The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 211 209- Li Shen Being Awkward And Cheesy For A Whole Boat Ride

Chapter 211 209- Li Shen Being Awkward And Cheesy For A Whole Boat Ride

“I am.”

“I’m from the Song Clan who discovered the Longevity Bloodline. Or at least that is what the books father found along with me says.”

Pausing for a moment, Lu Yue’s expression turned regretful as she continued.

“Li Shen, the truth is, we haven’t been honest with your Li Clan. We agreed to exchange the knowledge about cultivating using a Martial Spirit for a marriage proposal, but the real reason for our marriage isn’t to bare a child, but to... steal your bloodline.”

“Steal my bloodline?”

“Yes, and I’m sorry. Since you were unable to cultivate we figured it wouldn’t be noticed if your bloodline was gone.”

Li Shen’s head was swirling with thoughts after hearing this bombshell.

Eventually, he manage to say.

“So by stealing my bloodline, you’ll slow down the rapid growth of the yin and yang essence?”

Li Shen saw Lu Yue nodding with her head lowered.

He didn’t really know how it was possible to steal someone’s bloodline but Li Shen figured it was during sex. Similar to a one-sided dual cultivation but with bloodlines.

“Huh, no wonder you weren’t worried about the curse eating away at your life. Even for a normal cultivator entering the Foundation Realm, they would gain a rough estimate of half a century's worth of life span, but because of your bloodline it probably doubles or even triples that amount for you.”

After saying that, Li Shen looked to see Lu Yue’s downcast expression.

“…Alright, let’s not think about that for now, instead I want to ask some questions about those books that mention Martial Spirit Cultivation.”

With that Li Shen asked his questions. He wanted to know what a Martial Spirit was and how they were used. He even asked questions as to where in the body they were and how one would go about utilizing it with Qi Cultivation.

And he was surprised to find that there was a whole different method of cultivating Qi using a Martial Spirit.

One would use their Martial Spirit to absorb the Qi between heaven and earth using specially created cultivation method.

That means External Cultivation or Fleshly Body Cultivation was out of the question on this path.

But this method of cultivation results in having twice the power of a normal cultivator practicing Internal and External cultivation methods.

However, as Lu Yue explained what basic knowledge the books had held, Li Shen found a massive flaw in this cultivation.

If the person’s Martial Spirit didn't improve to a certain level, that person would be stuck at a bottleneck. And also, since their Martial Spirit is the main connection between their dantian and the Qi between heaven and earth, if their Martial Spirit was damaged or were to be completely destroyed, then that’s it for their cultivation.

Li Shen just discovered a completely different cultivation system from the one he was used to so his researcher side should be tingling with joy and excitement.


“This method of Qi Cultivation is complete garbage!”

“Excuse me?”

Lu Yue paused her explanation and looked at Li Shen shocked.

“No, I mean what else could it be? Aright, look at it this way, let’s say someone’s Martial Spirit is utterly destroyed, will they be able to cultivate like us normal cultivators?”

“Like normal cultivators? No, a Martial Spirit is tested when a child is ten. If the test succeeds then the bloodline Martial Spirit takes over the role as a second dantian. It’s also called a Spirit Root, if it is destroyed a person won’t be able to absorb Qi.”

“See! That’s why it's bulls, aren’t Martial Spirits going to be as weapons? You just said weapons can be Martial Spirits? Wouldn’t it be destroyed in battle? Who would use this backwards method of cultivating Qi?!”

“Backwards? There’s nothing backwards about it, in fact, the people on the Central continent have all acknowledged this path of cultivation. Even people without an Ancestral Bloodline have found ways to unlock a Martial Spirit. Over there, there is no such thing as Soul grade, Comprehension grade, or Foundation grade. No, there isn’t even a foundation to begin with! All of these are determined by the Martial Spirit you awaken and that’s how it should be! It’s not as if a Martial Spirit is weak enough to be destroyed so easily, aren’t Dantians the same with you people?! If it’s destroyed then cultivation is impossible!”

“Yeah that's fair, but who would use their dantian and so call Spirit Root to battle?! Like come one, if that’s not the most ridiculous thing ever then I don’t know what is.”

Li Shen was dismissively waving his hand at Lu Yue and she was frowning at him.

“Do you know the idiom, the frog in the bottom of a well can never see the clear sky? That’s the mindset you are portraying right now. The Central Continent is vast beyond anything you can imagine. If you were to combine the Maple Continent, the Star Bound Continent, the Water Bound, and Fire Bound Continent, their size wouldn’t even be 1/5 of it.”

Hearing that, Li Shen’s heart shook.

'Fuck, really?'

However, he didn’t let his shock show on his face as he said.

“You're speaking as if you’ve seen it, and why are you defending Martial Spirit Cultivation so vehemently, are you a Martial Cultivator?”

“Obviously I am, and I’m likely the only one in this entire sub-region.”

Li Shen frowned.

Lu Yue had been using terms he didn’t understand for a while now. It was most likely from the books the Lu Clan Patriarch found with her.

'I want them, they probably have some valuable information I can use.'

After that, Li Shen looked at Lu Yue's upset expression and said.

“Alright, enough arguing. My head is already stuffy from all this new knowledge, let’s just head back.”

Li Shen went to grab the paddles but Lu Yue suddenly stopped him.

“Wait! What about the marriage alliance and helping me? I know this is selfish of me to ask you to give up your bloodline but I’ll be eternally grateful if you would.”

Lu Yue bowed deeply, however, even to her she didn’t sound convincing. She was sure Li Shen wouldn’t agree to it but she didn’t know what else to do. The Ming Clan was out of the question, and the Lu Clan’s Bloodline was practically going to make her die faster rather than help her.

However, contrary to her thoughts Li Shen said.

“Sure, why not, if that’s what you really want.”

He probably won’t ever unlock it anyway, no, even he wasn’t sure he still had it at this point.

The Chaos Qi had changed a lot of things about his body, he’ll just agree to her request for now and think of a solution later.

Lu Yue raised her head in surprise.


Scratching his cheek embarrassingly, Li Shen said.

“Um, yeah, but you do realize what you're asking right? For me to give you my bloodline we’d have know?”

Lu Yue nodded embarrassingly and said.

“I know… but I don’t mind if it’s you.”

Lu Yue barely whispered that last part, but Li Shen still caught it.josei

“Haha, I don’t mind if it’s with you either, after all, you’re easy on the eyes.”

Li Shen meant it as a joke but hearing his words out loud he realize how awkward and cheesy they were.

‘Shit, how embarrassing. However, how did things even turn out like this? I was sure I hated her before but why did it feel like it was ages ago?’

Li Shen slowly paddled back to the shore while a deafening silence hung between them.

‘Crap, it’s awkward. How should I deal with this? Dammit, where’s my mature side when I need it! My heart won’t stop racing and I can’t find something to say.'

'Shit, I’ll just say something.’

“Uh, I swore a blood oath that I’ll take you as my wife so I can’t back out of it. We have the same customs as mortals but in fact, we’re cultivators who can live for hundreds of years.”

Lu Yue turned to Li Shen but he hurriedly looked away before continuing.

“Ah, what I’m trying to say is that I don’t want our relationship to be a give-and-take one. As my future wife I’ll help you if you’re in trouble, plus with our long lifespan marriage is ways off. Oh, that’s unless the curse reaches the point you can’t suppress it anymore then we’ll go through with the marriage, until then let’s just set it aside for now.”

After rambling like an idiot, Li Shen stopped, but even after a while, he didn’t hear her speak.

Turning around he saw that she was just staring at him with a smile.

The moon was still ways away from being obscure by the clouds. With it shining down on her at just the right angle the image that would have made world-class painters feel regret would disappear.

In its place was a beautiful smiling girl.

Li Shen was captivated for a brief moment, only having snapped out of his admiration because Lu Yue spoke.

“You aren’t like the rumors. Before coming here I had built up an image of you using those rumors and that is why I had initially attacked you, I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to keep apologizing. If it makes you feel any better my impression of you wasn’t any good either.”

Smiling Lu Yue said.

“I don’t know what it is but I feel like I can open up to you without a worry. And you have a way with words that make people feel heard. You also have a good understanding of people’s emotions and can sympathize with them, I like that about you.”



Li Shen was taken aback by her words but before he could respond the boat knocked against the shore.

They had reached land.

Getting up, Li Shen stepped off the boat before reaching out his hand towards Lu Yue.

She didn’t hesitate this time and took his hand before stepping down from the boat.

Li Shen was about to release his grip but she tighten hers.

“I don’t usually get to touch someone so casually so I’d like to continue holding hands.”

Hearing that, Li Shen tilted his head a bit to look down at her. This caused loose strands of his hair to fall in front of him.

'She's so straightforward.'


Li Shen’s grip tighten around her hand, and like this, they walked towards the entrance of the lake garden.

That boat ride might have gotten them closer.


Wait! Before you move on to the next chapter our MC would like to say something.

Li Shen, your up.

Li Shen: “Ehem, thanks. Alright, look here YOU BASTARDS!!”

Li Shen: “Don’t you dare think I was cringey!! And even if I was, weren’t you the same as a kid?! No, even as an adult?!!

AHA! See, I bet you just recalled a moment when you were being a cringey little brat.

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