The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Xia-Zhou Museum (4)

Chapter 121: Xia-Zhou Museum (4)

“Upstairs(original poster), you really think too much. Just go back, wash up, and sleep. This Weibo and poster obviously match the style of the show’s next episode. I guess the group of ‘Are There Really Ghosts in the World?’ is going to Xia Zhou Palace.”

Before long, the show’s team reposted Xia Zhou Palace Museum official Weibo and announced the event.

The guests and netizens learned at the same time that the next episode would be held in the Xia Zhou Palace Museum, which had hundreds of years of history inside. When the news came out, everyone was shocked.

There were always mysteries in ancient and mysterious places. Xia Zhou Palace Museum had never been open at night before. It would be cleared as soon as the afternoon arrived, and tourists could not stay here after sunset.

Some people said that they had seen ghosts, some said that they got lost and encountered ghosts crossing the wall, while others said that people with weak characters could not go to the Xia Zhou Palace Museum... But these were just rumors.

Netizens were looking forward to it since the announcement. Finally, the wait ended, and the episode was broadcasted. josei

At the beginning of the live broadcast, the number of viewers broke the previous record. Not only the normally enthusiastic audiences had tuned in, but the fans of Xia Zhou Palace were also attracted.

[Aahhh, we haven’t even started yet, but I’m already so scared. I’m going to enter Xia Zhou Palace Museum, where scary rumors are so frequent.]

[Xia Zhou Palace Museum had been on exhibition for many years, and there are many staff members who have never had any bad experiences. Don’t listen to the gossip, okay?]

A group of guests was gathered outside the palace gate. They happily chatted and were not affected by the online rumors. The female guests were daring enough, and only Jin Gang had brought a charm.

Ye Sui saw Song Bai carrying a schoolbag. “You brought your homework again?”

Song Bai shook her head. “The school arranged a supplementary lesson today, so I came here directly there. I forgot to put the history textbook under my desk.”

Song Bai said as she took out her history book and turned to the page of Xia Zhou Dynasty, showing it to Ye Sui.

“Xiao Bai, you brought the book, so did I.” Zhao Hui also pulled out an old book from her bag. The cover was wrinkled, and a few words on it could be vaguely seen, ‘Ancient Anecdotes’.

Ye Sui asked, “Where did you buy this book?”

Zhao Hui grinned. “I saw it on a street stall before the shooting. The stall owner said that no one would buy it, so he just gave it to me.”

Guests at the scene: “...”

The audience laughed, and the atmosphere of horror was immediately diluted. Fortunately, the guests were brave; otherwise, even the netizens would have to worry about them.

“This variety show is exciting. The previous episode was about breaking feudal superstitions. In this episode, a group of stars has started to read a history book in the Xia Zhou Palace.”

“What the heck is Ancient Anecdotes? It was bought from a street stall! Everyone, please don’t take it seriously. This book’s cover is unreliable at first glance; don’t frighten yourself.”

“Don’t worry, Master Zhu is back in this episode. Our Goddess Ye is also here. Any monsters and ghosts will show their true color.”

Contrary to what everyone thought, Ye Sui’s first feeling was not fear but excitement when she heard that she was coming to the Xia Zhou Palace.

She had a sense of familiarity with the Xia Zhou dynasty, a feeling she had had twice before.

The show management had told them that they would go to some areas that had not been publicly exhibited this time. Ye Sui took this opportunity to explore the truth.

The guests stood still, and only Ye Sui asked, “President Xia, when can we go in?”

President Xia took a lantern out of nowhere. “I will take everyone inside.”

“Am I the only one who thought about the lantern girl on the poster? The poster and President Xia are simply a show of sellers and buyers.”

“Hush, they are going into the palace. Don’t spoil the atmosphere. I haven’t seen the Xia Zhou Palace Museum at night yet; I can’t wait.”

Ye Sui watched the gate of Xia Zhou Palace Museum, which opened in front of her. A dull and oppressive air blew on her face and surrounded her whole body. She glanced around; perhaps, only she had felt it.

Their figures disappeared into the palace, and the door slowly closed behind them.

President Xia carried the lantern and led the group through the Xia Zhou Palace Museum.

It was late at night, and there was a crescent moon as white as a pear blossom above their heads. The moon struggled as it was engulfed by the gloomy night, the moonlight hazy and indistinguishable.

The cold moonlight fell on the ground, adding a strange atmosphere to the area.

The palace walls confined the guests inside. The path was broad and long, and behind the solemnity of the area, there were layers of depression and heavy shackles.

A long palace path, a lonely wind, and a cold lamp.

As the night continued, they walked along the seemingly unending road.

The strange thing was that there were no ghosts on the road.

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