The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 440 437- Auction (1)

Chapter 440 437- Auction (1)

"There isn't much to tell. My Clan hasn't been in contact with them and I assume it's the same for your continent. However, a few stories and rumors had managed to make their way over to us since we're closer to them in the east and west than you guys who are closer to the barrier in the north."

After saying this Lu Shin paused and then asked.

"You guys do know about the barrier right? You're supposed to know since it isn't a secret among the top powers that we're trapped in this sub-region."

Lihua hearing this responded.

"We've come across information about the Heavenly Traversing Bridge but not everything."

Lu Shin nodded then said.

"Anyway, on the Fire Empire side, we've heard that they are a Monarchy, like the Li Clan."

Lu Shin happened to glance at Dai Hee as he said that. But poor Dai Hee who was focused on the Auction saw this and wondered why he glanced at him. It's not like he knew what they were talking about, might as well be gibberish to him.

Seeing Dai Hee's confused look, Lu Shin opted to ignore him and continue his explanation.

"Though they rule the continent as a Monarchy like the Li Clan, there is an absence of powers like the Maple Continent's Seven Major Clans. The Fire Empire forbade any other powers from developing and would wipe out any that disobey them. They are more like tyrants than anything else who monopolize the Continent's resources for themselves. We don't know their exact strength but they might have someone that surpasses the Soul Transformation Realm."


Jun said surprised, and the others were similarly shocked.

"Hm, our two continents might have produced cultivators that surpass the Soul Transformation Realm, but all of them left. Who knows maybe there are some that stick around, but with the Fire Empire having a cultivator like that who is very much active, our Continents simply can not compare to them in strength."

"I'm assuming the Water Empire is the same, they have an existence that surpasses the Soul Transformation Realm?"

Lu Shin nodded.

"Do you see that arrogant fellow name Gu Jin? He's the son of the current Monarch of the Fire Empire and grandson to that existence that surpasses the Soul Transformation Realm, Monarch Gu. To say he's a big deal on the Fire Bound Continent doesn't fully explain the authority he wields over there. As the future Monarch, he might as well be a god to the Fire Bound Continent citizens. He also has the talent to back up his arrogance; with his affinity for the Fire Element being greater than any other past successor in his… family."

Lu Shin hesitated upon saying those last few words. Jun saw this and commented.

"Brother Shin, most of us here know about the Ancient Clans, and those who don't can be trusted."

Lu Shin turned to see Yuwei nodding, but Fuangu and Mao Wen wearing confused expressions. But quick on the uptake, they nodded as well.

"I guess being that bastard's friends he'll tell you these secrets. Then I won't hold back anymore. It's known that the ruling family of the Fire Empire has the Fire God Ancient bloodline while the Water Empire has the Water God Ancient bloodline. Like Gu Jin, that girl name Mai Rong is the daughter of the current Empress as well as the disciple and granddaughter of the Water Empire's existence that surpasses the Soul Transformation Realm. She's also similarly talented and both had been at odds with each other since they were young. Their continents as well, since fire and water naturally conflict with each other."

"What's the Water Empire like? Are the they same as the Fire Empire?"

Li Wen was the one to ask this.

Lu Shin shook his head and then explained.

"They are quite different, but at the same time not so much."

Seeing everyone's confused expression, Lu Shin explained further.

"You see, the Water Empire portray themselves as peaceful rulers, but in reality, they are as much of a tyrant as the Fire Empire, the only difference is that they do so in the shadows. They do allow powers to develop on their Continent and they do share their resources with those powers, but in return, the leaders of those powers have to marry someone from the Water Empire, preferably a female. From then on the Water Empire slowly manipulates them from the shadows. There are even rumors that mention the women married into those powers cultivate a technique that allows them to control the gender of their offspring. And they would always produce daughters that go on to become Matriarchs of that power and loyal to the throne. You could say the men over there are no different from a cow or sheep."

As everyone listened to Lu Shin's explanation, they couldn't help but think these Continents were quite different from their own.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We want to welcome everyone to this Auction!!"

Suddenly, an old man said appearing on the main stage.

"It is a rare occurrence to have all of the outstanding geniuses from our four Continents gathered in one place. Even those from the Water Bound and Fire Bound Continents have gathered here today, our Mercenary Association welcomes everyone!"

As the old man said this rather loudly he cupped his fist and bowed to everyone in the pavilion.

"Now with that said, why don't we start the auction? I'm sure everyone is anticipating the main bidding item, but we do have other items that don't lose out in value to it."

Everyone's curiosity was piqued upon hearing that. Could there be other items as valuable as the Soul Nourishing Pill which has 95% of its medicinal effects?

The old man upon seeing he had managed to pique everyone's interest released a small smile.

"Our first item is something that everyone should recognize!"

As the old man said that two people came out from the back of the pavilion while carrying a glass case. Inside this glass case was a cape with a fur hood. Its outer design was a stylish silver color embroidered with golden patterns, while the inside was the opposite color scheme and design.

It was a well-crafted coat simply looking at its design.

As the two people placed down the glass case and left, the old man address the crowd.

"This cape is obviously similar to the ones most of you are wearing now; made from Fiery Silk and keeps the extreme Yin Energy on the Continent at bay. However, this cape is a bit more special. Not only is it made from Fiery Silk, but several high-grade runes have been inscribed on it that allow the wearer to cultivate normally even in the Absolute Zero Domain of our continent. Think of it as the Inns you currently stay in but can carry around with you."

After finishing his explanation, the old man carefully took out the cape for a demonstration.

Everyone saw the golden embroideries on the outside and the silver embroideries on the inside of the cape lit up. Immediately, all those who stayed in an Inn in this city could tell the runes on this cape were several times stronger than on those Inns.

With a cape like this even if they weren't in an Inn they could cultivate normally. Everyone currently had to rely on Spirit Stones to cultivate and replenish their Inner Qi, but with this cape, they could completely eliminate that need and save their Spirit Stones.

Safe to say this first item was already extremely useful for everyone here.

After the demonstration, the old man place back the cape inside the glass case and then turned to say.

"The bidding price will start at two million mid-grade Spirit Stones!"

"Five million mid-grade spirit stones!"

A shout came from the fourth floor as soon as the old man announced the bidding price. It came from Mai Rong herself.

Several people went to call out their bids, but Gu Jin suddenly yelled over them.

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