The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 374 371- Battle At The Southern Border

Chapter 374 371- Battle At The Southern Border: Jun Vs Wu Kai

Jun slowly floated forwards and landed on the stage. He then cupped his fists at Wu Kai and said.

“Brother Kai, I hope we have a good spar.”

Wu Kai upon hearing that immediately felt strange. He had wanted to amp up the atmosphere for an intense battle with Jun, but being met with such a formal demeanor, it felt as if his energy had no effect on Jun.

“What’s with you? Stop being so formal and let’s fight!”

With that, Wu Kai’s figure blurred and appeared before Jun while slashing down with his sword.

The attack was easily dodged, but Wu Kai continued to attack Jun relentlessly.

However, as time passed, Wu Kai got annoyed. He paused for a moment then barked.

“Bastard! What are you doing only dodging, are we fighting or what?! And where’s your weapon, why haven't you drawn your weapon?!”

“Brother Kai, you suddenly started assaulting me with a flurry of attacks, you didn’t give me time to draw my weapon.”

“Ugh, then just hurry up and draw your weapon, let’s have a heated battle. One where the blood in my body is boiling in excitement!”

Hearing this, Jun concluded that Wu Kai was a battle-hungry person, quite similar to Mu Fan somewhat. Flipping over his palm Jun retrieved his slender white spear.

“So you're a spear user? Good! I never fought a spear user before.”

Wu Kai then dashed towards Jun after saying that. His sword left afterimages in the air as he attacked.

However, as time passed, Wu Kai got annoyed once more, Jun was only dodging his attacks and not attacking.

“You! Why are you only dodging? Fight me properly!”

Jun sidestepped Wu Kai’s sword and said with a smile.

“I was only assessing brother Kai’s skills, they’re quite mediocre. If it’s only this much I’m afraid you aren’t my opponent.”


Wu Kai hearing this was dumbfounded.

Ji Niu heard Jun’s words as well and she released a giggle before saying.

“With that type of innocent face, I would never expect he could say such words.”

“Isn’t he too full of himself?”

Shi Lei said with a huff.

On the stage, Wu Kai recovered from his dumbfoundment and his eyes shot fire at Jun as he growled.

“Fucking kid, do you think you’d look cool if you act all arrogantly?”

With a smile never leaving his face, Jun politely responded.

“I’m sorry if brother Kai is upset by my words, but I'm telling the truth since I am incapable of telling a lie.”

“What’s with that kid? He's the most arrogant Mainlander I have seen? You'd think even his shit was gold from the way he talks.”

A middle-aged man in the audience commented, but a response came immediately.

“Brother Jun isn’t arrogant!”

The response came from a different Celestial Academy disciple than the one previously.

All eyes turned to him.

“Brother Jun isn’t arrogant, he’s only prideful, and nothing is wrong with having pride in one’s abilities. That’s why he also has another nickname, the Prideful Snow Saint.”

After saying that, this disciple ignored the mocking jeers towards him and instead looked at Jun with an anticipated gaze.

Back on the stage, Jun suddenly held up two fingers and said.

“I’ll only need this amount of moves to defeat brother Kai.”

“This idiot.”

Lihua mumbled, but Mu Fan suddenly burst out laughing while the others wore awkward smiles.

They didn’t know where it came from, but Jun would do this every time he fought someone


Wu Kai was once again dumbfounded by Jun’s words. He never thought he would find someone even more arrogant than that bastard Cheng Li.

“Baseless arrogance will get you nowhere.”

Shi Lei said with a heavy snort. He was starting to like Jun less and less.

In the audience, loud boos immediately rang out after hearing Jun’s words.

Meanwhile, the disciple who was filled with anticipation clench his fists when he heard Jun’s declaration, and he couldn’t help but yell in excitement.

“You, what are you so excited for?”

Hearing that question from someone next to him, the disciple explained.

“None of you understands. Every time brother Jun does this he has never once been wrong. If he says he can beat Wu Kai in two moves then he can definitely beat him in two moves, brother Jun never lies!”

After hearing the disciple's words, a man in the crowd suddenly shook his head.

“You Mainlanders, if only you knew. Maybe if that Prideful Snow Saint of yours hadn’t made such a declaration and looked down on Wu Kai then he truly could have defeated him in two moves as he said.”

A few people nodded their heads when they heard this man’s words, and were strangely starting to get up.

The disciple got the feeling something was wrong so he asked.

“What do you mean?”

“...You’ll see, Wu Kai isn’t a normal person. He might act foolish at times but that’s only one side of him. But when he gets triggered then the Wild Southern Demon comes out. Not even the top three position, and that’s including Goddess Ji Mei, would like to face him when he’s like that.”


Suddenly, that disciple felt a cold chill go down his spine and he looked at where it was coming from. It was from Wu Kai on stage.

He was seemingly shaking from anger and he had his head lowered. A terrifying aura suddenly began to eminent from him. The air around him was filled with steam and crackling sounds echoed out, distortions were everywhere and it looked as if the void itself was burning.

“W-What is that? How can he release such a frightening aura that I even felt it from this distance? It even feels as if I’m slowly being scorched alive.”

The disciple commented, but then he realize his surroundings had gone quiet. Turning around he realized that no one was in the seats around him. Everyone had left their seats and were frantically running out of the battle arena.

The disciple trembled upon seeing such a scene.josei

'What was going on?'

Meanwhile, Lihua and the rest a few meters from the stage were feeling the full brunt of Wu Kai’s terrifying heat waves.

Yang Su in response to the heat frowned, as Wu Kai's aura was actually inciting his own suppressed Fire Element.

“This person, it seems something has gone wrong with him.”

Li Wen commented while looking at the people making a quick escape.

“Hey, you all should also leave, when Wu Kai gets like this there's no stopping him.”

Ji Niu said as she came up to the group. Despite the panicking people around them, she was relatively calm as if she had dealt with this situation before.

“What's happening to him?”

Tai asked.

Cheng Li who was next to her said.

“Wu Kai is a child born from a human and a Sea Beast.”


Mu Fan blurted out while everyone else showed shocked expressions.

Not minding their reactions, Cheng Li continued.

“I suppose you’ve noticed that Teng Ye, the one who always follows Ji Mei around like a shadow, isn’t human. He’s from a destroyed Sea Beast Lineage. It’s not that uncommon for wars between Sea Beasts to occur and for the losers of those wars who escaped, to decide to surrender to us and receive citizenship here. It was only a matter of time before people like Wu Kai appeared then. But as you can see there are consequences for a human and Sea Beast having a child. Sea Beasts' bloodlines don’t mix well with human genes, it results in a mutation where the child is born as more of a best than a regular Sea Beast, where they lack any basic human intelligence.”

“You say that but what about him, he was fine until a moment ago.”

Yang Su was the one who asked.

“Ha! I’m not sure if you can call his state previously fine, he's crazy even before he gets like this, but Wu Kai is definitely a special case. His mother was somewhat of a princess from a destroyed Flood Dragon race, so her bloodline was pure and was able to find some compatibility with his father's human genes. Wu Kai only losses control of that side of him when his emotions are triggered.”

“He has the bloodline of a flood dragon but cultivates the fire element?”

Looking towards Fang Chen that spoke, Ji Niu responded, which was to Cheng Li's annoyance.

“As the pervert said, mutations occur. Despite having a Flood Dragon bloodline, Wu Kai has a high affinity for the Fire Element. When he losses control he releases an innate fire that would burn everything around him.”

“And you should tell your friend to retreat, my big sister, Teng Ye, and Shi Lei can only focus on holding Wu Kai back until Captain Yulan gets here. He's the only one that can get Wu Kai out of that state, even knocking him out won't work.”

“Well, I think you guys are in luck. There’s no need for that, just let that bastard Jun handle it. It’ll be quicker and we could get back to the matches.”

Mu Fan commented.

Ji Niu and Cheng Li hearing him were taken aback.

Fei Yin nodded and then added.

“You should let him handle it, I think he must have calculated brother Kai’s current condition in his moves to defeat him.”

Ji Niu and Cheng Li couldn’t help but glance at each other upon hearing that.

They were starting to realize this group from the Mainland wasn’t just different from everyone they met before, they were too bizarre.

And that was saying something considering it was coming from them.

On the stage, Wu Kai’s aura seemed to be rising to reach a peak of some sort. The stage itself was begging to melt around him as waves of heat constantly flow from his body.

Wu Kai raised his head and looked at Jun, his eyes had turned blood-red while radiating intense bloodlust.

“Arrogant kid, step down we’ll handle this.”

Jun looked behind him to see Shi Lei, Ji Mei, and that person with two horns coming onto the stage.

While looking at Shi Lei with a smile, Jun said.

“No need, but I appreciate the thought.”

“What? Kid, there’s a time and place to be arrogant and this is neither the time nor the place. If you don’t want to die then move.”

Jun only continued to smile upon hearing that, before turning around.

This irked Shi Lei as he hadn’t liked Jun since they met, and having been ignored a second time pissed him off.

“Fine, I’ll move you myself.”

Shi Lei went to take a step forward, but Ji Mei suddenly stopped him.

Ignoring Shi Lei’s confused look, Ji Mei with her cold expression and tone of voice asked Jun.

“Did you create this situation on purpose?”

Jun nodded, and while looking at Wu Kai he said.

“I initially planned on doing nothing but listening to brother Cheng’s words change my mind. We Mainlanders will never understand what it takes to live at the Borders, and some of us might take your presence for granted. But there are many of us who are grateful for your actions and acknowledge that we owe you a debt of gratitude. If I can help in my own small way to repay that debt then I guess I should help.”

After saying that Jun observed Wu Kai’s aura, sensing that it had peaked, his eyes flickered before turning white.

What revealed itself when he looked at Wu Kai was an entanglement of white and black strings. As if two opposing forces, yin and yang, man and beast, were clashing in Wu Kai’s body.

“Brother Kai, my power is limited so I can only help you with your problem slightly.”

As soon as Jun finished his sentence he took a step forward before pausing. However, his paused figure then began to fade away.

It was an afterimage.

Shi Lei who was watching Jun with a frown, had his pupils shrink to the size of pin needles. He couldn’t see Jun’s movements clearly at all.

In one step Jun appeared in front of Wu Kai just as his aura peaked. Wu Kai who had lost his sanity didn’t have time to react as Jun tapped his chest.

A bright golden light radiated outwards upon that tap that drew the frantic crowd’s attention.

When the light faded away, the terrifying aura around Wu Kai popped like a bubble filled with air.

Wu Kai’s red eyes slowly returned to normal and a sense of clarity returned to them. Blinking a few times he looked at the slightly paled-face Jun in front of him.

Jun's white pupils looked at Wu Kai and saw that only a small portion of the entanglement was undone.

‘Is this the extent of my abilities? Damn it, if only I was stronger maybe I could have found Master. Senior brother refuses to tell anyone about his problem but how could I not know? I have no way to help senior brother and I might even make it worse if tried anything. This was a simpler situation but I couldn't even resolve it completely.’

“You-What did you d-”

Wu Kai went to say something but a fountain of blood suddenly spurted from his lips, even producing a colorful rainbow in the process.

Jun dodged the spray of blood and went to catch Wu Kai’s unconscious body.

The once panicking crowd all paused and stared at this unexpected scene with confused expressions.

“Hey, what just happened? Did anyone see what just happened?”

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