The Founder of the Great Financial Family

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

As the head of the family, and the eldest sibling, Rockefeller, who had left admirable teachings behind for his younger siblings yesterday, gathered them all at dawn the next day. 

The third child, Joshua, who appeared rubbing his eyes, spit out some resentful words to Rockefeller who had called them before the sun had even properly risen. 

“What is it so early in the morning? I’m sleepy…” he mumbled, josei

The fourth child, Leo, appeared holding the hand of the youngest, Lucia, also yawned, rubbing his eyes. 

For young children who needed a lot of sleep, it was a very early start to the day. Still, for Rockefeller, who had to figure out a means for them to keep surviving as someone who had accepted his role as the family’s leader, his siblings’ whining didn’t even enter his ears.

So just as he was about to say something strict as the eldest brother, the second of his siblings, who had been the fastest to move this morning, began to raise his voice towards the younger siblings who were dissatisfied. 

“If the eldest brother asked you to get together, you have to get together quickly! Why are you so sluggish? Will you guys keep acting like this?!”

Andrew remembered clearly what Rockefeller had said yesterday. After he had established the premise of brothers having to stick together, their eldest brother said that they would have to move towards making money from today. 

“Rockefeller-hyung, from now on, we’re going to go and make money, right?” 

Despite being young, Andrew understood that what they needed the most right now was money, so Rockefeller looked at his sparkling eyes and answered his expectations with a slight nod. 

“Really? Are we going to make money?” 

Joshua quickly woke up when he heard that they would be making money. 

Rockefeller looked at his two brothers, who had suddenly become full of will and said, 

“Yes, do you remember what hyung said yesterday? Let’s find some way to make money, starting today. It’s only by making money that we can live,” 

Joshua cheered, and Andrew’s expression brightened. But while he was okay for a moment, with an anxious voice, Joshua spoke, 

“But how do you make money? It’s not like making money is easy,” 

Andrew turned to him and answered with a snap,

“Idiot! Who doesn’t know that! That’s why we need to find a way now!” 

Joshua became careful of Andrew’s reaction and searched for Rockefeller’s gaze with his eyes again, 

“Did you not have something in mind?” 

At their age, suddenly being told to make money would leave them lost – it was daunting after all. 

It wasn’t like there was a job they had done previously, and they couldn’t take up the Lord’s offer, so if Rockefeller hadn’t had these thoughts from yesterday to guide him, he would have felt just like his younger siblings. 

Instead, he said, 

“I have something in mind, but I’m not certain about it. Even so, I want to try it. What do you think? Do you want to follow me?” 

None of the siblings refused his suggestion. Instead, they excitedly obeyed Rockefeller’s instructions without a word of protest, and soon, they left their home, bringing even the youngest sister along. 

Early dawn. 

Villagers who had slept through the night, including Bikip, who worked as a beekeeper in the village, came out early to begin their routine.

Bikip was puzzled when Hans’ kids spilt out of their house at dawn from next door. They weren’t empty-handed either. Each brought out various tools like they were going out with a purpose. 

“Where are you guys going at such an early hour?” He asked, Bikip too, was a commoner like them, with the surname, Honeywax. 

The eldest, Rockefeller, remained silent at his question, but the brightly smiling third child replied with a shout, 

“We’re going to make money!” 

They were children who had lost their father and held a funeral just yesterday. Now those children claimed they were suddenly going to earn money from early in the morning left nothing but concern and questions in Bikip’s mind. 

‘You guys are going to make money? Through what means?’

“How are you going to make money?” was the question he asked out loud, 

It was the second son who answered his question as he passed by,

“That’s what we’re going to find! We haven’t decided how to earn yet.” 


It wasn’t like Bikip could stop the kids next door from going out to make money. Unless he could help them directly, there was nothing he could do. 

However, he was a little worried to see the children next door; not a single one of them is of age, moving around trying to earn money from early in the morning. 

‘I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about…right?’ 

“Be careful! In the next village over, a man called Hobbs was done in by an orc the day before yesterday. Don’t go too far from the village, and if anything happens, drop everything and run back to the village as fast as you can since there are Seers in the village. Do you understand?” 

Seeing his voice full of worry, the second and third child responded vigorously, 

“Yeah! Don’t worry. We’ll be careful!” 

“Don’t worry, if we even see the shadow of an orc, we’ll make a run for it!” 

Even after hearing the children’s confident answers, Bikip still felt somewhat reluctant to let them go. However, there was nothing he could do for them right now, so he decided not to get too involved in their business. 

Since once they got tired, they would eventually come back home. Children were like that after all. 

Some time after speaking to Bikip, Rockefeller spoke, 

“You guys made a mistake earlier,” 

It was only after they had moved some distance away from the village that he began to point out his brother’s mistakes, 

“You shouldn’t go around telling people that we are going to out to make money,” 

At this, Joshua asked, 

“Why? Is it bad that we’re going out to make money?” 

Perhaps because he sympathised with Joshua’s thoughts, Andrew muttered under his breath, 

“It’s not like we’re stealing it or anything….”

Rockefeller didn’t get impatient and instead calmly explained, 

“You guys are thinking of the world too simply. What will happen if we make money? Would other people close their eyes and move on as if it had nothing to do with them? No. They’ll be wondering where we made money and start questioning whether it could be an issue or not. That’s just how the world is,” 

Joshua still had an expression as though he didn’t understand,

“But why? If it’s money we made through our efforts, I don’t get what it has to do with anyone else,” 

Andrew looked up to Rockefeller and with the same expression as Joshua, so Rockefeller tried to explain it a little more for his younger siblings, 

“Everything we earn here, in the Montefeltro estate is, in principle, not ours. Even if it’s a result of our effort, in the end, it will end up belonging to the Lord. That means the money we earn on this land can’t entirely be ours,” 

Only then did the second and third children’s faces change. It was an expression that showed that they hadn’t even considered such things. 

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