The Gamer's System

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Jake Teppes

Within the fight, Quinn naturally shone. With the new weapon Zeke gave him, the leader of the elites was able to break the ranks of the opponents with ease. He maximized the use of skills together with his basic attacks and skill cooldown all in order for him to not have any space between actions. Naturally, the gamer had his eyes on this individual.

But aside from him, Zeke could see that a lot of improvements has come to Jake and, although he wanted to focus on the fights, Heron kept pestering him on and on about the fight that was occurring. So, Zeke turned off the [Voice Chat] and began speaking with her.

"Master what about the thig I said? Aren't you worried about who the imposter might be?" 

Zeke simply smiled at her with his usual carefree look and, patted the [Dragon Morpher] on her head. He wanted to keep the information from her for a bit longer but, decided that it was probably within the groups best interest if Heron were to already know.

"There are no imposters silly. I just took one of the trackers they had on the last fortress I raided and brought it here." Zeke said casually, as if that was a sane thing to do.

"YOUUU DID WHAAAT!" Heron exclaimed in both shock and disbelief.

"I allowed all those troops to come marching towards us." Zeke said nonchalantly.

Zeke wasn't a madman. He knew what he was doing. In fact, he knew exactly what his moves meant and, what it meant was that, the troops of Glade who recently lost contact would all come rushing towards the pinpointed location of the enemy. 

There was no way for them to know that it was underground so all they could do was blindly generate explosions from above which, didn't do any damage to the base itself. All the generals now want the fame of defeating the enemies, knowing that their ranks would surely go up from this feat.

Hence, without communicating, the generals found themselves in surprise as a lot of other generals and their forces have gathered toward the location. And not just this, Zeke could sense that even more were coming and, the ones present on the battlefield were simply closer to their location than the other generals.

"Were keeping them busy and making them always on the lookout. With all that happened, I can't allow them to have any time to regroup and refocus. They'd all want the glory of defeating the enemies that devastated the whole land and, I'm simply offering them that opportunity which they all crave." Zeke continued.

"Master. I already thought that you were crazy before but this… this is beyond crazy! You simply allowed all our enemies to march towards us. How is that a rational decision exactly!" Heron said in reply, not getting the whole point of his master.

"Silly. I'll explain every other detail once this whole ordeal has been dealt with. But, right now, we all need to focus with the enemies at hand." Zeke said to the [Dragon Morpher] with his usual carefree smile, leaving Heron with no other action to take but sigh and continue with her task – scattering and maintaining the [Cloud of Dreams].

Meanwhile, Zeke took another look at the battlefield. He wanted to make sure that the elites were capable of winning this one. Just like on the first mission where he deployed the group, Zeke actually had a separate task for himself. One which he could only perform if the elites proved capable enough. And so, proceeded to watching Jake who was doing such a splendid performance.

There was a certain reason why Jake chose his new job class of [Tepes] and, this was it:

[Information: The job class is derived from the creature known as Vlad Tepes or Vlad the Impaler. Through this job class, the owner can release multiple javelins shooting down from the sky. These will aim at the heads of all that has been marked as enemies and, covers a large area with the caster at the center.]

[Information: Because of the nature of the skill, it would be best to have no allies nearby as the skill might even target these.]

[Information: The amount of javelin that will come raining down and, the duration would all depend on the amount of mana released by the job class holder. Spikes can also sprout from the ground and, these are as sharp as the rain of javelins.]josei

There was so much excitement within Jake that, he couldn't tell if he was transforming into a murderer already. But then he remembered Zeke's words; about how the world would adjust one's desires based on what was available. And, for Jake who was a hardworking athlete, nothing would satisfy him more than seeing the fruit of all his labor. And, this was best demonstrated on the battlefield. 

"Guys get as far away from me as possible." Jake said.

He saw a [Chaos Wyvern Rider] and made sure that this enemy was able to focus on him. He taunted the enemy, threw rocks at it and, this was all it took to anger the enemy who came swooping down for Jake.

"Why do we need to do that?" Curio asked as Jake prepared his attack.

The [Chaos Wyvern Rider] made this bold move because he had a barrier skill which could shield him in case the enemy tried stabbing or piercing through. But, unknown to him, Jake's piercing skill is much stronger than any normal run of the mill barrier could handle. 

"I can't have you guys hoarding all the fame and glory, now can I?" He told them, throwing his javelin at the enemy.

This was full reinforced with [Pierce] and other strength boosting skills. The attack immediately broke the barrier of the rider, making the javelin pass through him and, as it did, Jake activated his [Weapon Blink] teleporting to the location of his javelin while using [Overdrive] to quickly maneuver himself into controlling the [Chaos Wyvern].

"He's grown so much from the last time I saw him fight." Zeke said to himself, satisfied with Jake but, knowing that the javelin user still had a lot of things under his sleeve.

"Heron, I'll be leaving soon. The barrier is completed so there's no need to worry about more forces coming in." Zeke said, intending to watch Jake's full performance before teleporting out of the base.

Jake flew up, higher and higher. None of the other [Chaos Wyvern Riders] were able to catch him and, as he reached the top of an enemy infested area, he finally activated his skill.


Immediately, a large crimson color formed on the sky which Jake himself did not anticipate and, not a few seconds later, the javelins began raining down one by one on the unexpecting enemies.

There was no escaping this. Everyone was inevitably hit with the skill shot of Jake and, the rain of terror befell them. Unlike Kaguya's [Oblivion] which offered swift death to those within its area of effect, Jake's skill wasn't as forgiving. It killed its targets one by one, allowing other soldiers to see how helpless they are within the skill's range. And not just this, because Jake's skill costed less mana, it meant that, it could be maintained for a longer period of time and, this scared the soldiers. 

"Okay anyone else want to demonstrate their [AoE] attacks now?" Quinn asked the group who all laughed excitedly. They all had something in store of course and, just like Jake, they were just waiting for the right opportunity to use them.

Gawain has that devastating wind spell which nobody knows the name of yet. Kaguya has [Oblivion], the earliest [AoE] skill which the elites had at their disposal and, still one of the strongest ones up to date. Quinn had [Singularity] but, was asked by Zeke to not use the skill unless the need arises. 

Then there is also the latest addition, Jake. He showed his own version of an [AoE] skill. But, unknown to them, the javelin user actually had two [Aoe] skills and one follow up skill at his disposal thus, as he ended the rain of javelins, the human went down to meet the next wave of soldier which began running towards him.

"I still have little to no control over this so, it's good that none of you are nearby." He began, referring to the elites.

Jake took out his original weapon and, it became cloaked with the same crimson blood-like color. All around him, the javelins that were already planted on the ground began shaking. And, the human athlete went into a stance using the weapon he had on his hand – as if he was about to throw his javelin. The weapon began having a faint aura of the same color although not visible from a distance and, with all of this being set, Jake finally began his next attack.

Around a hundred javelins got uprooted from the ground. These weapons seemed to have a life of their own and, began moving through the battlefield, protecting Jake who was at the center. Every attack that tried coming for him got blocked by the javelins and, every enemy that reached its range instantly got pierced by at least ten javelins before moving on toa new target.

The whole group saw this with amazement in their eyes. This was the first time they have ever encountered something as absurd and, quite frankly it scared them a little. The soldiers themselves were in terror but, knew better than to back away. So they continued advancing toward their enemy who finally had them within range.

The same form, the same movements of muscles and bones, and the same accuracy as he had even before leaving earth, With the same body that allowed him to undeniably topple over every individual in the world of sports, Jake finally threw his weapon at the speed that could rival even a bullet shot. 

The javelins protecting him followed suit and, moved in linear direction –stabbing through enemies one by one. It was a cruel bloodbath but, Jake was nowhere near finished. He leapt toward them and, activated the other version of his [Aoe] attack.

"Impale!" Spikes shot up form the ground, catching the unsuspecting enemies one by one. A multitude of screams soon followed and, through all this effort, Jake thought that he was able to shave down at least half of the enemies. But he was nowhere near right.

"Good job guys. Just around 90% of the enemies left to go." Heron told the group who began laughing at how insanely difficult everything was. But they didn't complain. In fact, they were excited to see just how far they could go.

Even Zeke was satisfied. So much so that he finally decided to move out himself. The fight got him all fired up, wanting a piece of the action himself which he was sure he would be getting plenty of soon enough.

"Heron. I'll be leaving them in your care again." 

"Of course master." The [Dragon Morpher] replied, watching Zeke vanish once again. 

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