The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 437 434- Soul Nourishing Pill (3)

Chapter 437 434- Soul Nourishing Pill (3)

"I don't really get it, doesn't the Hidden Fragmented prevent those in the Nascent Realm and above from entering? Why is there a separate competition for the Mid Generation when most of them have reached the Nascent Soul Realm already?"

Jun asked while turning to Lu Shin. In response Lu Shin said.

"Isn't it obvious? The various powers are sending an elder-level existence like my brother inside the Hidden Fragmented Realm so their group can have enough strength to fight for treasures inside as well as to protect their members. After all, those who would enter the Hidden Fragmented Realm are their most promising members."

"I already figured that, that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking how are they going to enter the Hidden Fragmented Realm when they've already reached the Nascent Realm?"

Lu Shin scratched his chin before saying.

"I heard my father saying the Water Bound and Fire Bound Continent has a way to bypass the Hidden Fragmented Realm's broken laws after they suppressed their cultivations. They are also willing to provide this method to powers like us. However, he also mentioned that this was risky for my brother's group since they would need to keep their cultivation suppressed once inside, it's unlike people who upon entering the Hidden Fragmented Realm can break into the Nascent Realm. I think it has to do with the laws inside, once you break into the Nascent Realm inside then the laws would recognize you or something so you can safely use your full cultivation in there."

Hearing this Fang Chen quipped.

"It probably has something to do nature of the Hidden Fragmented Realm and its origins. But there is no way to know for sure."

Lihua shot Fang Chen a glare when she heard him. After what happened on the ship she was now becoming suspicious of everything Fang Chen said, he and Jun were still hiding things from the group.

Jun, Yang Su, and the others along with Lu Shin, Lu Yue, Fuangu, Mao Wen, and Yuwei were inside a booth overlooking the auction below.

They weren't in the original venue for Mercenary Auction House, a separate Pavilion was created in anticipation of the upheaval they knew would happen because of the Soul Nourishing Pill they announced.

In this large pavilion, numerous young men and women from renowned families and Sects could be seen on the second floor upwards. Those on the very ground floor were people of a lower status.

But even among these renowned young masters and young ladies, there was a visible hierarchy of power. From the second floor and to the top floor, the fourth floor, there were booths filled with people like Lu Shin and Lu Yue who were the sons and daughters of the Continents' top powers.

Jun and the others were all in a booth on the third floor. As for the fourth floor, for some reason, it was completely void of people.

Even so, the numbers in the auction house were in the tens of thousands. And it was slowly being more packed as the Auction was a few minutes from starting.

At one of the many entrances of the pavilion, Dai Hee could be seen entering with the crowd. Before he could even pull back his black cloak's hood from his head he heard his name being yelled out from the third floor.

"Brother Dai!"

After lowering his hood Dai Hee looked up to see Jun waving his hand above his head towards him.

Dai Hee smiled bitterly and thought to himself.

'I guess it's no use trying to hide at this point.'

Dai Hee's figure became light and he slowly floated up in the air and headed for the third floor. Ever since he confronted Anang yesterday, he felt that something had changed about him. The strange things that used to seem strange to him no longer feel as such, but instead they felt quite familiar.

As Dai Hee floated up to the third floor, quite a few people's gazes from the ground floor could be seen directed towards him. After all, Dai Hee was the Masked Prophet.

He had made a name for himself as the Mask Prophet. Especially since during one of his battle in the arena, he had defeated a Top Chosen Disciple from the Shifting Cloud Sect; the only other Sect that was on par with the Solitary Sword Sect that was said to have the potential to become another Holy Land like the Profound Sword Sect, the High Mountain Sect, and the Heavenly Pillar Sect.

As of now, Dai Hee was positioned 13th on the Chosen Rankings so he was considered to be one of those hidden geniuse that appeared and shot up the rankings. Of course rumors were starting to circulate about which power he was from, and news of his past began to spread.

Though the narrative was that the Sol Clan was hiding another sword genius like Sol Anang, and only decided to show him now that the Chosen Tournament is being held. Some even began speculating that Dai Hee's talents were greater than Sol Anang's.

Some disciples on the ground level were discussing those rumors.

Meanwhile, on the third floor in the opposite direction of Jun and the others, Anang was silently watching Dai Hee as he made his way to the booth.

He heard the chattering of the disciples below and he released a derisive snort. This snort rattled these disciples' ears and caused them to become silent. Though they continued soon after in a lower tone to Anang's annoyance.

Ignoring them, Anang gritted his teeth and looked at Dai Hee.

"Just you wait you fucker, after this auction I'm going to skin you alive. You and that other fucker who dared humiliate me."

As Anang practically growled out those words under his breath, his gaze involuntarily trailed Dai Hee's destination and he happened to see Yang Su and the others in the booth. He froze for a brief moment before his hand clenched his chair's armrest causing it to crack.

"So you two know each other, good, good, I'll be able to deal with the both of you at onc-"

Anang wasn't able to finish his sentence because his gaze landed on Lu Shin with Yang Su and the others. His heart immediately let out a small thump.josei

'W-What is that bastard doing there? Does he know that fucker from the Inn? And why is Dai Hee heading over there, does he have a connection to that sis-con? Damn it, just what is this situation?'

To Anang, Lu Shin was the like the grim reaper himself. He was like that for many of the geniuses on the Star Bound Continent, after all, he and most genius people who had once been after Lu Yue.

However, they and Anang had to give up since Lu Shin wouldn't stop targeting them. The beatings they receive from Lu Shin actually cause all thoughts they had of Lu Yue to disappear completely.

But that didn't mean Anang or these youths feared Lu Shin. In fact, it was quite the opposite, they would do anything for a chance to give back even 10% of the beatings they receive from him.

Anang's heart soon turned cold.

'So what if he knows that sis-con? After I get my hands on this Soul Nourishing pill I might be able to fully develop my Sword Domain. When that happens I'll destroy all three of them, even becoming the number one on all four continents isn't impossible for me. Just you wait.'

After those final thoughts, Anang looked away and to the large stage in the center of the pavilion. He had never been this focused in his life, he had to get his hands on that Soul Nourishing pill. Even if he had to kill whoever obtains it from this auction and steal it from lifeless corpse.

Though, Anang wasn't the only one who was watching Dai Hee.

On the ground floor, Long Feng was seen in his disguise as a random disciple. He was looking between Yang Su and the others and Dai Hee with a thoughtful look on his face. He then narrowed his eyes with complete suspicion.

However, Long Feng suddenly turned around and slapped Lan Yu Ze over his head. Lan Yu Ze released a whimper and tried to cover his head as Long Feng's heavy hits bombard him.

The people around them all flinched back and were frightened by Long Feng's sudden viciousness. However, to Lan Yu Ze this was a normal occurrence since yesterday. At random points of the day, Long Feng would just start mercilessly slapping him over the head.

Long Feng's reasoning was that it was the only way he would gain sense; if it was slapped into him.

Soon enough Lan Yu Ze couldn't take the slaps anymore and crooked out.

"Pl-Please Young Master Feng, I-I didn't know the pill was that valuable, I just thought I could sell one for a few spirit stones so I can cultivate normally in this place. I-I really didn't know!"

However, Lan Yu Ze's pleas fell on deaf ears. In fact, Long Feng upon hearing him had his face contorted into a more vicious look before increasing the strength of his slaps.

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