The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 383 380- Battle At The Southern Border

Chapter 383 380- Battle At The Southern Border: Teng Ye Vs Fang Chen (3)

‘If my bloodline is reacting to him, does that mean we’re related somehow? Could another member have survived other than me? But this feeling doesn’t feel like a blood-related connection, but an even deeper more intimate one.’

Upon thinking this, Teng Ye’s thoughts wandered back to Fang Chen’s misunderstanding before the match and his eyebrows twitch a bit.

‘No, absolutely not, it’s nothing like that.’s like there is a strong bond between my bloodline and his on a fundamental level, I just can’t clearly grasp what it is. I want to ask him questions, but I need to test this feeling and him first. I’ll do it with this attack.’

Teng Ye pushed his palm above his head.

“No, wait, that’s-why is Teng Ye using that move?�

Ji Niu seeing Teng Ye’s actions turned to her sister and said hurriedly.

“Sister quick, stop that idiot before he kills someone, what’s wrong with him?!�

In response to her little sister, Ji Mei replied without taking her eyes off the stage.

“This isn’t a situation I can interfere in.�

“What? Isn’t Teng Ye you’re fiancee?! You need to-hmhm!�

Before Ji Niu could say anymore, Ji Mei suddenly covered her mouth preventing her from talking.

In the audience, the Borderners were having the same reaction as Ji Niu.

Everyone here had acknowledged this was a spar, so certain techniques couldn’t be used. From the Borderners' understanding though, this ability from Teng Ye was in those techniques excluded from this match.

“Why is Teng Ye using this innate ability? Is he planning on killing that Mainlander?�

“What is it? What’s that innate ability?�

“That’’s an innate ability that corrupts someone’s body and soul, leaving them as nothing but a decaying corpse. It’s one of Teng Ye’s killer moves that he had only ever used during a solo battle against hoards of Sea Beasts. Even using it here like this is risky for everyone, since if he loses focus for even a second and that attack spirals out of control, it won’t be able to identify friend from foe, and thus it will end up killing everyone here that isn’t in the late Coreformation Realm. No, even those in the late Core Formation Realm won't escape unscathed.�

Mainlanders hearing this all felt shiver go down their spines.

Just what species of Sea Beast did this Teng Ye come from for him to have such innate abilities? Just the two he showed were already terrifying, but from the looks of it, he might have more.

However, Teng Ye did something else that shocked everyone.

He suddenly increased his attack.

As Teng Ye’s aura increased a raging black miasma suddenly appeared around him and rose above his head. Inside it, a serpent-like creature began to take shape.

“Everybody run! Teng Ye’s has gone mad!!�

Like a chain reaction, a familiar scene occurred where the crowd began dashing for the exit.

However, there were still some people who sat where they were and looked at Jun. Perhaps like every other time before he would intervene.

But what these people saw was Jun’s face going slightly pale before he began retreating from the stage.

These audience members upon seeing this felt as if a cold bucket of water had just been dumped on their heads. They didn’t hesitate to retreat to the exit any longer.

Jun after retreating several meters from the stage forcefully stopped himself.

Looking at Teng Ye’s dark miasma he mumbled.

“No, this feels different from Mo Rong’s dark miasma.�

On the stage, contrary to everyone panicking because of Teng Ye’s actions, Fang Chen was smiling broadly. He then suddenly began laughing uproariously to the dumbfoundment of everyone.

“Has he gone mad in the face of death? Someone should really stop this match, just where are the experts stationed in the battle arena? They would have stepped in by now!!�

“Teng Ye, with this now I know for sure why you’re giving me such a weird feeling since we met.�


A raging cloud of black miasma suddenly exploded from Feng Chen, and upon seeing this everyone became slack jaw. They watched with wide eyes as a monstrous tiger with wings appeared in the cloud of miasma above Fang Chen.

“He-He has the same ability as Teng Ye? Is he a Sea Beast as well?�

“Who the hell cares?! With them both releasing such a move, we're all going to be turned into corpses if we don’t get out of here. Run faster you fools!!�

Everyone jolted at this and began gritting their teeth as some sprinted while others with faster flying speed than their movement technique, choose to take to the air.

Teng Ye for the first time had his expressionless face change to a shocked look, as he stared at the Qiong Qi beast made of dark miasma above Fang Chen.

Teng Ye's body shook and his bloodline felt as if it was on fire.

“This is...�

Teng Ye looked back down at Fang Chen to see he was motioning for him to go ahead with his attack.

Teng Ye’s face harden before his figure dashed towards Fang Chen.

Fang Chen had already sheathed his sword, and he reacted the instant Teng Ye made a move.

In a blink of an eye, the two met in the middle of the stage and their palms collided.

The dark miasma around their palms clashed and seemed to be trying to corrode the other. Meanwhile, the serpent-like creature above Teng Ye and Fang Chen’s Qiong Qi beast projection pounced on each other.

But a split second after these two forces met, something weird happened.

The dark miasma on both Teng Ye and Fang Chen’s palms stopped clashing a begin to intertwine, similarly, the serpent-like creature and the Qiong Qi beast lost their forms and began swirling together as black miasma.

Then like a pop of a balloon, these two forces peacefully canceled out each other. Leaving the panicked audience to realize it was another false alarm.

“Damn it, this isn’t good for my mental health. But now it’s all worth it, it’s Ji Mei’s turn to battle! I’m shivering just thinking about it.�

The crowd went back to their seats, meanwhile, Teng Ye and Fang Chen released their palms and looked at each other.

Smiling, Fang Chen patted Teng Ye’s shoulder.

“You, felt it too right? I think I might know what’s going on, let’s talk over there.�

Fang Chen pointed to the side of the stage as he said that.

Teng Ye nodded, and despite the coldness still remaining on his face, if someone looked closely they could see that his treatment towards Fang Chen had shifted and not by a small amount.

The crowd then watched Teng Ye and Fang Chen leave the stage, and though they were curious about what was going on between them it was all dash to the said when they saw Ji Mei making her way onto the stage.

Before going up on the stage, Yang Su turned to Jun and asked.

“Are you alright?�

Jun smiled when he heard the concern in Yang Su’s voice. He then answered reassuringly.

“I’m fine senior disciple brother.�

Yang Su nodded, but before leaping onto the stage he still turned to Lihua said.

“Check on him just in case.�

“Ah, wait, senior brother, I said I was fine. Remember I can’t lie, so there’s no need really, I'm really okay.�

Jun said that, but Yang Su had already leaped onto the stage.

“Even so, maybe the miasma has affected you without your knowledge, it won’t hurt to check to make sure.�

Fei Yin suddenly chimed in.

Jun waved his hands frantically.

“No, how could that be possibly? I would know if-ah!�

Jun couldn’t finish his protest as Lihua suddenly stomped over to him. She grabbed his hand and pulled him off to the side before making him sit.

Jun obediently sat down before Lihua placed her hand that was glowing a deep blue color on his back.

Mu Fan was grinning in amusement at Jun's situation, but he along with the others soon went back to looking at the stage.

“Who do you think will win?�

Tai asked.

“Is there any doubt that it’s that bastard? He’s been cultivating like a madman since that day, so who knows where his strength is now.�

“I’m not so sure, if the rumors about Ji Mei aren’t exaggerations, then she might be a match for our elder brother.�

On the stage, Yang Su and Ji Mei faced off. The excitement of the crowd was nothing like before, they were going completely wild.

“You can make the first move. I want to know whether you're worthy for me to battle or not.�

Ji Mei’s cold voice drifted into Yang Su’s ears, along with the noisy crowd that got louder because of Ji Mei’s declaration.

The Mainlanders couldn’t even get a word in and were staring dumbfounded at these people.

In response to Ji Mei's words, Yang Su said.

“Funny, I was about to say the same thing.�

“Hahahaha!! This brat is quite young from his voice, is he really going to be okay? Goddess Ji Mei shouldn't defeat this brat too quickly, maybe use more than half a move this time so we can see your skills!!�

Comments like these were echoing around the battle arena, but Yang Su ignored them and simply raised one of his feet from the ground slightly.

“But I’ll take you up on that offer.�


All of a sudden noisy crowd went deathly silent. Everyone in the audience's eyes widen and their expressions were frozen in shock.josei

“Wh-What? How the fuck-�

“Holy fuck, what in the world, what is this that? Can someone create something like that without casting any hand signs?�

These comments quickly left the crowd's lips as they all looked up at the sky above the stage. Their visions were obscured by the shadow of a large foot made of wind.

Feeling the terrifying power of the winds emanating from it, it even caused those in the mid-stage Core Formation Realm to feel death looming over their heads.

“This is nuts, what is that kid, could he really be in the Nascent Soul Realm?�

Yang Su on the stage didn't hesitate, and his foot cause a loud bang as he forcefully stomp down onto the stage.

The foot made of wind in response came hurtling down towards Ji Mei.

It was no coincidence that this attack was in the shape of a foot, this first attack by Yang Su was him essentially showing his intentions to trample Ji Mei.

All the Mainlanders in the audience without exception were utterly enraged by this.

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