surprised to feel this way since it was Aakesh's background that frightened him, not Aakesh himself.

Aakesh could understand what was going on inside Alfred's head when he asked the question. The Sacred Dimension wasn't like the Primal Dimension. Since every life was eternal here, the fear of death wasn't as prevalent as in the Primal Dimension. Wars were frequent here, as the higher the cultivation level, the greater the demand for resources, and that resulted in cruelty all around the Dimension.

"You don't need to know that." Even though Aakesh understood Alfred's worries, it didn't mean that he cared about them.

The system chose the land for the store, so he had nothing to do with it.

Alfred and Asher got stumbled at Aakesh's curt response. They were angry, but they calmed down soon and didn't attempt to attack Aakesh. The feeling of extreme danger was still present in their hearts.

"You lost ownership over the land the moment you accepted the money. You don't have to worry about me being interested in your territory."

Aakesh continued, "If I were, you would already be dead." His tone remained as expressionless as ever.

Aakesh didn't want to have a conflict with the ruling class unless it was necessary, like the Primal Dimension. The store was only in its early phases. If the fear of him snatching Thorr City remained in Alfred's heart, he could do many things without directly going against Aakesh, which would slow down the store's growth.

Many customers who had already established themselves as regulars or those who intended to enter the store would postpone their plans out of respect for Alfred if the general public only knew that Alfred had a problem with the store owner. He was well-liked in Thorr City. He wasn't like Pinto, who was cruel to his subjects.

Aakesh couldn't just depend on the Primal Dimension's customers and a few who dared to go against Alfred for the growth of his store.

It was the reason Aakesh told Alfred straight out that he had no interest in his territory. If despite that, Alfred wanted to fear Aakesh and spoil the growth of the store, then Aakesh would have no choice but to take matters into his own hands and end the rule. It would slow down the growth of the store for a few months or years, but in the long run, things would go back to normal.

Alfred and Asher looked at each other after hearing Aakesh. They could see anger and helplessness. Asher was also frightened by Aakesh, as Thorr was only next to Corr City in wealth and power, and it also bore a large population of Vurrons.

"I accept that you have no interest in this city, but when your products are so high-level, shouldn't you choose a place where you can get the most advantage from them rather than here, where only a few can afford the store products?" Alfred took a deep breath and asked Aakesh.


"The store is an opportunity given to our race; do we really want to give it up?" Asher asked Alfred.

The two didn't immediately leave the store after speaking with Aakesh; instead, they started to reflect on their fears.

The store had both advantages and disadvantages for the city and Vurrons. They were destined for failure in history if they only paid attention to the negative aspects.

To make the fear go away, the duo began to ponder over the advantages of the store to them and Vurrons.

The store's most wonderful advantage to them was its potential to help the race evolve to higher levels.

Alfred and Asher knew that it wouldn't take long before the store became extremely popular and people from all over the planet began visiting it regularly. The arrival of so many people would turn Thorr City into an economic powerhouse.

As the duo began to ponder over the advantages, they found that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages by a large margin.

The owner of the store stealing their control over the race was the only negative aspect of the store for them. It was true that Alfred and Asher wanted their race to grow strong and reach the top of the food cycle one day, but they also wanted to be in control. Power fascinated every man, and they were no strangers to it.


"Should we report to his majesty about the store?" Alfred asked Asher. They were both friends, but in terms of authority, Asher had the lead since he was the strongest Vurron.

Asher fell silent after the question. As the duo pondered over the store's advantages, they could see that one-day Vurrons would have their own Kingdom or even an Empire. Since the King could also see it, he would probably seize control of Thorr City if he learned about the store.

Once the King decided to do this, they would never be able to do anything about it.


"Store owner, would you help the city if it's getting attacked?" Alfred approached Aakesh once again and asked. There was still hostility in his voice, but it was lesser than in the previous conversation.

Asher failed to see an answer to the dilemma of whether to inform the King about the store, so Alfred decided to ask Aakesh in case the King decided to seize control of Thorr City.

"I won't interfere in the administration of the city unless it affects the store or its customers."


"We should inform the King before he sends one of his envoys to find more," Alfred and Asher decided to leave the store after not getting the answer they wanted from Aakesh.

Since the store owner had refused to help in case the King tried to seize control, they had no choice but to tell the King about the store, before Jaimie found it on himself. At that time, it would be termed as betrayal, and getting on the bad side of a True God level cultivator would never end well for them or their race.

"What should we do if his majesty tried to seize control of the city?" Alfred asked Asher.

"We should inform his majesty in a way that he thinks the store supports us," Asher could only think of this.josei

Even if the King believed that the store supported the city administration, it didn't mean, he wouldn't seize control of the city. But it would lessen the chances of Jaimie doing this, so Asher decided to take the risk.

As for the store owner's response, once he found out about this, they could only hope that he wouldn't take offense. The situation for Thorr City was like being between rock and a hard place now. If they wanted to come out, they needed to take risks. If they failed, they would lose everything, but if they succeeded, it would be the start of a legendary journey for the Vurrons.


Unaware of what Asher and Alfred were going to do, Aakesh closed his eyes and began another of his relaxation sessions.

The journey in the Sacred Dimension had been peaceful until now when compared with the Primal Dimension, and Aakesh wanted things to continue this way.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The sound of footsteps rang at the store's door, opening Aakesh's eyes.

Aakesh turned in that direction and found an unfamiliar face entering the store.


"Hello, store owner!" Laula smiled and greeted Aakesh.

"I am Laula." "My father told me about the store, so I am here." "How did you end up in Thorr City?" "Are you liking the place?"

In less than a few seconds, Laula bombarded Aakesh with more questions than he had been asked by other customers till now.

Laula still didn't seem to stop speaking. It was as if she were a chattering machine that, once turned on, would only stop once its battery was dead.

"Why aren't you speaking, store owner?" "Do you not like me?" "Am I ugly?"

Suddenly the situation took a different turn as Laula began to question herself after seeing Aakesh not speak.

Finally, a few minutes later, Laula stopped speaking as her energy finally reached its end.

"I am Aakesh." Aakesh had a habit of telling his name once someone told him theirs, so Aakesh introduced himself after Laula stopped chattering.

Aakesh's response was like an energy boost as another round of chattering began in the store.


A/N: Sorry, only one chapter! Family function!

Tomorrow, I might take a day off as it's the last day of the year. But it's not certain, so if I did, it's my leave application.

There will be a time skip of several days starting tomorrow, which will introduce many characters as well as the new product in the upcoming chapters.

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