The First Store System

Chapter 935 The Fifth Product(3)

Chapter 935 The Fifth Product(3)

Chapter 935: The Fifth Product(3)

"What do you want to buy?" Aakesh asked Laula after the chatterbox finally stopped.

"Three Energy Meditation pills and six hours of Panagea," Laula smiled and requested.

"You need to pay sixty-five lesser Sacred stones," Aakesh responded, and then he went to the pill counter after standing up from the chair.

Laula had already taken out the sum since it was her daily product since she became a store customer.

Soon after Laula left, Aakesh focused on the alerts ringing in his head after the purchase was complete.


[Host, congratulations on fulfilling the mission objective: Sell Pills.]

[The "mission reward: Higher Level Pills" will be given after the store's closing.]

[Please see the following screen for your third quest!]

The next moment, a blue screen containing the details of the third pill's quest appeared in front of Aakesh.

[Mission Sequence: Third

Objective: Sell Pills,

Detail: With Laula's purchase, the store had met all of the previous sales requirements for the quest. Since we are just getting started, now is not the time to celebrate. Work even more diligently to make more and more customers interested in the product.

Number of pills you need to sell: 1,000,000 (each category),

Days required: 360 Days,

Mission reward: Ten new pill types addition in both Higher and Lesser grades,

Failure Punishment: The random disappearance of seven types of pills and the sales commission will turn to 0.5& at the eligible product's sale for the next three years.]

Aakesh heard all the alerts and soon focused on the blue screen in front of him. While he was reading, out of nowhere, a new screen containing the progress of the second quest emerged on top of the quest screen.

Half the screen was blurry since the store still hadn't unlocked the Higher level of sales.

Aakesh didn't focus much on the screen since he hadn't sold any extra pills after the quest's completion.

The quest's requirement had grown a thousand times, like the last time, as he needed to sell a million pills of each category.

Since the store would also have Higher grade pills starting tomorrow, Aakesh would need the store to sell many pills. With an increase in difficulty, the quest's deadline had also grown, but it wasn't as exaggerated as a thousand times.

The deadline had grown from one month to one year. Aakesh believed that it was more than enough time since pills were in high demand.

Aakesh then waved his hands, and soon both screens faded into obscurity, waiting for Aakesh to call them back.

Aakesh then turned to look at the door. Since he didn't find anyone approaching the store within a range of a few hundred meters, Aakesh closed his eyes and began another of his relaxation sessions.


Tap! Tap! Tap!

The sound of footsteps rang outside the door, breaking Aakesh out of his relaxation session.

Aakesh opened his eyes and turned in that direction, only to find the first non-demon other than him.

It wasn't a familiar face, so it wasn't a customer from the Primal Dimension.


Judiaah was a member of the Valtor race. The Valtor race was one of the many races spread across the Sacred Dimension.

The Valtor race members had a humanoid physique, with their heights varying from three feet to five feet. They had pale skin, green eyes, and dark brown hair. Their limbs were longer compared to the other body parts, making them more agile than many of the races.

Judiaah was four feet tall--taller than the average Valtors but shorter than his siblings. Judiaah came from one of the royal clans of the Valtors.

The royal family members in the race were taller than average Valtors, so Judiaah, only being of average height, wasn't well-liked in the family.

If not for Judiaah's extremely powerful mother, he would have most probably been banished from the family.

Judiaah came from a different Universe in the Sacred Dimension. The Universe was controlled by his family, the Arboria family.

Judiaah's father was one of the thirteen Emperors of the Valtor race, whose cultivation reached the Supreme God level. Judiaah's mother was only second to the father in strength in the Arboria Family, so Judiaah had lived his entire life in luxury.

He wasn't well-liked by his siblings, but he didn't care since he was the only child of his mother, and she doted on him.

Judiaah didn't get his parents' talent or height, but his mother loved him all the time and made sure he lived like a rich person. He had to get things he liked at any cost.

One such thing was a growth-type sword he heard about in one of the ruins on Gargot Planet.

Judiaah left with his guards in search of the sword, and he finally found it. But the situation turned out to be more challenging than he had expected. The five True God guards and one Lesser God guard that came with him died in the end, trying to protect him while a space storm engulfed Judiaah.

He neither got the sword nor got to his palace safely. The space storm threw him to an unknown place.


He was hurled to Thorr City by the space storm. Judiaah had read a lot, but even then he hadn't heard of planet Curiele, so he was frustrated.

The people here looked at him with disgust, and he had the same reaction as he saw them. Although he was only a late Divine Being, even after being born with early Divine Being level cultivation, both his parents being Supreme Gods, the people here hadn't even heard about that cultivation level.

Due to both parties not liking each other, there were bound to be conflicts. Thankfully for Thorr City, the space storm threw Judiaah close to the store, so he couldn't get into more than one or two conflicts.

Despite his low-level cultivation, Judiaah wasn't worried about himself. He still had some talismans left with him that could save him. It was just that the space storm came so suddenly that he didn't get to use those talismans to save himself.

"This store gives me a different feeling!" Judiaah mumbled as he stood in front of the store.

"Master, this store has a special story," the Vurron next to Judiaah respectfully responded.

This unfortunate soul had the misfortune of coming into conflict with Judiaah and would now have to live out his days as Judiaah's slave. Judiaah had lived a life of luxury, but that didn't mean he wasn't intelligent.

Judiaah was arrogant and egomaniacal, but he also knew that he needed the help of natives in an unfamiliar area. So instead of killing the man like he used to do in his Universe, Judiaah signed a master-slave agreement.

"Go ahead!"

"Master, the store owner here is also a non-demon li-"


The man suddenly screamed in pain, as when he referred to Judiaah as a non-demon, his tone had turned disgusted. From when a slave could refer to his master in a disgusting tone in his presence, so Judiaah pressed on the Vurron's left foot and crushed it.

Aakesh saw all of this happen with his own eyes, and he also heard the conversation between Valtor and Vurron, so he didn't care. Aakesh instead waited for the man to enter inside. Aakesh could tell the Valtor was a spoiled rich kid based on the way he spoke and his body's actions.josei


Judiaah stared at the Vurron, his tone cold: "If you refer to me this way again, my hands will go straight for your neck the next time."

The Vurron forgot the pain as a chilling sensation attacked him. The man then didn't dare refer to Judiaah as a non-demon. It wasn't a conscious action from the man's side. Becoming disgusted with the non-demons was ingrained in their bloodline, so those who couldn't control themselves were bound to a terrible fate in the presence of the strong, just like the man.

The conflict between Judiaah and the man also began because of it. The Vurron tried to taunt Judiaah, and his fate was there for everyone to see.

The people on the street moved their eyes away when they saw the way Judiaah treated one of their own, but the memory of Aakesh's killings was still fresh in their minds, so no one dared to come forward.

The Vurron then shared the rumors that had spread about Aakesh in Seventeenth Street and Thorr City.

A glint shone in Judiaah's eyes after he heard about Aakesh's actions. 'Is he someone like me?' He couldn't help but wonder.

Judiaah decided to control himself once he entered the shop, although he still didn't put Aakesh in his eyes. There were no issues with being extra cautious with someone from a strange background.


A/N: Sorry, only one chapter!

I still owe you three chapters from the last month. The debt only rises, so let's have a mass release this month as well. The chapter goals are the same as last time.

on January 15th, at least seven chapters.

Happy New Year! Let's hope we reach closer to or achieve our dreams this year.

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