The Gamer's System

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: An Untimely Encounter

"This is bad." Zeke thought to himself, seeing how the projectile was able to pierce through a barrier which even the flames of [Chaos Dragons] cannot destroy. This same projectile traveled so fast that, before he even knew it, Zeke had no choice but to defend against it.

With the [Gamer's Mind], Zeke was able to prepare for it even though in real time only a second has passed. He activated three defense prioritizing skills. Then, he summoned multiple [Conjures] which he hopped would be enough to cushion the attack. Then, he took out a shield from his inventory but, this came too late as, the projectile came faster than expected.

It pierced through all his [Conjures] effortlessly which was expected because of the first feat achieved by this attack. Zeke then had no choice but to grab on to it and, upon doing so, he confirmed that it was an arrow.

But this knowledge didn't help him in the situation. The projectile was still strong and, dragged the gamer to the edge of the barrier. Not only this, Zeke also noticed how, two more of these were about to hit him. They weren't even through the barrier yet but, Zeke could recognize it clearly as he was already holding on to one of them.

"I might've angered someone dangerous." He said, activating [Shadow Dive] which allowed him to get off the trajectory. He soon saw how two more holes were made through barrier and, on where he was a second ago, the arrows devastated the area completely, suddenly exploding with a spiraling rage of wind as they reached the edge of the barrier.

There aren't a lot of things that could surprise the gamer. In fact, the was so prepared that it would only be Glade's tricks that could catch him off guard. And yet, there he was, amazed at how there was a creature who could continually pierce through the barrier.

He then felt more of these come and, this confirmed his suspicion. Whoever it is that is attacking him, that person can casually fire arrows of this caliber without any problem. The gamer dodged them again but, this time, the arrow followed him, changing trajectory sharply which even Zeke would never expect from an arrow.

He barely managed to dodge it by twisting his body to the side but, more arrows like these came after. This proved to be really problematic as, Zeke hasn't adjusted to the first arrow yet. And at that moment he had at least ten more going for him with the same speed.

"Fine, let's do this." Zeke said to himself irritated by the relentless pursuit.

The gamer held on to one which immediately dragged him again. But, Zeke utilized this opportunity to quickly make a combination before the arrow could explode on his hand.

Zeke used [Flash Freeze] to turn the ground around him and everything nearby into ice. He then continued, by using [Center of Gravity] which allowed the gamer to never be off balance. Adding to this skill is [Gravity Enforce] which made his body heavier than it is supposed to.

Because of the arrow he caught, Zeke continued spinning on and on. This was part of his plan of course and after a few swirls, he was able to get the amount of momentum needed. He disabled the explosion that came with the arrow and, held on tightly to the arrow. Then, Zeke proceeded to his counter attack.

He used the same skill owned by the javelin user of the Elites. Unknow to them, Zeke also had the skill within his arsenal but, unlike theirs, it is fully refined and evolved.

[Overdrive] Zeke said, coupling the this with a strengthening skill. Then, with both of these being activated, he threw the projectile back through one of the holes created. Even if Zeke had no idea where the enemy is actually located, the traces of mana told him the estimated coordinates of his enemy. And, this is what he used to aim.

On top of a mountain, a few kilometers away from the portal, the assailant stood in a firing stance. She saw the arrow coming back to her and, immediately fired another one to meet it head on.

"Child's play." She said, brushing off the strands of blonde hair that fell down from her continuous barrage of arrows.

She was sure that this would hit but, just before the collision came, something weird came up. Zeke switched with the projectile, leaving him in mid-air but, nevertheless getting a good sight of the enemy.

"Got you." Zeke said, smiling mischievously as he aimed [Death's Void].

The assailant was about to draw another arrow but, this was too late. With Zeke's [Overdrive] coupled by [Gamer]s Mind] he could move faster than the enemy's drawing speed. Hence, Zeke pulled the trigger which immediately brought the desired results.

A mass of darkness came through the mountains. It destroyed everything instantly without much resistance. Zeke watched this from a distance, seeing even the streaks of lighting that coated this attack. While this took place, Zeke was able to dodge the arrow which was supposed to collide with him by simply grabbing hold of it and, throwing the arrow someplace else. It might seme easy but, Zeke actually needed a reaction and movement time which surpassed 1 second in order to accomplish this and, the arrow could easily drag him if it took him any longer.

The gamer then used [Air Step] in order to safely come down from where he was. But things didn't end there and Zeke was sure of it. That's why, as soon as his feet touched the ground, he called out to his enemy.

"Whoever you are, I'm sure you're still alive." He said getting closer to the location a few seconds after his shot cleanly wiped the top of the mountain off the map.

He then proceeded to looking at the surrounding but, alas, there was nothing for him. Not a clue nor any evidence of what the enemy is. Well, that is, save for the intense amount of mana he felt from above.

Zeke looked up and saw a gigantic magical circle floating on the sky. This continued, turning in a clockwise direction until, the rain of arrows finally came down on him. He would've dodged but, the circle also covered the ground, leaving him trapped between a condensed area of assault.

Aside from this, something interrupted with his spell casting –, preventing him from teleporting anywhere out of range. And with this, the storm of arrows began.

Zeke wasn't any pushover to allow this to take him down. In fact, he could've easily dealt with the enemy after using [Blood King's Curse] once again. But, from the situation he was in, he also knew that there was also the probability of the enemy bringing reinforcements. And, topping all of this up was the fact that, the [Chaos Dragons] were just slumbering on the ground but were soon to wake up.josei

So this was the course of action taken by Zeke. He faked his own death, screaming enough to make the opponent think that he was actually dying and that he was caught off guard. While doing so, Zeke continually created tiny parts of his [Conjures] which blocked most of the arrows that would've otherwise hit him. This was the minimal amount of spell casting that he could perform.

Due to [Gamer's Mind] being active, Zeke could calmly think about what was happening while also doing his best to live through the attack. He figured that, there was probably a way for the enemy to detect his mana output, hence the reason why he chose to only summon bits of his [Conjures] which used only 5 mana points every time. He didn't use anything more than this and, tried to analyze the skill that hindered him from teleporting earlier.

"What is it what is it." He thought to himself, also trying to figure out where his opponent is.

Zeke needed to know all of this because, in order for him to fake his own death, he needed an angle to disappear from. All these things didn't take long for Zeke and, as soon as he figured everything out, he began emitting [Cloud of Dreams].

As the skill itself has the unique trait of having its presence hidden, the enemy wasn't able to identify it. Unaware of it, the enemy was already being consumed by the illusion which made Zeke's death look as realistic and gruesome as possible. Through the [Cloud] Zeke was able to cloak everything and so, he prepared to make his exit.

Zeke threw crystals that contained explosion within them. This didn't use up any of his mana and so, the enemy had no way to detect that it was emitted by him. A large explosion soon came which Zeke timed together with his [Shadow Dive] – enabling him to masterfully escape without leaving any trace.

"So he blew himself up in order to destroy all evidence. Clever." The archer said, floating on the sky, just above the [Rain of Arrows]. Meanwhile, Zeke looked at her intently from a safe distance.

"That should be enough to entertain her." Zeke said, [Analyzing] the archer and clenching his fist before finally heading back to the base.

From the projectile that hit him, to the masterful accuracy of hitting an arrow coming towards her, and making a rain of arrows as quickly and flawlessly as that. There was no way for Zeke to be mistaken at all. With the Windspirte sigil coming to him earlier on that week, there was nothing doubting the data that appeared on his screen.

[Name: Sylvia Windsrpite]

[Job Class: Archelf Windrunner]


[Count of the Demon Continent]

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