The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 423 420- You Aren’t… (2)

Chapter 423 420- You Aren’t… (2)

As they walked, Jun suddenly turned to look at Yang Su. Seeing his slightly pale red hair that really stood out from all the white snow around them, he asked.

"Elder Brother, are you okay not wearing your veil hat?"

Yang Su hearing that reached up and hold a few strands of hair resting on his shoulders.

"I don't have to anymore."

After saying that, Yang Su's pale red hair began to change to a black color from the roots. This included his eyebrows and eyelashes which were faintly red.

This change had obviously caught the attention of the disciples in the surroundings, and they couldn't help but stare gobsmacked at him.

Mu Fan seeing this turned to Jun and asked.

"Bastard Jun, aren't you going to do the same?"

Mu Fan pulled on Jun's hair which was a similar color as the snow in the surroundings.

"If I were to close my eyes and bury you in this snow from the neck down, would I even be able to find you after I open them?"

Jun having his hair tugged glared at Mu Fan.

"I'm not like elder brother, I don't have the ability to change my hair color so it stays. Let go."


Mu Fan clicked his tongue and stopped messing with Jun's hair. He then turned to look at the group. He especially took note of Tai's golden mane, Lihua's faint blue hair, and Fei Yin's hair with green highlights.

"How annoying."

As Mu Fan muttered his annoyance, the hoard of disciples from the ship made their way through the ice gate open for them and entered the city.

The disciples' faces beamed with curiosity as they wonder how a city on the Star Bound Continent would look compared to their own. However, the sight they got after passing the gate was not the view of buildings, but rather numerous pairs of eyes from youths around their age.

"Huh? Who are these idiots?"

"Judging from their clothes I recognize them to be from the Maple Continent. But why do some of them look like they've been injured?"

"Hey! Take a look at their ship! It's completely destroyed!"

"What?! It's actually destroyed, were they too poor to afford a better ship to cross the Ocean?"

"But don't they have a Mercenary Guild branch on their Continent? They're our Continent's rivals as well so I find it hard to believe they couldn't afford a decent ship."

"Ha! They don't look like much, maybe these are the bottom feeders of the Maple Continent! The stronger disciples are probably coming much later!"

Comments like these bombard the unexpected disciples from the Maple Continent. They hadn't anticipated facing this much scrutiny after just entering the city.

Some felt embarrassed by their comments, while others felt slighted. What bottom feeders?

Though some also gave them cursory glances before continuing into the city.

"Ho? Ignoring us huh? Some of these outsiders are quite full of themselves. Should I challenge a few of them in the arena?"

"Isn't that obvious? I want to see why we've historically been on the losing end when our Continents go to war. I refuse to believe they're more of a genius than I am!"

Facing the battle intent of so many people, most of the disciples had beads of sweat trickle down their backs. Though there were some that started glaring back with an equal amount of battle intent.

"Huh? Wait, don't you guys realize something? There aren't any elders with them. Did they travel alone?"

As soon as a youth said that, the others began to realize their rivals actually came here without protection.

"Wow, are they doing some kind of training? Did they cross the Ocean by themselves?"

"I have to admit that takes guts."

"Yeah, no wonder so many of them are injured!"

Soon the youths from the Star Bound Continent began looking at the Maple Continent's youths with a bit of admiration. Some even nodded their heads in approval.

The disciples from the Maple Continent who were on edge immediately had awkward expressions appear on their faces.

Seeing the looks of praise on the Star Bound Continent youth's faces, dumbfoundment couldn't begin to describe what they were feeling.

What were these maroons thinking? Did they really believe they would choose not to have protection while crossing the Ocean?

The disciples from the Maple Continent in response to these looks of praise glared back with hatred. The youths from the Star Bound Continent seeing their hostility were utterly taken aback.

What were these people's reactions? We praise them but they instead get angry? Are they stupid or something?

Suddenly, the two groups of disciples from the two different Continents' first impression of each other was that the other were complete idiots.

Yang Su and others walked among the disciples and soon reach an area where the disciples dispersed in groups.

But unbeknownst to them, three sets of eyes from three different parties were watching them from afar.

At this moment, Yuwei and those from the Divine Star Academy came up to them. Smiling she said.

"This is where we part, hopefully, you aren't blamed for the incident anymore. If anyone should be blamed it's that Sea King for attacking us."

"Sister Yuwei, we much appreciate your help."

Fei Yin said on behalf of everyone.

"No need to thank me. As disciples of the Celestial Academy, you are a part of the Academy Alliance, it is only natural for me to help fellow alliance members."

There was another reason why she helped them, but Yuwei did not mention it.

"Alright, I will take my leave now."

"Actually sister Yuwei, why don't you and your group come with us?"

Jun suddenly spoke up.

Hearing this Yuwei paused.

"We've prepared ahead of time and reserved an inn, we can also prepare clothes for everyone."

Lihua added.

Yuwei hearing this was first shocked. She was going to ask how they were able to reserve an inn in advance, but she scrapped that idea and instead said.

"Okay, I'll take you up on that offer."

The disciples behind her became rather excited. They heard from elder Hong that it wasn't beneficially for them to cultivate in the open. The inns in cities like this were built with special runes that could only them to cultivate without the fear of their dantians freezing.

But he also said such inns would be packed, especially because of the influx of people in this city. However, to think they would be lucky to get this opportunity.

The Chosen Tournament was three days away, it was best if they use this time sparingly to do some last-minute cultivation. Anything at this point could be the deciding factor if they could enter the Hidden Fragmented Realm or not.

Even though their chances of entering the top one hundred to gain a chance to enter were slim to none, they couldn't just come all this way to give up and not try.

"Okay then, let's go!"

Jun said with a smile.

However, before they could get far into their walk, Yuwei asked.

"Will the inn be big enough to hold this many of us?"

Lihua turned and doing a rough count she estimated there were about thirty of them. These weren't all the disciples from the Divine Star Academy, just the Chosen Disciples of this generation selected to participate in the tournament.

Lihua nodded and said.

"It'll be able to hold."

"Ah, even with us as well?"

A voice suddenly said and everyone turned to see Fuangu and Mao Wen with their own groups approaching them; albeit it wasn't all of them. Around the same number as Yuwei's group.

As Fuangu said that he wore an embarrassed expression. Moa Wen also wore the same embarrassed expression.

The reason for this was that they met a big problem. As their religion states, it's customary to remain shoeless at all times as a sign of faith. But who would have known they would be in this snow?

They had to cover their feet using Internal Qi to endure the cold Yin energy seeping into their feet. As for the other members, of course, the Celestial Academy had reserved a building in the city, but with the number of disciples that came, it might not be big enough to hold everyone.

Fuangu and Moa Wen felt bad about leaving the other members to go with Yang Su and the others, but there was no helping it!

To answer Fuangu's question, Lihua nodded and said.

"You guys can come as well."

Fuangu and Moa Wen beamed with joy before everyone followed Lihua's lead deeper into the city.

After taking several turns and walking for a few minutes, the group came upon a rather large-looking inn.

Seeing this, Mao Wen didn't have the same reserved nature as Yuwei and he couldn't help but blurt out.

"H-How were you guys able to reserve such a big Inn?! Did you travel here in advance and paid out the entire place for several months?"

The group hearing that had forced smiles. Jun who scratch his cheek said.

"Haha, something like that."

He technically wasn't lying. They had sent members of their factions to the Star Bound Continent when they concluded Li Shen might not be on the Maple Continent.josei

The specific order they gave was to secure a base of operation, then search for Li Shen in secret while gathering general information that might be useful.

But asides from receiving broken information at certain intervals over the months, they weren't in contact with them much. This was something they did not take into account; how difficult it would be to send information from continent to continent.

However, one month after they were secluded to leave for the Star Bound Continent, they completely lost contact with them.

Lihua's team was the ones in charge of setting up a base here, and even as she sent messages to them she wasn't receiving anything.

She was busy telling this to the others on the walk here. Only when they reached the Inn they got an inkling as to why that was the case.

"This place can certainly fit us all, but who are those guards? Are they with you?"

Mao Wen suddenly asked while pointing at the two stern-faced men at the entrance of the Inn.

Before the others could respond, one of the guards saw Mao Wen pointing and immediately barked.

"Scram! This inn is reserved for Young Master Sol!!"

Hearing this, Yang Su and the others frowned.

"Huh? Who fuck is Young Master Sol? We don't remember allowing someone like that into our inn! Fuck! Does he want me to lop off his head?!"

Mu Fan immediately knew what this situation was and he began cursing; completely pissed off.

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