The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 460 457- Chosen Tournament (4)

Chapter 460 457- Chosen Tournament (4)

It was unlikely that something like body possession would occur in the cultivation world, just that people wouldn’t readily believe such a thing happened without hard evidence.

Though some people pointed out how Yang Su and the others had willingly helped Dai Hee despite never having contact with him before.

Also, news started to spread that Yang Su had once interrupted an arena match on the first day of his arrival to approach Dai Hee, who was then disguised as the Masked Prophet. People who were there remembered Yang Su calling Dai Hee master. josei

With this, some people were convinced of the rumor’s truth, while others weren’t. But one thing was for sure, Dai Hee was at the center of everyone’s attention for this rumor as well as for obtaining the Soul Nourishing pill and Nascent Formation pill.




Currently, numerous disciples were gathered at the large square of the city. The teleportation circle was finished built and the Chosen Tournament was only moments away from starting.

The numerous disciples continued to discuss the events of the last two days, but they would also cast eager glances towards the teleportation circle.

Tension was strung high for all these youths.

Inside the many pavilions near the square, other disciples occupied them due to not being able to fit inside the city square.

It was inside this pavilion Yang Su and the others at a table talking among themselves.

“Who was it that spread the rumor Dai Hee might be Faction Leader?”

Fei Yin asked with a frown.

“It was Xian. It has to be him.”

Jun who was seated next to him said that with an ugly expression.

“The chances are high since he’s the only one we know who discovered that Dai Hee was Young Master.”

Li Wen followed up in agreement.

Lihua could be heard releasing a sigh before she said.

“Since that pervert started this rumor, the Demonic Cult should be targeting Faction Leader.”

Everyone knew this was the case because a high bounty had been set on Li Shen, back when he was on the Maple Continent and had revealed his powerful Soul Power.

“But… is the Demonic Cult really the one who we should prioritize? There is that bastard Gu Jin and that scheming woman Mai Rong. Who knows what the booth of them are planning?”

“Mu Fan’s right.”

Chen Fang said with a serious expression.

“After the last carriers came, the numbers from the Fire Empire and Water Empire increased. We shouldn’t be surprised if we are targeted by them in the Chosen Tournament.”

“Speaking of Chosen Tournament…”

Tai in his human form suddenly interjected.

“How come we know nothing about the Chosen Tournament itself? We only know we will be teleported to the location it will be held, but not how the top one hundred will be chosen.”

“That’s on purpose…”

Lu Shin was heard saying as he approached their table. Next to him was Lu Yue, and behind them were disciples from the Profound Sword Sect.

The Profound Sword Sect disciples shot glances at the group as they approached, especially at Yang Su.

With his strength being known to everyone, they and everyone were starting to wonder just who was the strongest genius in this generation.

The four contenders at this point were Gu Jin, Mai Rong, Lu Yue, and Yang Su.

Obviously, these Profound Sword Sect disciples would say it was their Young Master Lu Shin, but they couldn’t help but want to see a battle between him and the others.

Jun seeing Lu Yue stood up and said.

“Sister Lu Yue, you’re entering the Tournament as well?”

A worried look could be seen on his face.

Lu Yue approached and with a rare smile rather than her usually cold expression she said.

“Since you’ve helped stabilize the Yin and Yang energies in my body, I’ve decided to enter the Tournament. But brother Jun need not worry, I can take care of myself.”

Lu Shin who was next to his sister was seen frowning. Anyone could he did not approve of her coming, but he could not find an excuse for her not to.

For the first time in a long while, he got to see his sister look so healthy. She was always sickly pale and was so fragile that it looked like she could topple over by a mere breeze.

And besides her health recovering somewhat, she didn't need Lu Shin fighting her battles. Not many people know this since Lu Yue had never fought in public, but she was more talented than him.

Lu Shin didn’t know how much of her strength Lu Yue could use, but at her peak, she wouldn’t be any weaker than himself.

“Brother Shin, what do you mean by your words.”

Fei Yin was head asking.

As everyone turned to Lu Shin, he said.

“You’ll know when you come outside, my father is about to announce the rules of the Tournament, or rather lack thereof.”

Everyone showed questioning looks as they made their way outside of the pavilion. They had to fly into the air along with other disciples because there of a lack of ground space for them to stand.

Upon seeing the number of disciples gathered here, a few people were starting to realize something other than not knowing the rules of the Chosen Tournament.

Out of the thousand upon thousands of people here, how could only the top one hundred be allowed access to the Hidden Fragmented Realm?

Wasn't that too little?

Are hundreds of thousands of people supposed to fight for only one hundred spots? That didn’t sound like the Tournament was going to be peaceful.

As discussion of this began to spread across the venue, a voice was heard saying.


It wasn’t a shout, but a sound wave spread through the entire square causing ripples in the void. This effectively caused everyone to quiet down and looked towards the owner of the voice.

Floating above the large teleportation circle was a man in his late thirties. He wore golden robes fit for an Emperor and while no aura emanated from him, his presence still gave these disciples a feeling as if they were looking at Deity.

This man was the Head of the Lu Clan and the current Patriarch of the Profound Sword Sect, Lu Gongzhou

After sweeping his gaze across the disciples in the air and on the ground, Lu Gongzhou said.

“All of you are wondering what the rules of the Tournament are, but I am as clueless as you lot.”


Immediately as Gongzhou said this, a commotion erupted from the disciples. They were further skeptical of this situation.


Gongzhou quieted the crowd once more before saying.

“In spite of what everyone thinks, this Tournament was originally organized by the Fire Empire. The rules of the Tournament and everything else were decided by them. You will know of the Tournament Rules after taking this teleportation circle to the location it’s being held. As for where this teleportation circle will lead to, that I also do not know.”

As Gongzhou continue to speak, soft chatter began echoing among the disciples.

They couldn’t understand what was going on. Why was the Fire Empire the one controlling the Tournament to this extent?

As this question arose, so did the answer.

They were the only ones who knew how to open the missing Hidden Fragmented Realm.

Now their control all made sense.

However, as the disciples were discussing this sudden reveal with worried expressions, Yang Su was looking around the crowd, hoping to spot Dai Hee.

Though even after looking for a while he didn’t see him.

“Now everyone, get into batches and you’ll be transported to the Tournament’s location!”

Gongzhou yelled, signaling the Chosen Tournament was about to get underway.

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