The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 174 172- A Mother’s Love Is Wonderful, Unless Shown In Public, Then It’s Not So Much

Chapter 174 172- A Mother’s Love Is Wonderful, Unless Shown In Public, Then It’s Not So Much

“Ow, ahh, ouch, damn it…”

Xi Shen tried to find the best way to sit in this chair he once thought was very comfortable.

The burning sensation that came from his butt was so painful that just the slightest touch would make him squeal like a dying pig. Thankfully time has passed causing the pain to lessen a bit.

“Watch your language.”

Xi Shen flinched and replied, “Yes mother.”

Xi Shen wanted to burst into tears but nothing came.

He had returned to the Imperial Palace but forgot one crucial fact, and that was his ragged appearance.

Imagine his horror when he appeared in front of his mother expecting a warm greeting, but only saw a dark expression come over her face when she looked at him.

During that period of time, between being completely happy to see his mother and then realizing he was standing bare feet in plain clothes in front of her, Xi Shen felt like he was sent to heaven only to be dragged down to hell immediately after.

His mother did not go easy on him.

She was prim and proper as a woman and looked as delicate as a flower, but even the most horrifying storm couldn’t compete with her in the absolute fury she can display when she was angry.

The lashings Xi Shen received were uncountable, after he was released from his torture he went to his room and checked in a mirror. His butt looked like a multicolored rainbow.

He would have marveled at his mother’s ability to create such an amazing piece of artwork.

But unfortunately, this resulted in him not being able to sit properly even after two days.

Xi Shen was currently in a golden robed attire with his hair neatly comb back to be held in a pony tail by an excellently carved dragon pin.

Unlike his previous beggar child appearance, he now fitted the look of the second prince of the Maple Continent.

He and his mother were eating breakfast together before getting ready to leave for the North Wing.

Any moment now, a procession would come to inform them that his pre-birthday celebration was ready.

This was a party that occur on the day before his birthday celebration, and it was at that time Xi Shen was required to show off a talent of his.

The pre-birthday celebration would continue to his actual birthday tomorrow to last the whole week. One would think this meant the invitees would mostly show up on the day of his actual birthday, but today all of them are expected to show up.

Xi Shen placed down his chopsticks having already finished his meal. And as always his mother was a great cook.

It wasn’t as fancy-looking as the ones he got when he ate in the North Wing, but this meal had the touch of a mother’s care, and no matter what, a mother’s cooking will always be a child's favorite.

However, Xi Shen felt that something was missing.

Lightly licking the grease off his lips, he looked over at his mother’s side of the table and saw the wine jug.

Mouth watering, Xi Shen said, “Mother, can you pass me the wine jug?”

Lady Ying, who had only taken small bites of her food and was looking out of the nearby window, turned to her son and she frowned slightly before saying, “Is there anything wrong with the tea?”

Xi Shen glanced at the tea kettle that was a few inches away from him with an unwanting expression before he turn to his mother and said, “I don’t know, I didn’t taste it, but-”

“Then you should, you're way too young to be drinking alcohol, especially Spirit Wine. It brings benefit to your physique, but since you're without a dantian drinking too much can lead to unforeseen problems in the future.”josei

Xi Shen smile bitterly in his heart upon hearing that, his mother was too strict with him even when growing up.

“But mother, I’ll be considered an adult tomorrow. I should be old enough to be able to drink alcohol, and I won’t drink a lot, I’ll just take a cup or two.”

“Oh?” Lady Ying said.

“If you’ll become an adult tomorrow then I guess that means you can drink alcohol.”

Lady Ying then took up the wine jug and placed it on Xi Shen’s side of the table.

Seeing his mother being convinced so easily, he was taken aback for a moment.

He eyed the wine jug and his mother hesitantly, he felt that something was up.

“It’s fine, my little Shen is growing up to be an adult, as a mother, I shouldn’t hinder you from going through that growth.”

Lady Ying smiled and Xi Shen seeing this thought that perhaps this was her way of acknowledging him becoming older and more mature.

‘Do I not have to walk on eggshells around her anymore? Do I not have to suffer her constant micromanagement anymore?’

Excited at this new prospects, Xi Shen eagerly reach for the wine jug, but his mother’s next words suddenly entered his ears and his hand instantly froze.

“To think my Shen’er will now be able to marry, I can’t wait to find a suitable Dao Partner for you. Or maybe you have one in mind?”

Xi Shen began to sweat as his hand remained frozen in mid-air. His mother had actually cornered him.

It was as if she was saying if he took the wine jug she would consider him an adult, but his excuse of being too young to marry would fly out the window.

Lady Ying watched her son and after a moment she saw that he retrieve his hand without touching the wine jug.

She couldn’t help but sigh in her heart upon seeing his decision, but she put on a smile on the outside as she said, “So you decide to stay as my little Shen’er. Don’t worry, mother will take care of you until you become strong and independent.”

Lady Ying then reached over and rubbed Xi Shen’s cheek, meanwhile, Xi Shen felt like crying on the inside.

It’s not that he still want to be treated like a kid or that he enjoyed acting like his current age in certain situations, but it’s the fact that as a prince in this era, it was common for them to be betrothed from a young age.

The only reason his brother, Fu Wei, hadn’t been, was because his mother decided his cultivation was more important for now instead of wasting time being distracted by having a partner.

But to Xi Shen's misfortune, he didn’t have that excuse, so the pressure for him to get married and produce babies was right around the corner, moments away from slapping him in the face.

He didn’t know what to feel about being forced to marry someone he hardly knew. If he were to fall in love in this life and explore such emotion, then he wanted it to be someone he fell for naturally.

But for him, he wasn’t sure that was possible. That part of him that was reserved for someone other than family or friends was partially dead. It would take a miracle for him to find someone capable of resuscitating it.

“Lady Ying, Second Prince, I have come to escort the Second Prince to his Coming of Age Celebration.”

A voice sounded from outside of the courtyard interrupting the mother-son moment.

Lady Ying stood up and Xi Shen did as well before they moved to the courtyard’s main gate.

Upon exiting the courtyard, Xi Shen was greeted with the sight of a huge procession and a very large, grandiose carriage. Numerous auspicious beasts were carved on it, but what was more prominent was the golden six petals plum blossom in the middle of it all.

It seemed as if the auspicious beasts were bowing down to the plum blossom.

This same plum blossom was also stitched onto the back of Xi Shen’s imperial robes, and it was the main highlight of the attire.

A flag with he insignia was on top of the carriage as well, making sure all could see its magnificent appearance.

Everyone on the Maple Continent who saw this symbol would know this was the insignia of the Li Imperial Family. Only the Main Branch of the Li Clan can wear this and display this insignia.

Xi Shen’s eyes ever so slightly narrowed at the plum blossom, before he ignored it like usual and got ready to enter the carriage that was open for him and his mother.

However, his mother suddenly stop him and said, “Shen’er, I want you to meet someone.”

Someone stepped forward from the procession to stand in front of Xi Shen before bowing with cup fists.

“Greeting to the Second Prince!”

The man who looked no older than twenty-eight said rather loudly.

Xi Shen faintly sensed that this person was at the early Core Formation Realm.

He turned to his mother confused, but Lady Ying simply said, “His name is Li Wen, and he’ll be your Dao Protector from now on.”

“What?!” Xi Shen blurted out in surprise.

“But mother, I told you I don’t need a Dao Protector, I already have Tai and Little Snow so even if someone powerful targets me when I’m outside I can at least escape without getting hurt!”

Lady Ying's expression turn cold, as she softly said, “You say that, but why is it that I’m hearing you were attacked by someone in the Bai Clan? Our Li Clan is not without enemies who aren’t afraid to offend us or outright attack members of our Clan. As a mother, how can I remain indifferent when my son is in the outside world where countless dangers roam about? It is either he becomes your Dao Protector, or you go to the Divine Star Academy.”

Seeing his mother’s expression, Xi Shen’s resistance to this decision was instantly squashed. He had only ever seen his mother like this a handful of times, and he knew to change her mind now was impossible.

Even his father had fallen victim to this stubborn attitude of hers.


Xi Shen mumbled out with a defeated expression.

Lady Ying’s expression soften a bit before she caress Xi Shen’s check and said, “I don’t know why you're so adamant about not having a Dao Protector, but rest assured this isn’t me wanting to spy on you. Li Wen is a Rank 4 Rune Master making him able to battle mid-stage and even Late-stage Core Formation Realm Cultivators. He’s also bound to your orders by a Blood Oath as it was a requirement to become your Dao Protector. Unless he deems your own decision dangerous for you he’s a loyal subordinate that will follow and protect you.”

Xi Shen didn’t feel so bad after hearing that, and he smiled at his mother while nodding.

“Now I’ll leave you to ride your carriage.”

“Huh? You're not coming with me?”

Hearing that, Lady Ying cooed and her caress turn to pinching Xi Shen's cheeks as she said, “Does my little Shen’er want mother to accompany you? How cute.”


Xi Shen smiled awkwardly as a few people in the procession were looking this way. It was always wonderful to have your mother show such affection to you, but out in public, embarrassment couldn’t even begin to describe the feeling.

“Too bad this is your day, mother won’t be able to accompany you. Now get going, the event is waiting for you specifically to start.”

Xi Shen nodded before he and his new Dao Protector entered the carriage.

The four Spirit Beasts that resemble horses, but were much more bigger and dangerous-looking, were set off by the two coachmen causing them to pull the carriage towards the North Wing.

Xi Shen saw his mother wave towards him before she vanished. Perhaps already reaching the North Wing.

‘Couldn’t you have taken me with you? Why do I have to make such a grand and over-the-top entrance? It’s ridiculous really.’

Xi Shen’s face scrunched up as he rested his chin on his hand that was balancing on the carriage's windowsill.

He watched the various Pavilions go by slowly, very very slowly, making him bored beyond belief.

Suddenly, Little Snow appeared beside him in the carriage, but her appearance was that of a little girl around Li Ling’s age.

Her hair was snow-white in color, along with her eyes and the female robes she was wearing. This was similar to Tai who had golden eyes and hair in his human form.

The Dao Protector who had on a stoic expression this whole time froze upon seeing her suddenly appearing. But a split second later his stoic expression returned, seeming to be someone who was unfazed by weird occurrences.

Xi Shen took note of this and was rather pleased by that fact.

A pouting Little Snow then said after appearing, “I didn’t get to meet sister Ling’er, last time I was dragged away by that stupid Tai.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll meet her when we reach the party.”

Little Snow nodded her cute head before she laid back on Xi Shen’s thigh.

Xi Shen took this opportunity to start gently patting her head.

The interaction was neither intimate between the two, if anything, it resembled a clingy little sister that likes head pats from her older brother.

This was more or less the type of bond Xi Shen had developed with Little Snow and Tai after these past fourteen years.

Like this, Xi Shen road the carriage towards the North Wing, still feeling a bit nervous about this whole situation all the same.

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