The Founder of the Great Financial Family

Chapter 141 (2)

Chapter 141 (2)

Everyone looked at the believer who said that.

"You mean they paid for everything, including that?"

"That's right. There's a rumor that they paid for everything, from the ceiling mural to the expansion costs."

"They must have a ridiculous amount of money. I thought the church's expansion costs would be covered by the church's finances."

"Where does the church get the money?"

"Still, the Lyon Diocese should have some money."

"More importantly, the Lyon Guild has become too powerful since they merged with the Black Label Union. Now, we see those Goblin Dollars more often than Dalant."

A believer took out a Goblin Dollar he had.

"Are you talking about this?"

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. That's money these days."

"But is there no problem with those Goblin Dollars? I'm using them without much thought, but it feels a bit off."

"Even if there's a problem, what can we do? The Bancos exchange it for Dalant when we go to them."

"That's true."

"Still, there are quite a few people who insist on using only Dalant."

"Are there people like that?"

"Yes, I guess so."

"No, why would they use Dalant when Goblin Dollars are so convenient? It's inconvenient."

As everyone's attention focused, he explained the reason.

"I don't know much about it, but maybe they don't trust the moneylenders?"

Distrust of the guild or moneylenders.

Some could sympathize with that.

"Actually, I think so too. The Goblin Dollars weren't officially recognized by the royal family, and in the end, they're just IOUs issued by a guild, right? This isn't money, strictly speaking. Real money is Dalant."

"But since many places accept it, it's convenient when using it. It's also easy to carry around because it's paper."

"That's true, but Goblin Dollars aren't perfect yet. People who don't trust the guild insist on using only Dalant until the end. You know, some shop owners only accept Dalant. They're completely disgusted by Goblin Dollars."

"Oh, there are a few places like that. They only ask for Dalant."

"Come to think of it, some of those people even tell others not to use Goblin Dollars at all. They say the guild could print an infinite amount if they wanted to."


Someone was surprised by that statement and asked.

"Is that even possible?"

"Honestly, who knows? If the guild decides to print it, who would know except for the guild master and members?"

"Well, if everyone who uses Goblin Dollars went to exchange them for gold coins, it would be a problem right away. Would the guild really do something that stupid? I don't think so."

"I feel the same way. The guild must have thought it through."

"Right, the guild must have its own thoughts as well. It's been growing in size and gaining trust lately. In the past, it would have been difficult to choose Goblin Dollars from the Lyon Guild due to the existence of the Black Label Union, but now there's nothing like that."

"Right, that's true."

The worshippers who had been excitedly chatting about the ceiling mural and Goblin Dollars left.

Shortly after, Rockefeller, who had been summoned by Bishop Verkis, arrived at the Lyon Cathedral.

Before meeting with Bishop Verkis.

Rockefeller looked up at the large mural painted on the ceiling.

He was able to find his own figure drawn closest to Saint John in the mural.josei

'Excellent. Not only the painting, but also the position it's drawn in is art.'

It was significant that he, who should have fallen into hell, was drawn closest to the divine.

As Rockefeller nodded his head in satisfaction.

Someone came to see him.

It was Bishop Verkis who had called him.

"You've arrived."

Bishop Verkis did not come alone.

He appeared with Rockefeller's younger brother and his own secretary, Leo Rothsmedici.

"Bishop, did you call? Leo is here too."

Now that his youthful appearance had mostly faded, Leo stood firmly by Bishop Verkis's side as a dignified priest.

Upon being summoned by the bishop, Leo respectfully greeted Rockefeller.

"Rockefeller hyung, you've arrived?"

"Yes, are you doing well?"

"Yes, thanks to the care of you and the bishop, I'm doing well without any difficulties."

"Haha! Leo, don't worry. I'm closely monitoring you. Since I'm always looking after you, no one can say anything."

"Thank you, Bishop."

Rockefeller asked him why he had called.

"By the way, why did you suddenly call? Is there a reason?"

"I have something important to discuss with you, so I called you like this. Let's move to another seat first."


So the two moved to a separate seat.

Facing each other, Bishop Verkis began speaking.

"Thanks to you, my position within the church is rising very quickly. I've heard some stories, but to think of such an idea. Archbishop Colman, who used to be so arrogant, came to me and asked for help."

"Haha, did that happen?"

"You did that, didn't you? You said you'd raise the interest if he supports me."

"Yes, I thought it would be good for you, Bishop, so I did that."

At that, Bishop Verkis showed a satisfied smile.

"I didn't expect you to go this far for me."

"No, if you do well, Bishop, I'll do well too, won't I?"

"Um... That's true. This time, I've been called to the Papal Court. It seems the Pope needs me. Whether it's because of the vacant position of the Papal Secretary or because of the increased church funds recently, I don't know. I'll find out when I go."

"I see."

"If, by any chance, it's about the church funds. Then I'll need your help. Surely the expansion of the Lyon Cathedral must have stimulated him. Maybe he wants to go back to the old ways."

"If His Holiness asks for something, you should ask for something appropriate in return. Maybe you could take that vacant position of Papal Secretary?"

At Rockefeller's suggestion, Bishop Verkis, who had already thought about it, began to nod.

"I've thought about that too. However, I need power to do that."

At that, Rockefeller just smiled.

"What are you worried about when you have enough money? Go and get what you want. And if you need anything, feel free to ask me."

The following words were the reason why Bishop Verkis couldn't help but like him.

"Do I have anything more than money?"

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